Speaking of Wives

Obama won't use this .. he doesn't have to.

The GOPers NEED to attack Michelle .. what else do they have .. and after all, they are republicans.

He doesn't have to because Soros and moveon.moron will do it for him. You can already see that a memo must have gone out. How many Dems have brought up the almost 20 year old prescription drug addiction and theft about Cindy McCain? Then the same ones get bent when someone challenges what Michelle said two months ago?

Again, as stated earlier, now that Michelle has clarified her comments, I agree it would be foolish to continue attacking her for them. However, they were fair game out of the gate.... as is any comment by a politician or their spouse during a campaign.
Just keep in mind my McCain loving buddies here, if you start making hey about stupid non issues about Mrs Obama then you will unleash the " well lets compare her to mrs McCain"..


coming from the queen thread starter of non-issues? Quite comical desh.
she is a nice looking woman. She has an underbite. I know its hard to look at at first but its the kinda thing you get used too. I have a family member who has one. When you first see them it kinda takes you back. After you get used to the look you dont see it much anymore. Trust me the more you see this womans face and the more her personality comes out the prettier she will be in peoples eyes. I look at my family member and all I see it handsome ,bright and kind now.