Something NEW to frighten the Right.


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Christine Todd Whitman just said on MSNBC's Verdict, that Obama is talking to people about offering Hillary a post on the SCOTUS if she steps down. Ready for a sleepless night Damo and SF? Can you say Justice Hillary Rodham Clinton? Bwahahahahahaha!
Christine Todd Whitman just said on MSNBC's Verdict, that Obama is talking to people about offering Hillary a post on the SCOTUS if she steps down. Ready for a sleepless night Damo and SF? Can you say Justice Hillary Rodham Clinton? Bwahahahahahaha!

Well, this is interesting. But, how would Christine Todd Whitman know? She's a lifetime republican, former GOP governor. How would she have the inside track, and the straight poop about what is going on in the obama campaign?

I could be wrong, but I bet you this is something that got put out on the rumour mill, possibly by under the radar GOP operatives trying to gin up a little fear about "Hitlary".

It would be funny though! :clink:
I doubt she would pass the Senate. She has no experience as any type of judge, and minimal courtroom experience as a lawyer.

Frankly, I believe any talk of Obama offering this, that or the other (like paying off her campaign debts) is a bad idea. It would open Obama up to criticism - however trumped up - that he "bought" the nomination. He is going to win the nomination anyway (barring some underhanded skullduggery on Clinton's part with SDs), he should just steer clear of any "deals" with Clinton.
Christine Todd Whitman just said on MSNBC's Verdict, that Obama is talking to people about offering Hillary a post on the SCOTUS if she steps down. Ready for a sleepless night Damo and SF? Can you say Justice Hillary Rodham Clinton? Bwahahahahahaha!
LOL. What the hail?
I doubt she would pass the Senate. She has no experience as any type of judge, and minimal courtroom experience as a lawyer.

Frankly, I believe any talk of Obama offering this, that or the other (like paying off her campaign debts) is a bad idea. It would open Obama up to criticism - however trumped up - that he "bought" the nomination. He is going to win the nomination anyway (barring some underhanded skullduggery on Clinton's part with SDs), he should just steer clear of any "deals" with Clinton.
There are no requirements that Justices of the US Supreme Court even have law degrees. Presidents can nominate whomever they please so long as they are confirmed. I don't think she will get a nomination either. I just thought the cold feeling that some of you would get from me saying Justice Hilary Rodam Clinton would be funny.
There are some justices with piss poor credentials (Clarence Thomas, who was appointed because he was black and Republican and GHW Bush need a black person to replace that great justice Thurgood Marshall, and also needed a Republican, a combination of traits to which can be assigned to the amount of American individuals you can fit in a plastic bottle, comes to mind), however, Hillary Clinton would be especially scraping the bottom of that barrel.
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This seems to me to be more Republican propraganda to try to derail the Obama express.

I like Whitman, she would be a great VP choice.
It would just generate more hate for SEnator Obama from the right. One of McCains only good issues with the Right is his claim that he would nominate conservatives to the S.Ct. If he can get Cons to belive Obama might nominate the person they hate the most HRC, then they are more likely to hold there noses and vote for McCain.
How would this derail Obama?

Kathianne pretty much said it the other day. The only thing repubs have to beat obama, is obama himself. Repubs know they can't win on their own merit, on their policies, on their ideology. When's the last post you saw a righty defending the iraq war, or republican stewardship of the nation?

This, IMO, is about ginning up the hillary hate factor. That's supposedly will drive cons to the polls.
I like Whitman, she is the future of the Republican party. She is one of the few members of Bush's administration who stood up to them. She got fired for it, but at least she stood up to them.

BTW, I heard she is Abe Lincon's great great great grandaughter. Thats why she is Christine Todd Whitman.... Lincon's wife's maden name was Todd.
They know Obama cant Condem HRC, so they will try to tie him to her as much as possable, with rumor and inuendo.

Obama will have to decide, does he want to embrace HRC and face the fire, or try to minimize any relationship and avoid the subject.
McCain is not energizing his base. The specter of Hillary Clinton as a Supreme Court judge would do so.

Would people on the left want her on the Supreme Court? I wouldn't think there is a shortage of qualified liberal judges. I guess it just seems hard to believe for me that I couldn't take it seriously.
Would people on the left want her on the Supreme Court? I wouldn't think there is a shortage of qualified liberal judges. I guess it just seems hard to believe for me that I couldn't take it seriously.

This will give the evangelicals something to rail against. The Right has spent 16 years and millions of dollars demonizing HRC, they dont want that to go to waste just because she cant get the Democratic nomination. They have only been at Senator Obama for two years now.
I can't believe anybody would fall for this. It seems so contrived.

They always fall for all kinds of stuff, I think they want to belive it so they have an emenmy to focus on.

This tells me they believe Senator Obama has chosen to minimize any relationship with the Clinton wing of the party. This was the mistake Gore made. I think it would work better for him to embrace the Clintons.
Would people on the left want her on the Supreme Court? I wouldn't think there is a shortage of qualified liberal judges. I guess it just seems hard to believe for me that I couldn't take it seriously.

I’m not rooting for her to be on the court, but she’s not Alito either. I wouldn’t have a stroke. The next justice will either protect roe v wade, or overturn it. She wouldn’t overturn it.

But I don’t believe the story, though I have seen it bandied about on the left, not the right, before today. Some left wing sites have been pushing this idea as a way to appease Clinton and her supporters. I think it’s a dumb one. I have always said Clinton should have become Senate majority leader, which she would be very good at. I wished from the beginning that she wouldn’t run for President, all while knowing that she would.