So Bush "made us less safe"?

Feb. 26, 1993 - bombing of WTC by Islamic militants, 7 killed
June 27, 1993 – missile attack on Baghdad ordered by BJ Clinton
Oct 3-4, 1993 - BJ Clinton abandons 19 US soldiers to Islamic killers in Mogadishu, their naked corpses are dragged through the streets, and Osama takes note...
1995 Iraq reveals its' large biological weapons arsenal and admits contemplating its' use during the Gulf War
June 25, 1996 – Islamic bombing of Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, killing 19 US soldiers
July 17, 1996 -TWA flight 800 destroyed in the air, killing 210 passengers and 18 crew
August 7, 1998 – Islamic bombing of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
August 21, 1998 – BJ Clinton launches missile attacks against terrorist camp in Afghanistan and suspected chemical weapons plant in Sudan, which turns out to be an aspirin factory
December 17, 1998 – BJ Clinton begins bombing raids against Iraq to distract the public from his impeachment proceedings
October 12, 2000 – Islamic attack on the USS Cole in Aden,Yemen, killing 17 American sailors...

Since September 11, 2001?

Nothing, outside of the war zones where the US military protects leftist ingrates from the murderers who want to kill them...
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Proof positive that America is now "safe".

(apart from the never-ending war on terror which shall consume us all)

Hooray for the President.
There have been more terrorist-related attacks against Americans in the last 5 years than in the previous 100.
Since it makes you happy, go ahead.

Does it "make me happy"?

Frankly, i'd rather neither of our countries be there.

But i'm always revelling in the death of another American soldier, when i'm not instigating Communism, of course.
Feb. 26, 1993 - bombing of WTC by Islamic militants, 7 killed
June 27, 1993 – missile attack on Baghdad ordered by BJ Clinton
Oct 3-4, 1993 - BJ Clinton abandons 19 US soldiers to Islamic killers in Mogadishu, their naked corpses are dragged through the streets, and Osama takes note...
1995 Iraq reveals its' large biological weapons arsenal and admits contemplating its' use during the Gulf War
June 25, 1996 – Islamic bombing of Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, killing 19 US soldiers
July 17, 1996 -TWA flight 800 destroyed in the air, killing 210 passengers and 18 crew
August 7, 1998 – Islamic bombing of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
August 21, 1998 – BJ Clinton launches missile attacks against terrorist camp in Afghanistan and suspected chemical weapons plant in Sudan, which turns out to be an aspirin factory
December 17, 1998 – BJ Clinton begins bombing raids against Iraq to distract the public from his impeachment proceedings
October 12, 2000 – Islamic attack on the USS Cole in Aden,Yemen, killing 17 American sailors...

Since September 11, 2001?

Nothing, outside of the war zones where the US military protects leftist ingrates from the murderers who want to kill them...

Since 9-11, more Americans have died violent deaths in reaction to 9-11 than died on 9-11, Kobar towers, USS Cole.......... combined. Seems our reaction is killing more of our young than the terrorists. Choose what you're proud of dumbass. Don't be proud that our people are dying simply because they're wearing stripes.

More Americans are dead because of your stupid assed ilk than because of the terrorists. Don't even try to sell the pride shit to me. You can go die over there if you want to impress me. Otherwise, you can shut the fuck up.
Since September 11, 2001? How many Islamic attacks in the USA?

Let's the entire history of the USA there have been 2 terrorist attacks by Islamic terrorist in the USA. One when Clinton was president in which about 6 people died and one when Bush was President in which close to 3,000 people died.........
You know what's funny and it really makes these wingnuts like irreputable do back flips is that historians are all ready classifying Bush with Harding, Nixon and Buchannon as one of the worst failed Presidencies in US history while Clinton is being regarded as one of the best peace time Presidents of the last half of the 20th century. Isn't the irony rich? LOL

Well it should come as no surprise to anyone that an extremist like Bush should be a failure.
Since September 11, 2001? How many Islamic attacks in the USA?

Why do you not include 911?

Bush failed to protect us against that one and he had people like Richard Clarke trying to get him to care about it. He had memos saying things like "Bin Laden determined to attack the US"

I mean Hells Bellls they had attacked the same fucking tower in 1993 and they counldnt figure out that they might do it again?

When Clinton was president in his first month they attacked the towers and then he protected them from being attacked again. Then Bush took office and nine months later BLAMO! they did it one better. Tell me why the hell Bush just sat there and refused to even listen to Richard Clarke when he told Bush AQ and OBL were a threat when they had attacked us before?

The really sad thing was even after we were attacked he pulled troops out of the country which harbored the AQ guys and went after a country who was basically their enemy. Man what a stupid move if you wanted to really fight the "terrorists".