Something NEW to frighten the Right.

I honestly don't believe that most people will believe this. It's like that Myers lady. She just isn't all that qualified.
Christine Todd Whitman just said on MSNBC's Verdict, that Obama is talking to people about offering Hillary a post on the SCOTUS if she steps down. Ready for a sleepless night Damo and SF? Can you say Justice Hillary Rodham Clinton? Bwahahahahahaha!

In order to invoke fear, you have to have at least a slim chance of this being a possibility. There is ZERO chance of Hillary ever getting a seat on Scotus. McCain would never appoint her.

They always fall for all kinds of stuff, I think they want to belive it so they have an emenmy to focus on.

This tells me they believe Senator Obama has chosen to minimize any relationship with the Clinton wing of the party. This was the mistake Gore made. I think it would work better for him to embrace the Clintons.

Listen if some state by state polls I have seen recently hold up, he’s going to have put her on the ticket.

And I know there is going to be roars over that, but we better start looking at electoral votes, and not national polling.
I’m not rooting for her to be on the court, but she’s not Alito either. I wouldn’t have a stroke. The next justice will either protect roe v wade, or overturn it. She wouldn’t overturn it.

But I don’t believe the story, though I have seen it bandied about on the left, not the right, before today. Some left wing sites have been pushing this idea as a way to appease Clinton and her supporters. I think it’s a dumb one. I have always said Clinton should have become Senate majority leader, which she would be very good at. I wished from the beginning that she wouldn’t run for President, all while knowing that she would.

She would be a great senate majority leader, maybe she will do that!
Listen if some state by state polls I have seen recently hold up, he’s going to have put her on the ticket.

And I know there is going to be roars over that, but we better start looking at electoral votes, and not national polling.

I agree. Those who hate Sen. Clinton would not vote for Obama anyway.
Listen if some state by state polls I have seen recently hold up, he’s going to have put her on the ticket.

And I know there is going to be roars over that, but we better start looking at electoral votes, and not national polling.

You've noticed that too. I was watching Anderson Cooper last night and the were talking to some Hillary supporters.....some women of ranging ages. I was surprised to hear some of them say that if Hillary didn't win the nomination they would vote for McCain. It wasn't many of them mind you but 2 or 3 our to f the 7 or 8 they were talking to said that. I just looked at my wife and said, "shocking, huh?"
You've noticed that too. I was watching Anderson Cooper last night and the were talking to some Hillary supporters.....some women of ranging ages. I was surprised to hear some of them say that if Hillary didn't win the nomination they would vote for McCain. It wasn't many of them mind you but 2 or 3 our to f the 7 or 8 they were talking to said that. I just looked at my wife and said, "shocking, huh?"

Well, that’s one problem, but I think those attitudes would soften by November. Though not all of them. The other problem is the racism still in this country. It’s going to lose him some states. West Virginia being one of them.
I think its very funny...

Republicans perfered Senator Obama to Senator Clinton in huge numbers. She is more conservative than Sen. Obama. Just goes to show you, they care more about image than substance. The 16 years of attacks on HRC have really worked with some voters.
Well, that’s one problem, but I think those attitudes would soften by November. Though not all of them. The other problem is the racism still in this country. It’s going to lose him some states. West Virginia being one of them.

Possibly to a degree you are right. I won't argue that. He will lose some states like mine for other reasons I think. What may not be a big issue with many people, even conservative people, in the northeast is a big issue with many people in the center of the nation. As much as it might boggle the mind of many on the left and right, abortion and gun control are still top issues for many people. I have received several circulating letters defining Obama's stance on both issues and when that word gets circulated widely enough many won't vote for him as a result. Whether someone thinks it is silly or stupid it is still a deciding factor for many people who are not racist at all.
Possibly to a degree you are right. I won't argue that. He will lose some states like mine for other reasons I think. What may not be a big issue with many people, even conservative people, in the northeast is a big issue with many people in the center of the nation. As much as it might boggle the mind of many on the left and right, abortion and gun control are still top issues for many people. I have received several circulating letters defining Obama's stance on both issues and when that word gets circulated widely enough many won't vote for him as a result. Whether someone thinks it is silly or stupid it is still a deciding factor for many people who are not racist at all.

This election won’t swing on abortion and gun control and there is no way any republican should be able to win it. That doesn’t mean that some won’t vote on those issues, some always will, but they will be few and far between. If he loses, it will be because of racism, period.
I thought csomeone on here claimed they hated hillary because she was writing law. So she must be qualified to be a supreme.
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