Steven Hawking vs. Ludwig Wittgenstein

The fact that you have to ask this question is indication enough that you deny philosophy. You never learned it. You are completely illiterate in it.

So you saying philosophy isn't the process of someone creating an idea that others want to join by sacrificing their biological time to bring the concept to social fruition of ancestral behavior throughout history going forward one generation at a time here now one lifetime at a time mutually evolving conceived to decomposed sustaining the numbers inception to extinction.

You saying without philosophy reverse psychology doesn't work? How about inverted logic like thinking outside a box gets ancestors mutually evolving to die trying to prove the equity of their character role playing. Chain of command educated on need to know principles as principals of progress keeping the same ideas moving traditionally each added ancestor arriving in an ever changing people population living spontaneously here since conceived parallel occupying space now.
So you saying philosophy isn't the process of someone creating an idea that others want to join by sacrificing their biological time to bring the concept to social fruition of ancestral behavior throughout history going forward one generation at a time here now one lifetime at a time mutually evolving conceived to decomposed sustaining the numbers inception to extinction.

You saying without philosophy reverse psychology doesn't work? How about inverted logic like thinking outside a box gets ancestors mutually evolving to die trying to prove the equity of their character role playing. Chain of command educated on need to know principles as principals of progress keeping the same ideas moving traditionally each added ancestor arriving in an ever changing people population living spontaneously here since conceived parallel occupying space now.

Word salad. I take it you don't speak English at all well.
Word salad. I take it you don't speak English at all well.

I comprehend parables better than most one track mentalities like yours will ever try to accomplish in a career of making promises of better tomorrows limited to biologically eternally separated now which by historical consensus isn't possible factually, or socially mandated to ignore or societal rules and regulations by law shun, exile, execute anyone able to debunk humanity in any arena of ideas is a crime against humanity insubordination, treason, blasphemy against party narratives of who's who and equity earned defending hope, faith, charity, tomorrows children always arriving today.

Look the Story of Jesus is recycled 2021 years after getting nailed to a cross because the 3 major societies wouldn't allow him to debunk all three or 6 lesser of two evils societies present. Morality, legality, ethics to defending one's character cradle to grave forward from great grandparents to great grandchildren sharing the same ideologies at the same time in the same geographical area.

SSDD, catch 22, No win situation, win/win scenario be it front to back, top down bottom up, left or right wings, in life or beyond lived so far. inception of a species to extinction of ancestries arrived between conceived as dead so far. Keep denying now is eternity and your reality will follow traditional self destruction.
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I comprehend parables better than most one track mentalities like yours will ever try to accomplish in a career of making promises of better tomorrows limited to biologically eternally separated now which by historical consensus isn't possible factually, or socially mandated to ignore or societal rules and regulations by law shun, exile, execute anyone able to debunk humanity in any arena of ideas is a crime against humanity insubordination, treason, blasphemy against party narratives of who's who and equity earned defending hope, faith, charity, tomorrows children always arriving today.

Look the Story of Jesus is recycled 2021 years after getting nailed to a cross because the 3 major societies wouldn't allow him to debunk all three or 6 lesser of two evils societies present. Morality, legality, ethics to defending one's character cradle to grave forward from great grandparents to great grandchildren sharing the same ideologies at the same time in the same geographical area.

SSDD, catch 22, No win situation, win/win scenario be it front to back, top down bottom up, left or right wings, in life or beyond lived so far. inception of a species to extinction of ancestries arrived between conceived as dead so far. Keep denying now is eternity and your reality will follow traditional self destruction.

Word salad.
Word salad.

every reality is governed by word salad controlling the behavior of genetic replacements pretending life isn't limited to eternally being separated as reproduced now. Kinetic self evident results in plain sight of each ancestor mutually evolving as one of a kind.
every reality is governed by word salad controlling the behavior of genetic replacements pretending life isn't limited to eternally being separated as reproduced now. Kinetic self evident results in plain sight of each ancestor mutually evolving as one of a kind.

Word salad. Try learning English.
Word salad. Try learning English.

Language arts in any tongue or alphabet used to construct vocabulary for conversation does the same principle, line of communicating between multiple brains occupying time reproductively present in the generation they arrived at adapting to space being timed apart here, in this universal position.

Contextual history doesn't record genetic results timed mutually apart now. History is abbreviating real during each reproductive cycle took place and taking place so far. Rationalizing mean anything to your character role playing? Focus on task at hand because life is a constant series parallel set of events going on living simultaneously separated being spontaneously here as one replacement.

Again, I learned what any language does to those using it to plan tomorrows before next generations repeat the art of practicing life is believed unable to limit biology eternally separating ancestors living here now. So when biology cannot, what symbolism replaces the actual movements?

