Speaking of Wives

LMAO... this whole story has been hashed out multiple times in the media before Desh. Just because you are just now learning about it, doesn't make it newsworthy. Though I will bet the Dems bring it up yet again and act like this 15 year old story is somehow relevant.

But yeah, bring it up. Along with Keating. I assume you have caught on to the fact that McCain was found not to have done anything wrong in the Keating situation by the Senate Ethics committee? But yeah, I know... you will ignore that as well.

I think we should talk about Obamas drug use. We don't want another druggie in the white house. He is the same as another Bush term.


Sure if someone like me doesnt know about it then do you really think its been fully vetted to the public?

Nice try
And when did I do this..............?


Well, on the plus side, at least someone is finally doing him. He's knocked on everyone else's door, someone finally answered. Maybe he will stop begging Tiana for pictures now.

I do believe you are the one who gets her cookies off talkin' to Lady T! and us cit and cippie.and whomever or whatever...listens to your shit!:cof1:
Sure if someone like me doesnt know about it then do you really think its been fully vetted to the public?

Nice try

Yes, it has. Just because you do not recall the 2000 election doesn't mean it didn't happen. Like I said, the Dems will indeed bring it up again for the kool aid crowd.... they know your memories aren't capable of retaining what happened 8 years ago.

But please, go ahead and act like this is somehow a big deal.

Did you know Obama snorted coke? .... and HE is the actual candidate!!


New Times obtained a copy of Gosinski's private journal. It covers the period from early July 1992 through January 1993. Gosinski did not grant New Times permission to print excerpts from the journal, but neither did he disavow their accuracy. The 52 journal entries, recorded during Cindy McCain's drug meltdown, paint a disturbing picture.

July 27, 1992: I have always wondered why John McCain has done nothing to fix the problem. He must either not see that a problem exists or does not choose to do anything about it. It would seem that it would be in everyone's best interest to come to terms with the situation. And do whatever is necessary to fix it. There is so much at risk: The welfare of the children; John's political career; the integrity of Hensley & Company; the welfare of Jim and Smitty Hensley; and the health and happiness of Cindy McCain.

The aforementioned matters are of great concern to those directly involved but my main concern is the ability of AVMT to survive a major shake-up. If the DEA were to ever conduct an audit of AVMT's inventory, I am afraid of what the results might be. . . . It is because of CHM's willingness to jeopardize the credibility of those that work for her that I truly worry.

During my short tenure at AVMT I have been surrounded by what on the surface appears to be the ultimate all-American family. In reality, I am working for a very sad, lonely woman whose marriage of convenience to a U.S. Senator has driven her to: distance herself from friends; cover feelings of despair with drugs; and replace lonely moments with self-indulgences.
Yes, it has. Just because you do not recall the 2000 election doesn't mean it didn't happen. Like I said, the Dems will indeed bring it up again for the kool aid crowd.... they know your memories aren't capable of retaining what happened 8 years ago.

But please, go ahead and act like this is somehow a big deal.

Did you know Obama snorted coke? .... and HE is the actual candidate!!


Umm some of us did not watch the republican vs republican pundit wars in 2000.
I think the Democrats should make an ad about Cindy McCain and her problems with drugs..

I think it will work.
Umm some of us did not watch the republican vs republican pundit wars in 2000.

The point is that the MEDIA has already hashed it out. Whether or not you paid attention is hardly the issue. This story was old when they ran with it in 2000. But like I said, that won't stop the Dems from attacking her all over again.... all the while crying that someone criticized Michelle for a comment she made this year.
Where does the GOP get the cajunas to attack Michelle Obama for a mere statement when Cindy McCain is a known drug addict who STOLE FROM HER OWN CHARITY?

Are they sure they want to go there? And my other question is why aren't the dems smearing the McCain's back? That's an easy fight IMO.

Obama won't use this .. he doesn't have to.

The GOPers NEED to attack Michelle .. what else do they have .. and after all, they are republicans.
Just keep in mind my McCain loving buddies here, if you start making hey about stupid non issues about Mrs Obama then you will unleash the " well lets compare her to mrs McCain"..
