Speaking of Wives

Here in lies most of your problems meme.

You do not pay attention to the campaign. You instead must get your information from places like Fox and Rush. If you truely paid attention then you would know Mrs McCain has campaigned.

I dont think you are giving yourself enough creidt girlfriend. You can watch all the news even the one you think are liberal biased and tehn decern for yourself who is telling the truth. Dont fear facts, they wont hurt you.

You don't know what I do..I love how all you Enlightened one's here seem to think you KNOW PEOPLE..

I haven't been watching the t.v. coverage of the campaign because I got tired of all the stupid talking heads..

You should do some self analyzing and leave me alone, I'm just fine..At least I'm not neurotic..
Do you desh...?

Here in lies most of your problems meme.

You do not pay attention to the campaign. You instead must get your information from places like Fox and Rush. If you truely paid attention then you would know Mrs McCain has campaigned.

I dont think you are giving yourself enough creidt girlfriend. You can watch all the news even the one you think are liberal biased and tehn decern for yourself who is telling the truth. Dont fear facts, they wont hurt you.

your boy Obama is a communist...are you also a communist desh?

Where does the GOP get the cajunas to attack Michelle Obama for a mere statement when Cindy McCain is a known drug addict who STOLE FROM HER OWN CHARITY?

Are they sure they want to go there? And my other question is why aren't the dems smearing the McCain's back? That's an easy fight IMO.

Obama doesn't have to smear the pill popper. He's too smart for that. I think attacking political wives is going to backfire on the GOP. It may have been fine in the 1990s to smear hillary clinton. We were fat, happy, and prosperous, and could indulge ourselves in that kind of nonsense.

On the verge of two lost republican wars, and on the verge of a faltering economy, I suspect that most voters won't have patience for smearing political wives.

But, you know what? This is in republican-DNA. Smear everything in sight. They can't help themselves.

You don't know what I do..I love how all you Enlightened one's here seem to think you KNOW PEOPLE..

I haven't been watching the t.v. coverage of the campaign because I got tired of all the stupid talking heads..

You should do some self analyzing and leave me alone, I'm just fine..At least I'm not neurotic..

they are just jealous because you are cute and a conservative...:cool:
And so are you............

Let me direct you back to your first claim, which I then debunked, and you countered with the brilliant rejoinder of "So?"

"McCain's wife isn't running around campaigning for her husband..

Michelle Obama is..

she is fair game.."

Ms Code Pink/aka cpusa!
Let me direct you back to your first claim, which I then debunked, and you countered with the brilliant rejoinder of "So?"

"McCain's wife isn't running around campaigning for her husband..

Michelle Obama is..

she is fair game.."

And let me direct you to this from me after..

If McCain's wife is out campaigning for him, which I haven't seen her, like I have Michelle O..Then she is also fair game.

so what?

I think its pretty trashy that you retards prefer to make issues out of the most irrelevent bullshit just to demean the character of a Presidential Candidate. It's entertaining most of the time, just like a Jerry Springer episode.


I must have hit a nerve. calm down.

But getting back to your point: they started it. They were attacking Michelle in KY before the election. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy.
You don't know what I do..I love how all you Enlightened one's here seem to think you KNOW PEOPLE..

I haven't been watching the t.v. coverage of the campaign because I got tired of all the stupid talking heads..

You should do some self analyzing and leave me alone, I'm just fine..At least I'm not neurotic..

Um how long have you not been paying attention to the news or papers?
Obama doesn't have to smear the pill popper. He's too smart for that. I think attacking political wives is going to backfire on the GOP. It may have been fine in the 1990s to smear hillary clinton. We were fat, happy, and prosperous, and could indulge ourselves in that kind of nonsense.

Loved that line.

On the verge of two lost republican wars, and on the verge of a faltering economy, I suspect that most voters won't have patience for smearing political wives.

But, you know what? This is in republican-DNA. Smear everything in sight. They can't help themselves.

I hope you're right, but from what I've seen voters tend to cling to non issues and are easily swayed by smear campaigns.
If a politicians spouse makes a public statement that statement is fair game. However, if the opposing party/candidate spins the statement, then they risk the backlash.

Michelle clarified her statement after the initial "she hates America" crap. Once she clarified what she meant, it became dangerous to play that card again. Reps do so at their own risk.
So what do you think?

Is BB going to finnally get some this time?

What female here has not been hit on by this guy?

BB hits on anything with a heart beat.

I'm still psychologically damaged from when he asked me to bend over and take it like a man. Yikes.

Nobody's hitting on Meme but him.
then shut the fck up.

what are you going to do if I don't feel like it?

Call me names, call me an idiot, say I have no schooling?

All that's been done already by you...ENLIGHTENEND ONES..

You'll have to try something new.:cof1:
Say What...?

So what do you think?

Is BB going to finnally get some this time?

What female here has not been hit on by this guy?

In your dreams..desh...and darlas and Lady T's...I have never hit on any of you retards...nor have I hit on meme...I just thinks shes cute ...not y'all weirdos!

I must have hit a nerve. calm down.

But getting back to your point: they started it. They were attacking Michelle in KY before the election. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy.

LOL, nah...

Oh wait... I'm always serious!

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!
what are you going to do if I don't feel like it?

Call me names, call me an idiot, say I have no schooling?

All that's been done already by you...ENLIGHTENEND ONES..

You'll have to try something new.:cof1:

No we'll just marvel at your willingness to come out here and show-off your 62 IQ for our entertainment.
what are you going to do if I don't feel like it?

Call me names, call me an idiot, say I have no schooling?

All that's been done already by you...ENLIGHTENEND ONES..

You'll have to try something new.:cof1:

Meme that guy topspin who attacks everyones education level? Well he is a conservative who just recently realized he was wrong about His votes for Bush.
In your dreams..desh...and darlas and Lady T's...I have never hit on any of you retards...nor have I hit on meme...I just thinks shes cute ...not y'all weirdos!

No I think you would have to change the word to nightmare and not dream.

I guess they are swapping pictures already.