Soros -Palin connection!

Wow! Now that you and HuffPo have discovered this sinister connection, I suppose we can expect you and the rest of the liberal pinheads to turn on the political party Soros has bought and paid for like rabid dogs, right?
Wow! Now that you and HuffPo have discovered this sinister connection, I suppose we can expect you and the rest of the liberal pinheads to turn on the political party Soros has bought and paid for like rabid dogs, right?

hmmmm.... not much of a choice. Soros or communist chinese and India money.
I would say if Soros donated to Palin it was because he got lost on his way to the mall.....he probably thought he was buying shoes at a Pay-less and got Pa-lin by mistake....
I would say if Soros donated to Palin it was because he got lost on his way to the mall.....he probably thought he was buying shoes at a Pay-less and got Pa-lin by mistake....

I would say, since Soros is one of the richest men in the world, and on a mission to control American politics, it's not unrealistic to think some of his money from the thousands of groups he has funded and created, for just that purpose, has made it into the pockets of some on the right. But this particular gem is rather interesting... a consultant that no one has ever heard of before, was paid by Palin for consulting work, and it was discovered that he also received money from Soros... uhm, that's the "connection?" Really??? I'll just about BET that you could connect Palin, Soros, and Kevin Bacon, in less than seven steps! :palm:
Palin appears to be a globalist destoyer of the american people as well. I havent heard her say crap about the protectionist policies we obviously need to stop hemmoraging jobs.
Scheunemann and a partner have since 2003 been paid over $150,000 by one of Soros' organizations for lobbying work, according to federal disclosure forms reviewed by Salon. The lobbying, which has continued to the present, centers on legislation involving sanctions and democracy promotion in Burma.


great connection there...:rolleyes:
I would say, since Soros is one of the richest men in the world, and on a mission to control American politics, it's not unrealistic to think some of his money from the thousands of groups he has funded and created, for just that purpose, has made it into the pockets of some on the right. But this particular gem is rather interesting... a consultant that no one has ever heard of before, was paid by Palin for consulting work, and it was discovered that he also received money from Soros... uhm, that's the "connection?" Really??? I'll just about BET that you could connect Palin, Soros, and Kevin Bacon, in less than seven steps! :palm:

Yeah, but this WAS a rana thread and you know her and her conspiracy theories.

I would say, since Soros is one of the richest men in the world, and on a mission to control American politics, it's not unrealistic to think some of his money from the thousands of groups he has funded and created, for just that purpose, has made it into the pockets of some on the right. But this particular gem is rather interesting... a consultant that no one has ever heard of before, was paid by Palin for consulting work, and it was discovered that he also received money from Soros... uhm, that's the "connection?" Really??? I'll just about BET that you could connect Palin, Soros, and Kevin Bacon, in less than seven steps! :palm:

Maybe you never heard of Scheunemann but the rest of us don't have blinders on.

"Randy Scheunemann was the President of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, which was created by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), of which he is a board member. He was Trent Lott's National Security Aide and was an advisor to U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Iraq. He is 2008 U.S. presidential candidate John McCain's foreign-policy aide.[1]

Scheunemann has been criticized for his close association with Ahmad Chalabi during the George W. Bush administration's campaign to generate public support for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[2]

In mid-July 2008, the Sunday Times of London linked Scheunemann to Stephen Payne, a lobbyist covertly filmed as he offered to arrange meetings with Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and others, in exchange for donations to the George W. Bush Presidential Library. Payne said Scheunemann had been "working with me on my payroll for five of the last eight years". [3]

"Randy Scheunemann founded Orion Strategies LLC in 2001 to provide strategic planning, communications, policy, and government affairs consulting services to corporate, government, foundation and private clients. As President and Managing Partner, he and his team develop strategies, provide counsel and implement action plans specifically tailored to individual client needs."[4]

"Before launching Orion Strategies, Mr. Scheunemann served as President of Alexandria, Virginia-based Mercury Group, Inc. where he supervised and directed all operations of the $3 million consulting and communications company."[4]

"From 1999-2000, Scheunemann served as Defense and Foreign Policy Coordinator for the John McCain/"McCain 2000" presidential campaign where he appeared throughout the U.S. as a campaign spokesperson on national security issues. During 1996, Mr. Scheunemann was a senior adviser to Republican Presidential Candidate Bob Dole. He served on the 1996 Republican Platform Committee and wrote major portions of the foreign policy, defense and intelligence planks."[4]

"Prior to joining the private sector, Mr. Scheunemann served as National Security Adviser to Senate Republican and Majority Leaders Bob Dole and Trent Lott from 1993-99. As a senior adviser, he developed, coordinated and implemented policy for the Majority Leader and Republican Senators on all foreign policy, arms control, national security and intelligence issues."[4]