Only within language does philosophies and psychologies convert one's brain to mind social narratives unconditionally conditioned to traditional methods of chasing equality while equally created.
Language arts in any tongue or alphabet used to construct vocabulary for conversation does the same principle, line of communicating between multiple brains occupying time reproductively present in the generation they arrived at adapting to space being timed apart here, in this universal position.

Contextual history doesn't record genetic results timed mutually apart now. History is abbreviating real during each reproductive cycle took place and taking place so far. Rationalizing mean anything to your character role playing? Focus on task at hand because life is a constant series parallel set of events going on living simultaneously separated being spontaneously here as one replacement.

Again, I learned what any language does to those using it to plan tomorrows before next generations repeat the art of practicing life is believed unable to limit biology eternally separating ancestors living here now. So when biology cannot, what symbolism replaces the actual movements?

Only within language does philosophies and psychologies convert one's brain to mind social narratives unconditionally conditioned to traditional methods of chasing equality while equally created.

Word salad. Try learning English.
Word salad. Try learning English.

try learning how life actually exists in real time without flowchart counting rotation of the planet as a timeline 24/7 set of excuses claiming nobody knows nd those that do won't tell deep state of mind secrets kept historically to date, hour, minute, second.

Rational minds and limited two sided talking points of circle logic with no beginning or end to mutually evolving as reproduced numbers populating space here now.
try learning how life actually exists in real time without flowchart counting rotation of the planet as a timeline 24/7 set of excuses claiming nobody knows nd those that do won't tell deep state of mind secrets kept historically to date, hour, minute, second.

Rational minds and limited two sided talking points of circle logic with no beginning or end to mutually evolving as reproduced numbers populating space here now.

Word salad. Try learning English.
Word salad. Try learning English.

Always project others are doing the babelling life is more than biology manages ever changing people being alive now as mutually evolving compounding ancestries into eternally separating ancestors living in plain sight. list your reasonable doubts created by theories and theologies used historically in current events around the globe.
Always project others are doing the babelling life is more than biology manages ever changing people being alive now as mutually evolving compounding ancestries into eternally separating ancestors living in plain sight. list your reasonable doubts created by theories and theologies used historically in current events around the globe.

programmed after birth mind, programmed after birth mentality, brain trained to remain dormant at navigating time mutually occupying space here until dead. You made yourself a real character saving humanity at the cost of not rescuing the species from intellectually induced self extinction.
Steven Hawking - the universe was spontaneously created out of nothing according to the laws of physics, rendering the need for any deity or religion utterly meaningless.

Ludwig Wittgenstein - science does not try to know the ultimate underlying entities which cause observable phenomena, but merely creates mathematical models for predicting observable phenomena. Religion is irrational, but not ultimately meaningless.

Legions of biologists have invested enormous effort describing the functions of DNA, RNA, ribosomes, proteins in cellular biology. It is very mechanistic.

But there are never any clear answers, no underlying first principles, on how this infinitely complex, choreographed dance came to be manifested and organized in cellular life.

My two cents: Biology is just so much more complex than physics, that the life sciences cannot really work out underlying, first principles. They have their work cut out just describing how things work at a mechanistic level
Steven Hawking - the universe was spontaneously created out of nothing according to the laws of physics, rendering the need for any deity or religion utterly meaningless.

Ludwig Wittgenstein - science does not try to know the ultimate underlying entities which cause observable phenomena, but merely creates mathematical models for predicting observable phenomena. Religion is irrational, but not ultimately meaningless.
I think Hawking comes at it from the perspective of scientific realism; that scientific theories can and do offer an accurate approximation or reality, both observable and non-observsble.

I do not think the vast majority of scientists dwell on the metaphysics behind the assumptions they are employing, except perhaps among the elite theoretical physicists of the world.
The whole modern conception of the world is founded on the illusion that the so-called laws of nature are the
explanations of natural phenomena.


Thus people today stop at the laws of nature, treating
them as something inviolable, just as God and Fate were
treated in past ages.
And in fact both are right and both wrong: though
the view of the ancients is clearer in so far as they have a
clear and acknowledged terminus, while the modern
system tries to make it look as if everything were
The whole modern conception of the world is founded on the illusion that the so-called laws of nature are the
explanations of natural phenomena.


Thus people today stop at the laws of nature, treating
them as something inviolable, just as God and Fate were
treated in past ages.
And in fact both are right and both wrong: though
the view of the ancients is clearer in so far as they have a
clear and acknowledged terminus, while the modern
system tries to make it look as if everything were

When science and natural philosophy made the transition from Aristotle to Newton, any consideration of teleology was stripped out and it was reduced to a mechanistic consideration of cause and effect.

Not saying that is either good or bad, but I don't think many people think about this limitation.
When science and natural philosophy made the transition from Aristotle to Newton, any consideration of teleology was stripped out and it was reduced to a mechanistic consideration of cause and effect.

Not saying that is either good or bad, but I don't think many people think about this limitation.

Wittgenstein thinks about it. One of the leading figures of analytic philosophy.