Starving In Ohio - No Meat To Eat

Heck I brown bagged it when I worked in cubeville making 75K. Better food in my bag and no rush to run out and get something.
Heck I brown bagged it when I worked in cubeville making 75K. Better food in my bag and no rush to run out and get something.

I still Brown bag. Today (snack, lunch, and snack) is 2x Smoked Ham w/spicy mustard on whole wheat, carrots and celery, banana, peach, bottle of water, protein bar.

When I was a kid, there was some pity story about folks eating dog food because they couldn't 'afford' anything else. My Mom said that the people who resort to eating dog food don't know how to shop or budget properly. I always remember that. I guess the modern equivalent is McDs.
Peanut butter and bread?

Nope usually leftovers for for the fridge and nukerwave. Yummy.
But it went to peanut butter after the wife went spend crazy and then quit her 80K a year job after maxxing out our credit. And of course she always ate out at the trendy restaurants.

I have lived the "American dream" And it sucked.

Back to reality now.
Nope usually leftovers for for the fridge and nukerwave. Yummy.
But it went to peanut butter after the wife went spend crazy and then quit her 80K a year job after maxxing out our credit. And of course she always ate out at the trendy restaurants.

I have lived the "American dream" And it sucked.

Back to reality now.
