Sit Down Desantis, shut your bitch ass up.

Rightys are pounding on Desantis . He deserves it.

I'm surprised to hear such smart words coming out of your mouth... Too bad it won't last even into the next sentence...

However when Trump cannot run, they will suddenly love, love, love Desantis.
Not a chance in hell. Ron!'s goose is cooked... It's Trump or bust.

Desantis is a creep, but he us smart enough to see when Trump is arrested, the reds will need someone to turn to. He will have an easy trip to the nomination.
That's essentially the plan... Support the Dems in their quest to destroy Trump and then be the "Top Gov" savior... barf.

He just has to endure the Trumpian onslaught. He also has to survive the Trumpys and stay viable.
This is the flaw in the plan. He can't endure it. He has no authenticity, and no amount of money can buy him any authenticity. Everything about him is phony.
A good assessment but it's still a long way to July 2024. When did Hillary's campaign implode in 2008? Howard Dean's in 2004?

In a normal primary, I would agree with you. Neither Clinton, nor Dean had this level of fanatical support. A majority of Republican primary voters will support trump whatever he does. trump lost the sexual assault lawsuit, and it did not change any of their minds. It did not move the needle even a little. That tells me that nothing will change their minds.

The avalanche of scandals might change the minds of people who are leaning Republican, but they do not vote in the primaries. With any luck, some of the lightly leaning Republicans will vote for Biden, and some of the heavily leaning Republicans will not vote at all in disgust. The not voting at all would be bad for Republicans down the ballot. It just takes a small number to turn on trump to make this truly a landslide.

Trump's court cases should start popping up later this year or early the next. He's dumb enough to still run just like he was dumb enough to defame Carroll on national tv shortly after losing a defamation lawsuit in court. Unless Trump wants to spend his own money, and I'm guessing he doesn't, he'll have a hard time finding major donors for his campaign.

trump is not going to have many large donors on his side, and without the large donors... Let's just say it will be an interesting race. Worse yet, trump will be stealing as much as he can from his own campaign.
In a normal primary, I would agree with you. Neither Clinton, nor Dean had this level of fanatical support. A majority of Republican primary voters will support trump whatever he does. trump lost the sexual assault lawsuit, and it did not change any of their minds. It did not move the needle even a little. That tells me that nothing will change their minds.

The avalanche of scandals might change the minds of people who are leaning Republican, but they do not vote in the primaries. With any luck, some of the lightly leaning Republicans will vote for Biden, and some of the heavily leaning Republicans will not vote at all in disgust. The not voting at all would be bad for Republicans down the ballot. It just takes a small number to turn on trump to make this truly a landslide.

trump is not going to have many large donors on his side, and without the large donors... Let's just say it will be an interesting race. Worse yet, trump will be stealing as much as he can from his own campaign.

Hillary still has fanatical followers. Mention her emails, Benghazi or her private server to see what I mean. LOL

No doubt Pedo Don will steal as much as he can before it's all over.

I'm surprised to hear such smart words coming out of your mouth... Too bad it won't last even into the next sentence...

Not a chance in hell. Ron!'s goose is cooked... It's Trump or bust.

That's essentially the plan... Support the Dems in their quest to destroy Trump and then be the "Top Gov" savior... barf.

This is the flaw in the plan. He can't endure it. He has no authenticity, and no amount of money can buy him any authenticity. Everything about him is phony.

Trump is in very serious legal trouble. He likely will be in court fighting for his freedom. He cannot win the Georgia or Mira Lago cases. He was recorded doing them. A reasonable righty, not you, will abandon Trump. He lost the vote count to Hillary. He is not widening his base. If Biden were younger, he would be miles ahead of daffy Donald.
Trump is in very serious legal trouble. He likely will be in court fighting for his freedom. He cannot win the Georgia or Mira Lago cases. He was recorded doing them. A reasonable righty, not you, will abandon Trump. He lost the vote count to Hillary. He is not widening his base. If Biden were younger, he would be miles ahead of daffy Donald.

I would be shocked if Trump ever sees a day in prison.

OTOH, I wouldn't be surprised if he is effectively under house arrest for the remainder of his life....which may not be a very long wait. It'd be a race to see who goes first: Biden or Trump.
DeSantis is wasting a lot of time campaigning, if he has no intention of running.

trump is a bizarre combination of weak and strong. he is incredibly weak in the general election, and incredibly strong in the nomination race. This gives DeSantis, and a few others hope, so trump will not run for the nomination unopposed. At the same time, trump is strong enough there is little purpose to oppose him for the nomination.

Meanwhile, Biden is practically running for the nomination unopposed. You could point out minor candidates, but there are always minor candidates. DeSantis is a lot of things, but he is not minor.

What's best for America and Americans, brah? That's the only thing I give a fuck about.