So now the democrats blame Republicans for the open & breached southern wall

If that's true, which I hadn't heard, then Republicans really dropped the ball. Illegal immigration/the border is a huge topic and Biden vetoing a bill would have been absolute GOLD for Republicans!

you have to be've heard about it, it IS gold, and it WILL remove Biden from the Oval Office.....
Here are parts of the bill that DimTater refuses to discuss:

The Bill would have provided $2.104 billion for an additional border wall, as well as $496.2 million to fund 22,000 additional Border Patrol Agents.

Also in the bill - $305.4 million for additional non-intrusive inspection technology, $276 million for new border security technology and $149 million to sustain current border security technology programs.

you forget that the bill spent most of its funding providing benefits to those permitted to enter illegally and did nothing to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants......
But since the wall is there, as promised, how can there be a problem?

The wall isn't there idiot since biden refused to continue building it as soon as he became our illegitimate president, and in fact sold all
the remaining wall pieces for a nickel on the dollar.
The wall isn't there idiot since biden refused to continue building it as soon as he became our illegitimate president, and in fact sold all
the remaining wall pieces for a nickel on the dollar.

The wall has to be there, Libhater.

Trump promised it several thousands of times during his run for office in 2016...and he won. He had four long years to get it done...and since Mexico was paying for it, he did not even have to worry about the congress appropriating funds.

He built a big, beautiful wall across the southern Mexico to pay for it...and that should be doing MORE THAN an adequate job of preventing border crossings.

So what is the problem?
Grow up and stop lying for we all know that you never read that so-called immigration bill. Why do you suppose 51 democrat senators voted no on the first border secure bill that would have virtually stopped all of the millions of illegals from getting to the point where now the border crisis is negatively affecting thousands if not millions of Americans?

If the “first border secure bill” is the shame the House sent over to the Senate it was because even GOP Senators said it was a waste of time, largely bought back the same useless efforts that Trump played and were throw out in the Courts, why would one duplicate failure
The Ukraine war, the Middle East on fire, open borders, crime, inflation, Hamas demonstrators in NY screaming death to America, death to Israel, fentanyl coming from China into America through the Biden open borders killing hundreds of thousands of Americans…what more has to happen to America before these far left Democratic Socialist loons are voted out of office?

The wall has to be there, Libhater.

Trump promised it several thousands of times during his run for office in 2016...and he won. He had four long years to get it done...and since Mexico was paying for it, he did not even have to worry about the congress appropriating funds.

He built a big, beautiful wall across the southern Mexico to pay for it...and that should be doing MORE THAN an adequate job of preventing border crossings.

So what is the problem?

The problem was that he didn't have time to finish the Wall before biden illegitimately became potus. And when biden became potus he decided to let the wall pieces
rust under the sun.
If the “first border secure bill” is the shame the House sent over to the Senate it was because even GOP Senators said it was a waste of time, largely bought back the same useless efforts that Trump played and were throw out in the Courts, why would one duplicate failure

Tell us beehives, if the wall and the border security weren't up to task when Trump was president, regardless whether the wall was completed or not, then
how would you explain the fact that there were very few illegals coming in under Trump's watch compared to the 15 million or so illegals and got-aways
roaming around throughout the U.S. (many of them felon illegals-terrorists) under the biden presidency? And as you know that neither one of those
congressional immigration bills made it to the finish line, so the facts clearly show that Trump secured our border far better than the current lover of illegal
aliens as he continues to call them welcome visitors.
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The problem was that he didn't have time to finish the Wall before biden illegitimately became potus. And when biden became potus he decided to let the wall pieces
rust under the sun.

Trump said he would build the wall and get Mexico to pay for it. He said it at damn near every rally he held...actually asked his audience "What are we gonna build?" and "Who's gonna pay for it?"

He was in office for four years. Are you saying he did not do it?

You mean the great, tall, beautiful wall he constantly and regularly bragged that he was going to build and get Mexico to pay for it...was never built?

Oh, my goodness.

Who woulda thunk it!
Trump said he would build the wall and get Mexico to pay for it. He said it at damn near every rally he held...actually asked his audience "What are we gonna build?" and "Who's gonna pay for it?"

He was in office for four years. Are you saying he did not do it?

You mean the great, tall, beautiful wall he constantly and regularly bragged that he was going to build and get Mexico to pay for it...was never built?

Oh, my goodness.

Who woulda thunk it!

You continue to just be stupid. Again, the pieces of wall were there to be put up, and they would have been if biden didn't become president. Building
that size and length of border wall isn't done over night.
Which is NOT a policy change ... like REMAIN in Mexico.

Providing more border agents for migrants to surrender to, just speeds up the flow of migrants into the U.S.. Which is still the Leftists' goal.

Biden can mitigate the flow with E.O.'s. Why won't he do it?

Congress passed H.R. 2 border bill which the Senate killed. Why?

We can't ship them back until/unless they get processed.

It's clear you actually like it that we can't process and return illegal immigrants.
Again, look at the OP to see that the Republican congress passed a great and effective bill back in 2023 where not one of the 51 dem senators voted for.
Again, biden was going to veto that bill anyway. So now, after watching biden's open border policy wreak total havoc on America, and on Americans via
these criminal aliens and their deadly cartel's drug infestation with fentanyl, and rampant crime in blue cities from these illegals who are getting tax paid
freebies to remain here, the dems decided that they would blame the Republicans for not passing a ridiculous bill that would virtually have nothing to do
with securing that border. Its not the Republicans that stopped the progress, since it was biden's elimination of all of Trump's border security acts that
started the influx of millions of illegals. But no, liberals need to blame Republicans for the feckless and destructive non executive action policies of biden
as he alone demolished all of Trump's border secure policies some 3+ years ago when the illegals started coming in by the multi millions. Its a little late
now for biden to clean up his mess at the border. The only way it's going to get fixed is when Trump takes over again as #47 potus to MAGA.
Nice try. What did the Freedom Caucus put in the bill that made it poison? Why did trump kill the Senate bill?
There was a bigger, more comprehensive bill in '13, but Boehner and then Eddie Munster after him refused to bring it to the House floor.

Tell us again who is responsible for the border issues?
It’s a wedge issue, they fund raise off of it, so, they can’t solve the problem. It’s faux outrage.
We can't ship them back until/unless they get processed.

It's clear you actually like it that we can't process and return illegal immigrants.

We can demand they wait for their hearing in Mexico. Biden needs to reinstate Remain in Mexico. Why won't he?

It is so obvious that Democrats want open borders. This is a ridiculous leftist narrative.

Take the processing right away from Judges and hand it over to a DHS employee. Allow up to 4,999 migrants per day. Like Biden, You can't process reality.

Biden needs to reinstate Remain in Mexico. Why won't he?

Congress passed H.R. 2 border bill which the Senate killed. Why?
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It’s a wedge issue, they fund raise off of it, so, they can’t solve the problem. It’s faux outrage.
Not going to work this time. All of their voting records coupled with trump's comments will blow up in their faces.