Site Registration Problem - am I posting to the right place?

Well there are like 25 of those in an inch, and now that we are on our honeymoon I could make a joke but I would not be so tacky.

I lob that softball up there for you to knock out of the park and you sit there at the plate and take a strike... liberals
2k is nothing for sf. That's like 20 bucks to most people. There's a reason he advocates for one percentile policies people!

lol... actually, my flat tax proposal would increase the taxes on the 1%... which no, I am not a part of... at least not yet
I just assume those Bostonianers with that wickedly nasty accent say something like Owull for Owl and think it has 2 syllables... I was making fun of Grind. It's like listening to a Midwesterner add an "r" to the words wash, oil, and toilet. Funny.

Come down here sometime, Damo. I can let you hear people add syllables to almost any word, or make most words monosyllabic.
I just assume those Bostonianers with that wickedly nasty accent say something like Owull for Owl and think it has 2 syllables... I was making fun of Grind. It's like listening to a Midwesterner add an "r" to the words wash, oil, and toilet. Funny.

The only one I catch myself doing that, is with wa(r)sh.
I have no idea why.
Drink more and with any luck, you'll never remember the incident.

Four out of five posts you make here are by way of inserting yourself between me and SF and attempting to elicit a negative response about me from SF. What do you want? SF why don't you throw this fucking idiot a bone? he's just dying for your attention.

Talk about leg-humping stalkers, he is way more into you than C was ever into me. I mean, it's just embarrassing at this point.
Four out of five posts you make here are by way of inserting yourself between me and SF and attempting to elicit a negative response about me from SF. What do you want? SF why don't you throw this fucking idiot a bone? he's just dying for your attention.

Talk about leg-humping stalkers, he is way more into you than C was ever into me. I mean, it's just embarrassing at this point.

Come down here sometime, Damo. I can let you hear people add syllables to almost any word, or make most words monosyllabic.

The Colorado Accent is boring. Silly things like pronouncing pin and pen the same, otherwise we speak like those bland tv announcers.

However, I was in the military. It has an accent of its own.
The Colorado Accent is boring. Silly things like pronouncing pin and pen the same, otherwise we speak like those bland tv announcers.

However, I was in the military. It has an accent of its own.

Saying fuck as a filler word in every sentence isn't an accent.
I just assume those Bostonianers with that wickedly nasty accent say something like Owull for Owl and think it has 2 syllables... I was making fun of Grind. It's like listening to a Midwesterner add an "r" to the words wash, oil, and toilet. Funny.

So that's why Pmp always writes "omigorsh"!