Something NEW to frighten the Right.

Ok, and is it not hypocritical for Hillary to critize Bush for having run that type of campaign and then she goes ahead and runs the same type of campaign herself? Great, both sides are hypocrites. There's something new for you in politics.

Most of the attention coming from the right is on Obama and not Hillary right now anyway.

No it is hypocritical, (for Sen. Clinton) but its one of the reasons HRC is not going to be the Democratic nominee. Democrats reject that type of campaign. The right seems to fall for it every time!
No it is hypocritical, (for Sen. Clinton) but its one of the reasons HRC is not going to be the Democratic nominee. Democrats reject that type of campaign. The right seems to fall for it every time!

It's not hypocritical to say someone else shouldn't run this type of campaign and then go run that campaign yourself?
He just said it WAS hypocritical, what is your problem cawacko? You are spending too much time reading Damo's posts.

oh yeah, my bad. Sorry Jarod. I saw the no and then I saw a non-existent 'not' in there as well. Sorry about that.
The whole "Dems are finally waking up to the Clintons" is such BS. First of all, the campaign against Bush was the economy, and the campaign against Dole was practically nothing. Hillary's Senate campaigns were a breeze. It's just wrong to say "this is how they campaign," because they have never hyped a Republican opponent over a Democratic contender, and they have never used race to divide before. The tactics in this campaign, for the most part, are not "same ol', same ol'" from the Clintons.

As far as Clinton's Presidency, he worked with Republicans infinitely more than Bush has or ever would with Democrats, and like it or not, he was a good steward of the economy & of foreign policy. He actually pissed a lot of liberals off in the '90's. Enough with this "well, libs are finally waking up..."
oh yeah, my bad. Sorry Jarod. I saw the no and then I saw a non-existent 'not' in there as well. Sorry about that.

There's still hope for you. Damo would have insisted that's what he meant, and then made 100 "rubbish" posts defending it, until finally claiming "that's not what I meant'.

You've been pulled back from the abyss!
I doubt she would pass the Senate. She has no experience as any type of judge, and minimal courtroom experience as a lawyer.

Frankly, I believe any talk of Obama offering this, that or the other (like paying off her campaign debts) is a bad idea. It would open Obama up to criticism - however trumped up - that he "bought" the nomination. He is going to win the nomination anyway (barring some underhanded skullduggery on Clinton's part with SDs), he should just steer clear of any "deals" with Clinton.

I agree.
There are some justices with piss poor credentials (Clarence Thomas, who was appointed because he was black and Republican and GHW Bush need a black person to replace that great justice Thurgood Marshall, and also needed a Republican, a combination of traits to which can be assigned to the amount of American individuals you can fit in a plastic bottle, comes to mind), however, Hillary Clinton would be especially scraping the bottom of that barrel.

while I wholeheartedly disagree with Thomas' view of greatly expanded authority to the CinC during 'wartime', most of his opinions are quite clearly constitutional and downright awesome.