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I just assume those Bostonianers with that wickedly nasty accent say something like Owull for Owl and think it has 2 syllables... I was making fun of Grind. It's like listening to a Midwesterner add an "r" to the words wash, oil, and toilet. Funny.

yup i might say it like that O_o

I dont think I have a boston accent though. At least not traditionally. I dunno ask billy, he's the only one ever to hear me speak
yup i might say it like that O_o

I dont think I have a boston accent though. At least not traditionally. I dunno ask billy, he's the only one ever to hear me speak

Yeah, ask the guy who listened to after drinking for 13 hours.

Na, you do have a slight accent, but its not bad. Apparently I am devoid of a regional accent.
Speaking of guns... what is the rec from you gun pros for a 9mm? Just looking for something smaller to play with on the range than my .45

I'm not a fan of the 9mm. If you want something to play with at the range, get a .22. That way you can blast away for hours without spending much.

In fact, look into one of the .22 conversions for your .45. Then you can have more fun, spend less, and still be practicing with your Go-To gun.
I have an accent for sure. Contrary to some jealous bitches I do not sound like the nanny. Jealous bitches say I sound nasal, men say please call me again tomorrow baby.

That's just a fact jack.