Site Registration Problem - am I posting to the right place?

Some of us have been hanging out on forums since 2004. Long time.


Some of us have been interweb friends since before the 2000 election... Most of those followed a path of two dead boards to here. You'll see them referred to as, and this one
Thank god you all are so nice to each other.

haha. Actually Billy, the rest haven't come over yet, just wait. The word went out across all the internet; having a vicious, years-long war? Take it to JPP! Where Billy, Grind, and Damo will spend two years sorting it all out until it's fixed!
Some of us have been hanging out on forums since 2004. Long time.

The last time a board went defunct and a bunch of people came here from there, it was the aol boards and it caused the mods here some small problems. There were a couple of issues, let's just say that. :)

Although I think you said you like internet drama? I can't remember. If so, you would have loved it!

Some of us have been interweb friends since before the 2000 election... Most of those followed a path of two dead boards to here. You'll see them referred to as, and this one

Okay, I'm impressed...I knew you all were tight here and had a long history, but I thought it only went back to 2006.
The last time a board went defunct and a bunch of people came here from there, it was the aol boards and it caused the mods here some small problems. There were a couple of issues, let's just say that. :)

Although I think you said you like internet drama? I can't remember. If so, you would have loved it!

I don't mind the drama, but there's a theshold, if you get my drift...

There's something about this place that is really refreshing - there isn't this 'separation' between the admins and the rest of us. Admins can take the heat of ensuing friction that develops between themselves and us without being assholes and 'pulling rank' all the time. That's my number one pet peeve on forums.
I don't mind the drama, but there's a theshold, if you get my drift...

There's something about this place that is really refreshing - there isn't this 'separation' between the admins and the rest of us. Admins can take the heat of ensuing friction that develops between themselves and us without being assholes and 'pulling rank' all the time. That's my number one pet peeve on forums.

Oh yes, and I actually dislike it myself.

Yes the mods here are very cool. Politically backwards, but very good as moderators. ;)