STDs rife among US teenage girls

I seriously doubt that Boulder, or any other locality, doesn't teach that abstinence is a good thing. If they don't, they are stupid.

It's part of any basic comprehensive sex-ed program: abstinence is good, but if you aren't going to abstain, practice safe sex.
I don't doubt it at all. They had a symposium with three people who weren't even experts in the field hired to encourage the kids to have sex. I am not kidding. One was a lady who writes editorials, another a guy who goes around doing a one man show (a monologue) on his penis and another was a shrink who specializes in some other area who actually mentioned that they had no expertise in teen sexuality.

Abstinence was ridiculed, not endorsed by these people.
I don't doubt it at all. They had a symposium with three people who weren't even experts in the field hired to encourage the kids to have sex. I am not kidding. One was a lady who writes editorials, another a guy who goes around doing a one man show (a monologue) on his penis and another was a shrink who specializes in some other area who actually mentioned that they had no expertise in teen sexuality.

Abstinence was ridiculed, not endorsed by these people.

OK, but where is the part about the sex-education not teaching abstinence at all? You have a symposium where a guest speaker says that he wants to teach kids to be responsible when they do have sex. Is the symposium the entirety of the sex-ed curriculum?

I know these things get you and Bill O' in a twitter, but what is the overall sex-education message? I seriously doubt that the students are not taught that abstinence is a good thing.

And was abstinence actually ridiculed or was it presented as unlikely.
OK, but where is the part about the sex-education not teaching abstinence at all? You have a symposium where a guest speaker says that he wants to teach kids to be responsible when they do have sex. Is the symposium the entirety of the sex-ed curriculum?

I know these things get you and Bill O' in a twitter, but what is the overall sex-education message? I seriously doubt that the students are not taught that abstinence is a good thing.

And was abstinence actually ridiculed or was it presented as unlikely.
Oh, so ridiculing it is teaching it then. Got ya.
In Mississippi?

If they want the whole world to know, and the pharmacist that they're whole family has been seeing since they were four. But then again, ignorant simple-minded conservatives think things like that are A-OK, and no big deal, since "technically" they could get condoms.

Hey look, technically a jail prisoner is free. He could break out and run for the border any time he wanted to, yet he CHOOSES to stay in prison.

Go to walmart... use the self checkout... done.
Again, that depends on which school area you live in. It may not be brushed over in your area, therefore the kids would have a good knowledge that they are at risk for STD, which was the main reason that kids were not being tested according to the study you cited.

Kids who live in areas that do not include any abstinence education do not receive as much clear direction in that area as those whose schools do include them. Most schools will not include it. Shoot, we have Boulder hiring a bunch of people who have no expertise actually encouraging them to have more sex.

say what?

Ok maybe I'm missing something here, but why isn't that parents have not been brought into this at all? There are all these posts about schools teaching abstinence, not teaching abstinence, but what of the responsibility of the parent? Is it not their job to also teach their children and to supply protection as necessary?
say what?
There was a huge thing on the Caplis and Silverman show about it, they played tape after tape of these people mocking abstinence and one-upping each other on how much they actually promoted the kids to have sex.

When credentials were checked none of the people had any expertise to note on teen sexuality.
There was a huge thing on the Caplis and Silverman show about it, they played tape after tape of these people mocking abstinence and one-upping each other on how much they actually promoted the kids to have sex.

When credentials were checked none of the people had any expertise to note on teen sexuality.

I had no idea. I guess I must break down and start paying closer attention to the local news. Do you recall the school at which this occured?
Man, I KNOW I'm going to have sex tonight, I should take the 50 miles walk to Gulfport.

That kind of asking them to do ridiculous things to get condoms is in no way responsible for my county having the highest teen pregnancy rate in the nation.
As soon as they 1.) get someone to drive them and 2.) actually meat someone at the checkout they don't know. Or they could walk 50 miles up to gulfport. That'll be an interesting trip.

You conservatives are some stupid fucks.
Go to the Krogers use the self-checkout, done. And yes, even in places like mine kids can get to the self-checkout. Your desperate excuses notwithstanding, the reality is the condoms are available, yet are not the solution to HPV. Your desperate excuses are not working here because even your solution doesn't work. Read Strings post earlier explaining how Condoms do not protect well against this.
Go to the Krogers use the self-checkout, done. And yes, even in places like mine kids can get to the self-checkout. Your desperate excuses notwithstanding, the reality is the condoms are available, yet are not the solution to HPV.

The HPV vaccine is the solution to HPV.
Just say no


God and morality

None of that bullshit works

American teens are having sex and that is unlikely to change living in an atmosphere where sex is everywhere to be found all over American media.

Solutions to this problem must start from that reality, not from from Victorian fairy-tale that does not exist.
As soon as they 1.) get someone to drive them and 2.) actually meat someone at the checkout they don't know. Or they could walk 50 miles up to gulfport. That'll be an interesting trip.

You conservatives are some stupid fucks.

Stupid because I don't know the exact layout of the bumblefuck MS town you live in?

Or because I am not aware of what the driving age is in Mississippi?

Do you have to be 18 to buy condoms in MS????
And I have no idea what Kroegers is. The kids that don't live in rural areas could walk to the drugstore, but then again, that's the same guy they've been going to since they were 5. And most kids live in rural areas, and it would be a ridiculous walk, and it would be an absurd walk to any place that has employees they don't know.

Your ridiculous ignorance notwithstanding.
Just say no


God and morality

None of that bullshit works

American teens are having sex and that is unlikely to change living in an atmosphere where sex is everywhere to be found all over American media.

Solutions to this problem must start from that reality, not from from Victorian fairy-tale that does not exist.
Nobody on this thread is promoting the "victorian fairy tale" you speak so poetically against.

In other words, yeah, we all agree on that one. Now let's get back to the discussion on this thread.
Stupid because I don't know the exact layout of the bumblefuck MS town you live in?

Or because I am not aware of what the driving age is in Mississippi?

Do you have to be 18 to buy condoms in MS????

There's probably a bill in the legislature.

THe driving age in Mississippi is 15. Since we're the poorest state in the nation, most 15 year olds, surprisingly enough, do not have cars. The welfare queens should get jobs, that'll fix their problems.

And it's fucking common sense that would tell you that it's not easy for a teenager to get condoms discreetly in rural areas. Why don't we do something common sense, like give them out in school? ZOMGT?1?1?!!
And I have no idea what Kroegers is. The kids that don't live in rural areas could walk to the drugstore, but then again, that's the same guy they've been going to since they were 5. And most kids live in rural areas, and it would be a ridiculous walk, and it would be an absurd walk to any place that has employees they don't know.

Your ridiculous ignorance notwithstanding.
Kroger's is the local supermarket. Here it is King Sooper's, another place Safeway. However, condoms will not protect against what most of the kids were infected with. Your solution didn't fix it.