Site Registration Problem - am I posting to the right place?

Yeah, ask the guy who listened to after drinking for 13 hours.

Na, you do have a slight accent, but its not bad. Apparently I am devoid of a regional accent.

My MI relations all have accents to my ear.

Years ago I was vacationing with them in a cabin at the top of the thumb, and everyday we'd walk to a little store to buy goodies. The sales clerks always asked me questions because they thought I had an accent and wanted to hear me pronounce certain words.
Considering that I'm the option, I don't blame him.

My friend, I like you and all. But I think....well.....Darla would be unable to walk and be hoarse from screaming and you would still not be an option I would consider like that.

Now if the option is who to take to the shooting range, you win hands down.
My MI relations all have accents to my ear.

Years ago I was vacationing with them in a cabin at the top of the thumb, and everyday we'd walk to a little store to buy goodies. The sales clerks always asked me questions because they thought I had an accent and wanted to hear me pronounce certain words.

Down here people ask where I am from, because they don't think I have a southern accent. When I was married to my first wife, her friends & family in Vermont loved my southern drawl. (ok, I played it up a bit for some)
Four out of five posts you make here are by way of inserting yourself between me and SF and attempting to elicit a negative response about me from SF. What do you want? SF why don't you throw this fucking idiot a bone? he's just dying for your attention.

Talk about leg-humping stalkers, he is way more into you than C was ever into me. I mean, it's just embarrassing at this point.

uh oh... someone's panties are in a bunch
My MI relations all have accents to my ear.

Years ago I was vacationing with them in a cabin at the top of the thumb, and everyday we'd walk to a little store to buy goodies. The sales clerks always asked me questions because they thought I had an accent and wanted to hear me pronounce certain words.
Yeah, my wife says the same thing about people in MI having an accent, but somehow I don't according to everyone who's ever heard me speak.
guess i should say my hellos too. HELLO!! Refugee from various boards, stil active on a few, but interest wanes.

Is there a chess feature here? anybody play?
Been watching the Anand-Gelfand World Championship match - some wild games, and a few snoorers too.

anyways.. Thanks for this place, my thoughts are similiar to other NOOBs - i don't post a lot, goes in runs, whenever I have diarrhea of the mind.
guess i should say my hellos too. HELLO!! Refugee from various boards, stil active on a few, but interest wanes.

Is there a chess feature here? anybody play?
Been watching the Anand-Gelfand World Championship match - some wild games, and a few snoorers too.

anyways.. Thanks for this place, my thoughts are similiar to other NOOBs - i don't post a lot, goes in runs, whenever I have diarrhea of the mind.

Good morning, annata! So glad you made it. I think you'll like it here. There's a nice, healthy mix of ideas here, generously ranging from left to right (and right to wrong! LOL), and so on.

You and I have traveled on many different forums together - I hope this is the last one for quite a while. Welcome!! :)
Good morning, annata! So glad you made it. I think you'll like it here. There's a nice, healthy mix of ideas here, generously ranging from left to right (and right to wrong! LOL), and so on.

You and I have traveled on many different forums together - I hope this is the last one for quite a while. Welcome!! :)
what a long strange trip it's been.