"Mr. Scheunemann was involved in Senate deliberations concerning the use of American military power in Somalia, the Korean peninsula, Iraq, Haiti and Bosnia. He also served as coordinator for Senate Republican policy on United Nations reform, Congressional-Executive war powers, NATO enlargement, global climate change, economic sanctions, ballistic missile defense and technology transfers to China. He has traveled to over 80 countries to examine U.S. policies and programs."[4]

"From 1986-1993, Mr. Scheunemann served on the staffs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the House Republican Policy Committee. Mr. Scheunemann has authored articles for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Foreign Policy and other national publications. He has served as guest lecturer on foreign policy and security issues for the Foreign Service Institute, the National Defense University, the Defense Trade Advisory Group, the Republican National Committee's Team 100, the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, American University and the U.S. Information Agency. Mr. Scheunemann serves on the Board of Directors of the U.S. Committee on NATO, as a consultant to the Office of the Secretary of Defense and as Treasurer of The Project on Transitional Democracies."[4]
hmmmm.... not much of a choice. Soros or communist chinese and India money.

Of course you mean 'capitalist' Chinese, don't you. It is unlikely that a communist regime would invest US$500 million in General Motors.
Maybe you never heard of Scheunemann but the rest of us don't have blinders on.

These are NOT blinders, I'll have you know! They are Designer Sunglasses I paid $9.99 for through an ad on TV! They have genuine HD lenses, and look like glasses you may pay as much as $140 for in the store! I got an extra pair for free, since I called within 15 minutes, I can send them to you if you're jealous! ....They really do make things look clearer. :D
"The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." Alex Carey

Power in America has switched completely to corporations and the wealthy, it probably always was there, but we have our myths and they kept us comfortable. Our Constitution was written to control and manage the mess monied interests create, but everyone forgets that and colonial America was quite simple. Lincoln and Eisenhower saw it clearly. After the Constitution created Government to control money the problem became controlling government. Power loves more power. Common folk could change this but chaos isn't comfortable either, so most go along, living the liberty myth. Joe Bageant tells it well. and

"The K Street Project, then, did not arise spontaneously out of the ether. When Republicans in Congress began to inform lobbyists that in return for influence they would have to fire all the Democrats in their firms, they may have broken with long-standing traditions, but they were simply carrying forward politics-as-warfare the way conservative political philosophers have historically understood it. Liberals do not generally have objections to working with conservatives; indeed, having conservatives sign off on any expansion of government adds to the legitimacy of that expansion. But conservatives tend to see working with liberals as corrupting; in the immortal words of conservative activist Grover Norquist, "bipartisanship is another name for date rape." K Street is to lobbying what Fox News is to journalistic objectivity. In the world that contemporary conservatives have brought into being, rules are not applicable to all parties to a conflict. Rules are part of the conflict, and whoever wins the conflict gets to change the rules."

"In 1977, the top 10% of the American population had an income 30 times that of the bottom tenth; the top 1% of the nation owned 33% of the wealth. The richest 5% owned 83% of the personally owned corporate stock. The 100 largest corporations (despite a graduated income tax that misled people into thinking the very rich paid at least 50% in taxes) paid an average of 26.9% in taxes, and the leading oil companies paid 5.8% in taxes (internal revenue service figures for 1974). Indeed, 244 individuals who earned over $200,000 paid no taxes." Howard Zinn "A People's History of the United States"
Glen Becks has nearly killed his carreer with this one.

He lied about Soros on national TV and I hope he gets his stupid ass sued for libel.
Of course you mean 'capitalist' Chinese, don't you. It is unlikely that a communist regime would invest US$500 million in General Motors.

GM and its investment bankers have been and are busy schmoozing overseas sovereign wealth funds (read governmental investment arms) to take $2b of the $13b offering. If they take more, please, they can have it. “GM and its bankers have not set a maximum value for investment by sovereign wealth funds,” Reuters reports.

"Reuters reports GM is currently in the final stage of discussions regarding selling equity to Chinese automaker Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC), which is in turn, owned in part by the Chinese government."

Whether you want to believe it or not China is a communist country. Government owns the means of production and they are buying GM.

Capitalism is a monetary system
Communism is a political system

Its weird how you wingnuts howl about Dems being socialist and communists but you don't blink an eye when it comes to the real communists in China. Why? Cheap labor is the core of Republicon ideology.
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These are NOT blinders, I'll have you know! They are Designer Sunglasses I paid $9.99 for through an ad on TV! They have genuine HD lenses, and look like glasses you may pay as much as $140 for in the store! I got an extra pair for free, since I called within 15 minutes, I can send them to you if you're jealous! ....They really do make things look clearer. :D
I bet they are made in China or Vietnam! Cheap shit! They will probably fry your eyes the first time you use them! Cheap sunglasses!