Socrates and Jesus

what is with the "son" crap. Oh psychological supremacy attempt. I am accurate when it comes to the kinetics of biologically existing as an eternally separated reproduction proportionately alive in this atmosphere now. Accounting for equally created as any human ever added into the atmosphere since inception of this DNA set of 7.8 reproductions timed apart now.

Accountability without hope, faith, charity living happens any other possible way educated to mankind since dawn of civilization became the worlds in self orchestrated social chaos now.

Look here chap, I cannot have the mentally ill clogging up my threads, so I am going to have to cut you loose.
what is with the "son" crap. Oh psychological supremacy attempt.
where did I lose my temper? just called you out for deflecting. True souls only exist in context of their vernacular character role cradle to grave. actual soles occupying time only exist as biologically present occupying time conceived to decomposed binary code of never existed before, won't be the same since, or duplicated ever again.

Ummmm...disagreed. You got mad. Deny it all you like but everyone can read your post and decide for themselves.

Sorry, dude, I don't speak Space Alien. Can you put me in touch with a drug dealer who can teach me?
If you are basing that logic on the fact Socrates never wrote anything, then I do not know Jesus was religious either. We do not have a single word written by Jesus.

What we know about Jesus comes from the Gospels, and what we know about Socrates comes from Plato's dialogues.

Both sources of literature indicate both men were concerned about the fate of the immortal soul and they were both keenly interested in morality, ethics, and the meaning of life.

In short, it is entirely reasonable to consider both men moral philosophers who were spiritual and religious by our modern understanding of the terms.

Agreed. I'd add that both were highly influential on the course of our modern understandings of morality.

FWIW, discovering or being part of spreading an idea is not the same as inventing something. Like astronomers discovering stars or Columbus looking for India, these things already exist. There is an absolute truth in that, considering all eventualities, the most perfect result is "the truth" be it the perfect angle for shooting a rubber band for distance under standard conditions or the best way for human beings to socialize.
Agreed. I'd add that both were highly influential on the course of our modern understandings of morality.

FWIW, discovering or being part of spreading an idea is not the same as inventing something. Like astronomers discovering stars or Columbus looking for India, these things already exist. There is an absolute truth in that, considering all eventualities, the most perfect result is "the truth" be it the perfect angle for shooting a rubber band for distance under standard conditions or the best way for human beings to socialize.

Nice work.

I always make the point that Confucius articulated the Golden Rule 500 years before Jesus.

Re: a higher truth...
In a sense, I feel like there is a kind of universal natural law which is bestowed on humans, imbuing us with natural rights which supercede public opinion, secular laws, or the whims of dictators.
Nice work.

I always make the point that Confucius articulated the Golden Rule 500 years before Jesus.

Re: a higher truth...
In a sense, I feel like there is a kind of natural law which is bestowed on humans, imbuing us with natural rights which supercede public opinion, secular laws, or the whims of dictators.

Good point. The truism of the Golden Rule as a human social rule existed before it was articulated well enough to be remembered. I think a lot of people can recognize truth when they see it, but our current era brings that idea into question. How can a quarter of Americans believe a false belief such as "the election was rigged"?

IMO it goes back to the science deniers. The same people saying the election was rigged are also saying the Chinese have Biden as their puppet and that vaccines are an evil government plot to take our souls or whatever silly reason they want to give.
That’s his wife at my bachelor party.


Well you know, people do sneaky things behind your back.
You should of mounted the camera a little higher. You wouldn’t of had
This problem. The zoom feature works just fine on the recording.

Nobody did anything wrong.
FYI! The video has nothing to do with Polish people.