Southerners fatness ruining the country

Seriously size 12 is a heffer unless she's 6'5
that's the whole point the average woman if fat and out of shape
size 8 is seriously up there unless tall too.
True hurts but men are out their looking for the size 6 and unders
Bullshit. until the 80's one of THE shops for small women was the 5, 7 and 9 shop. When you get under size 6 unless you are short your BMI is going to be below 18.5 which is healthy. The healthy BMI for men and women is from 18.5to 24.9. You can be 5'6" tall and 150 pounds and your BMI will be 24.2 which is on the upper end of healthy. Even Courtney Cox now says that she was too thin when she was on Friends. She is now about 140 pounds and is 5'8", giving her a BMI of 21.3 which is probably as close to the ideal BMI as you can get.

Just about 3 months ago I was watching a show about models on Discovery or A&E and the model that was at a 21 BMI was told by the nutritionist that she was the perfect BMI and then ALL the modeling agencies kept telling her that she was too fat and needed to lose weight. It is a sickness not designed around health but designed around media images and Top has bought it hook line and sinker. He thinks a woman that looks like a boy is sexy.
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doesn't it depend on alot of things suck as frame size, hight, and umm boobs to figure out what size a woman is? wasn't marlin like size 10?
Bullshit. until the 80's one of THE shops for small women was the 5, 7 and 9 shop. When you get under size 6 unless you are tall your BMI is going to be below 18.5 which is healthy. The healthy BMI for men and women is from 18.5to 24.9. You can be 5'6" tall and 150 pounds and your BMI will be 24.2 which is on the upper end of healthy. Even Courtney Cox now says that she was too thin when she was on Friends. She is now about 140 pounds and is 5'8", giving her a BMI of 21.3 which is probably as close to the ideal BMI as you can get.

Just about 3 months ago I was watching a show about models on Discovery or A&E and the model that was at a 21 BMI was told by the nutritionist that she was the perfect BMI and then ALL the modeling agencies kept telling her that she was too fat and needed to lose weight. It is a sickness not designed around health but designed around media images and Top has bought it hook line and sinker. He thinks a woman that looks like a boy is sexy.

Oh wow, 5-7-9, I loved that store. Yeah, that was a hot store. I got some of my best outfits from there.
Actually 5-7-9 was big in the 80’s, or at least there was one in my mall, that I shopped at in the late 80’s and even up until about 91 or 92 I think. It wasn’t the 80’s that started that starvation crap, it was in the 90’s I think? I graduated high school in 1987. I don’t remember any of my friends being skinny like that. We all wanted to look like Madonna. And she wasn’t like that then.
yah thats my sisters age 2. graduated in 89 i think.. all her friends were normal looking not scrawny bitches who cant perform in bed.
Chap you ever going to take down that trophy picture there? No one cares that the Red Sox won there second WS in 90 years. Talk to me when they win four in a decade, which will probably be in another two years tops.
Yeah this is the problem with the south. They can’t pay their own f’ing way now. And when we get universal health care, we’re going to be paying even more for these fat f’s. It’s time to cut them loose. They’re drains on the rest of us.

Darling, are you referring to A New War Of Secession? Please. Allow us to get away from you fascist, statist fucks. Give me my fatback!
Really, any guy that knows what a size ?? means probably likes boys.

For real. Maybe topper likes dressing up in women's clothes, since he's so familiar with sizing metrics.

As for me, I've learned that you don't pick out clothes for women. Or shoes. You take them shopping, let them run up your credit card, and let them pick out their own sh*t. :)
What about an isolationist Jew Hater fascist? That's certainly a step forward.

I don't hate jews. I merely point out the inherent racism of their faith, their theocratic teachings, how these theocratic notions just so happen to correspond to the fallacious and destructive fascist reasoning of globalism, etc. Nations have a right to say no to corporate activity which is a net harm to the people of the nation. Stop your nazi ways, boy. Obey me.
I don't hate jews. I merely point out the inherent racism of their faith, their theocratic teachings, how these theocratic notions just so happen to correspond to the fallacious and destructive fascist reasoning of globalism, etc. Nations have a right to say no to corporate activity which is a net harm to the people of the nation. Stop your nazi ways, boy. Obey me.

Trade hurts. If we had no trade, then we would have net benefit. Ban the free market.

No one's saying to ban all trade you ignorant oaf. Trade should be conducted within moral parameters and with national sovereignty, defense, and self reliance aforethought. The assertion that all of these other factors should be subjugated to corporate concerns is the stupid and wrong part. Please understand that, wonder boy.
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No one's saying to ban all trade you ignorant oaf. Trade should be conducted within moral parameters and with national sovereignty, defense, and self reliance aforethought. The assertion that all of these other factors should be subjugated to corporate concerns is the stupid and wrong part. Please understand that, wonder boy.

I don't see how intra-national trade is different from international trae, honestly, Asshat. You just want to create another generation of nationalist slaves.
Socratese 5'6 150 is most def fat for a woman and average for a man.
the average weight a couple years back for women was about 133 size 6 this was prob 8 yrs ago.
I bet she has ballooned up to about 148 and size 9 by now and she wasn't thin and hot a decade ago.