Soros -Palin connection!

Oh, no hon! I have seen pictures and I am far more beautiful! And not a three or two time loser! I am feeling pretty superior right now!
No way, this is fun acting like you! Let's see how far I can go! Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plains!

Yes, Frog, my ex husband lives in Oklahoma. I know you think your snooping reveals some NEW news, but I already posted that information. Your snooping did however provide me with what I am sure is YOUR IP :)
Roll on the floor laughing all you wish, I am sure you have that maneuver down pat!
and I also know I have never been told I have sand in my vagina!
Roll on the floor laughing all you wish, I am sure you have that maneuver down pat!
and I also know I have never been told I have sand in my vagina!

I think it's relatively safe to say, you have nothing in your vagina Froggy. That surely is part of the problem.
Ahahaha, no it is empty right now, what do you keep in yours? I can only guess! I bet a lot of yucky stuff! Contagious stuff! Yuck!
I am a 55 year old woman on cancer drugs, not a two or three time loser lookin for love in all the wrong places! I keep my vagina clean and free!
Oh, I love the control, I pull the string and you all can't wait to dance! ahahahahaha!

I have to go now! I have a life and a great one, how about all you two or three time losers!???????? ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah

ID, I can give you the guy on ebay who sells me my beautiful pearls, if you like!
Projecting dear? At least we have each other to slobber on, there are some of you who can't make that claim!
Oh, I love the control, I pull the string and you all can't wait to dance! ahahahahaha!

I have to go now! I have a life and a great one, how about all you two or three time losers!???????? ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah

ID, I can give you the guy on ebay who sells me my beautiful pearls, if you like!

Thanks Frog. I haven't laughed this goddamn hard in weeks. The tears are rolling down my face!

My voice is really sexy, I have been told I should do radio, now yours is probably gravelly from all that shit you swallow! love ya!