So.. If the Media is really "conservative"...

Cindy Sheehan was a media darling back then and was on the news every day..
she is now protesting the Hugo Obama and not one word have we heard about it..she is no longer a useful tool for the left I guess..poor thing

She's only arriving at MV today. Give it time.
Becuase the war coverage became the IN thing to cover.

They did not cover the things like congress allowing the corps to do whatever the fuck they wanted for profits sake , screwing the economy into a near death spiral.

Now the economy is top because people are scared and hurting.

They do report the INSANE batshitcrazy crap like the birthers and deathers as if there was ANY shred of credibility to the arguements.

Its fucking lies and it gets covered like it isnt obvious that it is.

Lets remember that me and my friends turned out to be right about the shit Bush was doing, this shit is obvious lies.

This is priceless. We've missed you Desh.
Becuase the war coverage became the IN thing to cover.

They did not cover the things like congress allowing the corps to do whatever the fuck they wanted for profits sake , screwing the economy into a near death spiral.

Now the economy is top because people are scared and hurting.

They do report the INSANE batshitcrazy crap like the birthers and deathers as if there was ANY shred of credibility to the arguements.

Its fucking lies and it gets covered like it isnt obvious that it is.

Lets remember that me and my friends turned out to be right about the shit Bush was doing, this shit is obvious lies.
The mainstream media doesn't report about "birthers" their editorial reporters simply mock them. About the only place that reports about them rather than mocks them is worldnetdaily... Even O'Reilly came out even at the beginning of it saying they'd seen the documents and were satisfied.

Slow news days were filled with stories about the 7 guys standing outside Berkeley recruiting stations protesting. Now?... "dogs with phones" (again not kidding, an actual story I saw recently where the dog had a false pregnancy and started nurturing the family phones).
cawack you are full of shit.

Even some idiot congress critters are still talking to their constits as if it were true.
cawack you are full of shit.

Even some idiot congress critters are still talking to their constits as if it were true.

I'll accept the I'm full of shit part but what am I full of shit about? And I have no idea what you are referrencing when saying Congress people are talking to their constituents as if it is true. Talking about what?
well, where are all the anit-war protesters now? the Hugo Obama hasn't done anything different with the wars and in fact is talking about sending more troops to Afghanistan..??

seems a little odd don't ya think, not one friggen protest against any of it..

people knew what the hell those shenanigans was all about and now we see the proof as no anti-war protesting today..
well, where are all the anit-war protesters now? the Hugo Obama hasn't done anything different with the wars and in fact is talking about sending more troops to Afghanistan..??

seems a little odd don't ya think, not one friggen protest against any of it..

people knew what the hell those shenanigans was all about and now we see the proof as no anti-war protesting today..

What are you talking about?

There is a protest in my town every week.

The left is not happy about what Obama is doing w/ regard to both wars.

Obama campaigned on sending more troops to Afghanistan, btw.
I'll accept the I'm full of shit part but what am I full of shit about? And I have no idea what you are referrencing when saying Congress people are talking to their constituents as if it is true. Talking about what?
She's talking about the birth certificate thing. I haven't seen one serious report about it on regular news (other than reporting that the Hawaii guy says that the birth certificate is legit), again. The only reporting on it, rather than editorializing, that I have seen at all is on worldnetdaily...
well, where are all the anit-war protesters now? the Hugo Obama hasn't done anything different with the wars and in fact is talking about sending more troops to Afghanistan..??

seems a little odd don't ya think, not one friggen protest against any of it..

people knew what the hell that whole shenanigans was all about and now we see the proof as no anti-war protesting today..

Nothing different?

have you not been watching the news?

There are Nukes in Pakistan, we are concentrating on the Afgan war to protect those nukes from falling into Taliban hands.

How many US soldiers have died in Iraq this month?

The war on Terror does not even exsist anymore.

It was ended like the idiot propaganda that it was.
She's talking about the birth certificate thing. I haven't seen one serious report about it on regular news (other than reporting that the Hawaii guy says that the birth certificate is legit), again. The only reporting on it, rather than editorializing, that I have seen at all is on worldnetdaily...

Ok, i didn't make any comments on the birth certificate issue.
Ok, i didn't make any comments on the birth certificate issue.
Nah, she was the one that brought that into this thread. My point to her was the mainstream media simply mocks the "birthers" in editorials, I've never seen a serious report on them at all.
She's talking about the birth certificate thing. I haven't seen one serious report about it on regular news (other than reporting that the Hawaii guy says that the birth certificate is legit), again. The only reporting on it, rather than editorializing, that I have seen at all is on worldnetdaily...

Everytime they report on the people yelling and screaming at the town halls about it it legitimatizes it unless they point out right then that the facts have been laid on the table and HE IS A CITIZEN under the law of the land.
She's talking about the birth certificate thing. I haven't seen one serious report about it on regular news (other than reporting that the Hawaii guy says that the birth certificate is legit), again. The only reporting on it, rather than editorializing, that I have seen at all is on worldnetdaily...

There were definitely serious reports about it, even on MSNBC & CNN.

I'm not sure what planet you live on. You'd have more credibility if you said something like "it didn't get that much coverage," or "its coverage didn't compare to comparable stories for the left," or something like that.

But to continue to engage in the hyperbole you do "not one serious report" - severely undermines your arguments.
Everytime they report on the people yelling and screaming at the town halls about it it legitimatizes it unless they point out right then that the facts have been laid on the table and HE IS A CITIZEN under the law of the land.
Please, even the video of the town hall people show them calling him socialist, or that dumb girl with the Hitler mustache picture, nothing about his citizenship.

(BTW - I've been to three town hall meetings, so far I've seen many protesters, but none like that girl and nobody shouted over anybody.)
There were definitely serious reports about it, even on MSNBC & CNN.

I'm not sure what planet you live on. You'd have more credibility if you said something like "it didn't get that much coverage," or "its coverage didn't compare to comparable stories for the left," or something like that.

But to continue to engage in the hyperbole you do "not one serious report" - severely undermines your arguments.
I said I haven't seen the coverage, I didn't say it never existed. The only reporting that I have seen on this issue, other than editorializing to mock them on MSNBC and other channels, was on worldnetdaily.

Methinks thou dost protest too much.

I'm not sure what planet you live on where somebody says "I haven't seen" something means the same thing as saying it doesn't exist.

I've never seen a caribou.

Are you saying the MSM takes this as seriously as Desh is suggesting? That they are reporting on this instead of the economy? Please. That's just plain ridiculous.
I said I haven't seen the coverage, I didn't say it never existed. The only reporting that I have seen on this issue, other than editorializing to mock them on MSNBC and other channels, was on worldnetdaily.

Methinks thou dost protest too much.

I'm not sure what planet you live on where somebody says "I haven't seen" something means the same thing as saying it doesn't exist.

I've never seen a caribou.

Are you saying the MSM takes this as seriously as Desh is suggesting? That they are reporting on this instead of the economy? Please. That's just plain ridiculous.

No; I wouldn't argue that it's getting a ton of coverage.

But I don't see it as warranting a lot of coverage, certainly not more or even close to what the economy gets. And it's not because I'm a leftie; if I'm an editor, making an objective priority list of story importance, the economy is somewhere near #1, and the birther issue is down in the teens somewhere...
Please, even the video of the town hall people show them calling him socialist, or that dumb girl with the Hitler mustache picture, nothing about his citizenship.

(BTW - I've been to three town hall meetings, so far I've seen many protesters, but none like that girl and nobody shouted over anybody.)

What did their signs say?

what were their agruments against healthcare?