So Bush "made us less safe"?

Yeah; when Bush saw the report titled "Bin Laden determined to attack within U.S.," he reportedly told his aides, "Well, you've covered your asses."

But of course, no follow up action was taken.
Just like there were none after the first WTC bombing....well until Bush allowed it to happen under his watch.

But there were attacks after the first WTC bombing. And all Clinton did was to attack an aspirin factory in the Sudan. What did Bush do that allowed 9-11 to happen?

What has he done since? He stood up to Islamic Radicals. He has shown that America will strike back. Do you think that al-Qaeda would have attacked on Sept. 11 if they knew what our response would be? You have peace when the consequences of an attack are known and severe. Al-Qaeda had no idea that America would attack with the determination and fury that began to unfold after 9-11.
"Do you think that al-Qaeda would have attacked on Sept. 11 if they knew what our response would be? "

Man, are you dumb. Iraq was exactly the response they were HOPING for. Bin Laden stated as much; his whole goal was to provoke us into a response in the Middle East, to serve as a call for jihad.

You guys shouldn't talk about national security issues; you're not qualified. The lack of knowldedge is staggering.
But there were attacks after the first WTC bombing. And all Clinton did was to attack an aspirin factory in the Sudan. What did Bush do that allowed 9-11 to happen?

He did not stop it and Pissed off people like Richard Clarke who were trying to get him to do something. Why do you people refuse to absorb these facts?

There have been attacks outside of the US under both of them you fool. We were talking inside the US.

What has he done since? He stood up to Islamic Radicals. He has shown that America will strike back. Do you think that al-Qaeda would have attacked on Sept. 11 if they knew what our response would be? You have peace when the consequences of an attack are known and severe. Al-Qaeda had no idea that America would attack with the determination and fury that began to unfold after 9-11.

They wanted us to attack them you fool, that is why they did 911.

We attacked Afganastan and then shorted the force there to do a war for Oil in Iraq. No AQ ties and no WMDs remember?
Yeah; when Bush saw the report titled "Bin Laden determined to attack within U.S.," he reportedly told his aides, "Well, you've covered your asses."

But of course, no follow up action was taken.

That sounds like he was saying "Well, we have done all we can. If anyone else knows anything else, please come forth with whatever information you have." Is it a secret that Islam wants to destroy America and the Western world? Is this news to anyone since November 4, 1979?

Looking back, what should he have done - Aside from arresting the 19 hijackers that until they had actually hijacked the airplanes, had done nothing wrong. Were wiretaps allowed on the 19 hijackers? Most Liberals would not want the FBI or anyone else trying to anything that would violate their civil rights. You could not exactly arrest Bin Laden. OBL was not in-country at the time. He had an alibi. Without the use of 20/20 hindsight, what should have been done that would have prevented the 9-11 attack?

Did we have the names of the hijackers prior to the morning of September 11? Did anyone have their itinerary? Did anyone have their plan?

What about the "Shoe Bomber"? Even after 9-11, did anyone know about him and his plan? The only reason that anyone discovered him was he was trying to light his shoe with matches. The flight attendant thought it look a little suspicious. Thanks to the "Shoe Bomber's" efforts, we are not requited to remove our shoes as a part of moving through security at the airport.
"That sounds like he was saying "Well, we have done all we can. If anyone else knows anything else, please come forth with whatever information you have." "

You've gotta just take my word for it on this; it only sounds that way to a brain-dead hack & Bush lover whose brain is saturated with koolaid.
As usual, the libs want it both ways. They howl if the authorities question anyone about terrorism, or take any measures to obtain intelligence about terrorism. Then they accuse Bush of not doing enough of the things they opposed.
They wanted us to attack them you fool, that is why they did 911.

We attacked Afganastan and then shorted the force there to do a war for Oil in Iraq. No AQ ties and no WMDs remember?

Just so there is no confusion, please explain who "they" is and why they wanted us to attack?

Why is it you do not remember why we went back to Iraq? I guess if you keep saying "War for Oil" long enough and loud enough, you will actually believe it is true.

Remember the Ceasefire and the weapon's inspectors. Remember 14 months of debate in Congress. Remember Hussein's violating the Ceasefire Agreement? Remember President Bill Clinton and what he had to say?

"The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States, 1998

"The hard fact is that so long as Saddam remains in power, he threatens the well-being of his people, the peace of his region, and the security of the world."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States

"The best way to end that threat once and for all is with a new Iraqi government - a government ready to live in peace with its neighbors, a government that respects the rights of its people. Bringing change in Baghdad will take time and effort. We will strengthen our engagement with the full range of Iraqi opposition forces and work with them effectively and prudently..."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States

"Heavy as they are, the costs of action must be weighed against the price of inaction. If Saddam defies the world and we fail to respond, we will face a far greater threat in the future. Saddam will strike again at his neighbors. He will make war on his own people."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States

"And mark my words, he will develop weapons of mass destruction. He will deploy them, and he will use them."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States speaking about Saddam Hussein

"Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors..."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States, December 16, 1998

"Because we're acting today, it is less likely that we will face these dangers in the future..."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States, December 16, 1998​

Does any of this ring a bell with you?
No, "Bush lied and people died" is about the extent of their memory.

Odd how a man they deride as a fool was able to outwit all those clever people....

I hear that Bush even masterminded the entire 9-11 attack. Apparently, al-Qaeda had nothing to do with the 9-11 attack. I know, I saw it on You-tube. :eek:
That "war for oil thing" sure has brought prices down, hasn't it?

How's that list of successful terror attacks in the US since 9/11 coming?

It was not supposed to bring the prices down, but to bring the profits up. sheesh.

Ever hear of a Neocon wanting to limit profit ?