Speaking of Wives


Oh bullshit..I could care less being so called owned by you all..you act like you just won a war or something, Whatever blows your alls Enlightened ones skirts up..


I think I like ya alot...can I check your skirt?...just kidding but I did laugh alot on this one...:cof1:
Oh bull*&%..I could care less being so called owned by you all..you act like you just won a war or something, Whatever blows your alls Enlightened ones skirts up..


I like being call "enlightened one". Keep that up. Its appropiate.


If Cindy McCain did undergo treatment before 1994, as she told investigators, the senator's claim that he didn't learn of his wife's addiction until this January simply defies credibility.

Subsequently in 1992, her parents staged an intervention to force her to get help;[16] she told her husband about her problem, attended a drug treatment facility, began outpatient sessions, and ended her three years of active addiction.[29] A hysterectomy in 1993 resolved her back pain.[29][31]

People these two parragraphs show McCain lied about knowing about his wifes drug addiction.

This all lined up with the keating 5 scandal too.

Give it a rest already desh...take another hit on your bong and put another 1950's jazz record on chill already!
wholey fucking count Chocula guys are you even catching on to the fact that McCain was lying his ass off about his wifes drug addition as well as the fact that Mrs McCain was directly involved in the accounting scangal of the Keating 5?

In January 1993, McCain terminated Gosinski's employment on grounds of budgetary reasons.[32] In spring 1993, Gosinski tipped off the Drug Enforcement Administration to investigate McCain's drug theft,[32] and a federal investigation ensued. McCain's defense team, led by Washington lawyer John Dowd,[32] secured an agreement with the U.S. Attorney's office that limited her punishment to financial restitution and enrollment in a diversion program, [7][32] without any public disclosure.

Meanwhile, in early 1994 Gosinski filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against McCain, which he told her he would settle for $250,000.[32] In April 1994, Dowd requested that Maricopa County officials investigate Gosinski for extortion.[32] The Phoenix New Times was about to publish a negatively-cast article about the whole affair.[32][29] Cindy McCain pre-empted this[29] by publicly revealing her past addiction, stating she hoped it would give fellow drug addicts courage in their struggles: "Although my conduct did not result in compromising any missions of AVMT, my actions were wrong, and I regret them."[7] A flurry of press attention followed, including charges by Gosinski that she had asked him to lie concerning her drug use when the McCains were applying to adopt their baby from Bangladesh[29] and statements by past AVMT employees that Gosinski had once threatened to blackmail her. The Arizona Republic published an editorial cartoon ridiculing the motivations for her AVMT work[33] and an award dinner in her honor was canceled citing poor ticket sales.[7] In the end, both Gosinski's lawsuit and the extortion investigation against him were dropped.[29]
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wholey fucking count Chocula guys are you even catching on to the fact that McCain was lying his ass off about his wifes drug addition as well as the fact that Mrs McCain was directly involved in the accounting scangal of the Keating 5?

LMAO... this whole story has been hashed out multiple times in the media before Desh. Just because you are just now learning about it, doesn't make it newsworthy. Though I will bet the Dems bring it up yet again and act like this 15 year old story is somehow relevant.

But yeah, bring it up. Along with Keating. I assume you have caught on to the fact that McCain was found not to have done anything wrong in the Keating situation by the Senate Ethics committee? But yeah, I know... you will ignore that as well.

I think we should talk about Obamas drug use. We don't want another druggie in the white house. He is the same as another Bush term.

LOL..I see the hive is out in full force slapping each other on the ass..

Pretty funny to watch..