Socrates and Jesus

Socrates created the idea of a social soul, Jesus realized each person was an eternal sole displacement to an ever changing population nothing stayed the same as arrived so far.
Not quite. The immortal soul is a cornerstone of Socratic thought. In Plato's Republic, Socrates presents the vision that when people die they are judged.

Those who lived just lives are treated to 1,000 years of inconceivable beauty.
Those who have lived unjustly recieve 1,000 years of punishment.
Those who are beyond redemption recieve eternal damnation.

Obviously, it is pretty clear why the prominent Christian theologians of late antiquity had such an affinity for Socrates and Plato.
Socrates created the idea of a social soul, Jesus realized each person was an eternal sole displacement to an ever changing population nothing stayed the same as arrived so far.

Where did Socrates talk about a "social soul?" You're an expert, should be easy for you to answer.
Not quite. The immortal soul is a cornerstone of Socratic thought. In Plato's Republic, Socrates presents the vision that when people die they are judged.

Those who lived just lives are treated to 1,000 years of inconceivable beauty.
Those who have lived unjustly recieve 1,000 years of punishment.
Those who are beyond redemption recieve eternal damnation.

Obviously, it is pretty clear why the prominent Christian theologians of late antiquity had such an affinity for Socrates and Plato.

bla bla bla. no such animal as immortal soul. psychological class warfare by concensus mentalities to make sure anyone that knows what life is doesn't discuss it with concensus mentalities or gets punished for instinctive honesty by those socially corrupted by educated possibilites life isn't limited to biological separation of numbers added so far.
^^ Purports to be a devout Christian.

It's understandable once you see his mom:

bla bla bla. no such animal as immortal soul. psychological class warfare by concensus mentalities to make sure anyone that knows what life is doesn't discuss it with concensus mentalities or gets punished for instinctive honesty by those socially corrupted by educated possibilites life isn't limited to biological separation of numbers added so far.

How do you know?
Not quite. The immortal soul is a cornerstone of Socratic thought. In Plato's Republic, Socrates presents the vision that when people die they are judged.

Those who lived just lives are treated to 1,000 years of inconceivable beauty.
Those who have lived unjustly recieve 1,000 years of punishment.
Those who are beyond redemption recieve eternal damnation.

Obviously, it is pretty clear why the prominent Christian theologians of late antiquity had such an affinity for Socrates and Plato.

Don't all of the major religions believe in an afterlife? Even some atheists believe physical reality is not all there is to existence.
Don't all of the major religions believe in an afterlife? Even some atheists believe physical reality is not all there is to existence.

I am not knowledgeable about all world religions but I suppose moksha, nirvana, the Dao can all be considered a form of enternal spirit

I have never been clear on the Jewish concept of afterlife. Prior to development of Rabbinic Judaism, I actually think Jews did not concieve of an afterlife.
I am not knowledgeable about all world religions but I suppose moksha, nirvana, the Dao can all be considered a form of enternal spirit

I have never been clear on the Jewish concept of afterlife. Prior to development of Rabbinic Judaism, I actually think Jews did not concieve of an afterlife.

Agreed on the clarity of other religions. For me it's enough to know they believe there is something beyond the physical.
I cannot recall the exact quote from whoever, but basically it says that since you are living right now, you have always lived before and always will be.
Not quite. The immortal soul is a cornerstone of Socratic thought. In Plato's Republic, Socrates presents the vision that when people die they are judged.

Those who lived just lives are treated to 1,000 years of inconceivable beauty.
Those who have lived unjustly recieve 1,000 years of punishment.
Those who are beyond redemption recieve eternal damnation.

Obviously, it is pretty clear why the prominent Christian theologians of late antiquity had such an affinity for Socrates and Plato.

people are judged while alive and the evidence used against them is abbreviated statistical averages of everything timed apart at the same time matched to counting spins of a clock and the globe separating time between midnight, dawn, noon, dusk, new moon, 1st quarter, full moon, 3rd quarter, winter solstice, spring equinox, summer solstice, fall equinox. 12 disciples of linear time narrative while biology always kept the population directly proportioned to ancestors never duplicated twice in ever changing people occupying time as displaced here now.

Philosophy of anything else is possible vs only way genetics ever kinetically works here, now. the psychology to manage people with hope, faith, charity, tomorrow becomes a better day than ancestries delivered so far and a person has to work within necessary evils to assure everyone anything else is possible when everyone follows one standard ideology instead of everyone thinking as one of a kind.

Mob rule vs liberty to discover living in real time. hope, faith, charity, power, wealth, fame, intellectual rank, privilege, status above those willing to compromise away their biological time to follow relative time logistics cradle to grave each generation forward.

Skin in the game is people's children as childless people have nobody to care for them when they get too old to care for themselves. Why I never like the "Pay it forward scenario.".

When does an eternal debt to society ever become fully intellectually repaid? Extinction. Intellectual universal constant is death and taxes. Biological time is binary code separating replacements until replacements aren't added again. 1 of 16 great great grandparents(inception of species) 1 of 8 great grandparents(conception of another generation) 1 of 4 grandparents( life goes on), 1 of 2 parents last generation adding great great grandchildren, no more great great grandchildren born again(extinction event arrived)
people are judged while alive and the evidence used against them is abbreviated statistical averages of everything timed apart at the same time matched to counting spins of a clock and the globe separating time between midnight, dawn, noon, dusk, new moon, 1st quarter, full moon, 3rd quarter, winter solstice, spring equinox, summer solstice, fall equinox. 12 disciples of linear time narrative while biology always kept the population directly proportioned to ancestors never duplicated twice in ever changing people occupying time as displaced here now.
Sorry, but that's hot mess is 99% bullshit.
Socrates was not religious.

Jesus was religious.

Big difference.

True, but how does that stop or start one from being a philosopher?

phi·los·o·phy /fəˈläsəfē/
the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.

phi·los·o·pher /fəˈläsəfər/
a person engaged or learned in philosophy, especially as an academic discipline.
Religious faith and philosophical reflection are connected to one another. Religious tradition influences the philosophical thinking and beliefs of followers of that religion.[3]

Many philosophical commonalities have arisen amongst religions due to core historical foundations. For example, Abrahamic religions, which encompass Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha’i Faith, Yezidi, Druze, Samaritan and Rastafari, share philosophical commonalities, although differ in their presentation of these philosophical concepts through their respective religious texts.[4][5]

There are also philosophical concepts and reasoning in religious teachings that were conceived independently from one another, however, are still similar and reflect analogous ideas.[6] For example, the argument and reasoning for the existence of an omniscient god or multiple gods can be found in several religions including Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Another example includes the philosophical concept of free will; present in monotheistic religions as well as in polytheistic religions.[