Storm the Bastille

Russia and China would like nothing more than a weak federal government in the United States. That’s why they hate the EU, they need a week federal government for Europe. They both have a very strong central government, and it makes them powerful.

Agreed. Commie cocksuckers like Dookie seek to weaken the US to Russia's advantage.
NATO is the most successful political and military alliance in human history precisely because it was built on a foundation of core shared values: democracy, free markets, the rule of law, civil liberties.

Any strategic partnership with Russia would be a matter of convenience, and those partnerships never last.

India has the world's 6th largest economy, Russia isn't even in the top ten. Outside of oil, arms, and vodka, Russia doesn't export much to the world markets.

As I understand it, India is a major player in IT and computer hardware on developing world markets, and India has given every indication of having a true entrepreneurial spirit in the way Russia does not. Probably because rule of law and a dynamic civil society does not exist in Russia
a partnership with Russia is impossible. But we can tone it down and advance mutual interests, like cheap nat gas to Europe and getting Russia to stop steaming ships thru the Japanese islands
we could offer recognition of Crimea as Russian territory in return for Russia pulling back from the border

The point is we always take the road of sanctions and confrontation - what do you expect Russia to do but react?
It'sto the point birdbrains like Cruz and Menendez want to preemptively sanction Russia for massing troops within it's own border

I do agree India has a place and the Quad needs to be more active. Trump visited India.
Biden had 1 phone call to Quad members and that was that.

India isn't part of the "Belt and Road" either -although with the loss of Afghan China can just extend it thru central Asia bypassing India

India is most important in trade.
we can get our pharmaceuticals from there -still cheap -but not from a Chinese supply chain
and if we can get India to join with the US to patrol the Indian Ocean...there are paths for a partnership

But whatever we can or cant do with India it makes 100% sense to ratchet down tensions with Russia and try to open up our markets.. afterall we did detente' even during the Cold War.
Why those poor wittle' Trumptards- always getting cheated and mistreated and picked on!

Someone- please give those poor innocent little Trumptards a sugar TIT!
a partnership with Russia is impossible....
Bullshit, Dookie.

Putin and the oligarchs run Russia. Since your countrymen are pussified versions of Euro-males....and that's saying a lot, your countrymen can expect to be assfucked by Putin and the Oligarchs for decades to come.

You know you can expect a Dirty Sanchez from Putin; he's a murdering asshole.

OTOH, Putin and the Oligarchs will sell out pussified Russians like yourself for profit. So, yes, other nations, including the US, can partner with Russia.

Heck, we're doing it in space right now.

Quit being a lying commie cocksucker, Dookie.
Agreed. Commie cocksuckers like Dookie seek to weaken the US to Russia's advantage.
ROFL. your understanding of power projection is childish. Simply defanging Russian hostility improves our national security without "beefing up" NATO and is much more amendable to peace
Bullshit, Dookie.

Putin and the oligarchs run Russia. Since your countrymen are pussified versions of Euro-males....and that's saying a lot, your countrymen can expect to be assfucked by Putin and the Oligarchs for decades to come.

You know you can expect a Dirty Sanchez from Putin; he's a murdering asshole.
and you cant even read where i said a partnership with Russia is impossible
jibberish / rant / rage

Lying/cocksucking/Putin's buttplug

Here's a tip about your chapped lips:

that makes no sense whatsoever + our feds are "stronger" ( more powers) then ever in our history already.

The political climate is much more important. Americans are sick of war but the foreign policy establishment is not and still thinks in terms of "boxing in Russia" by NATO expansion.
That right there is threatening to Russian security, and they react back by massing troops

when we send advance weapons like JAVELIN by the case they add more armor

The worst is Biden ginning up the war drums -to the point Zelensky had to tell him to tone it down

Arguably the Fed was much stronger in the 80’s when we stood up to the USSR and were instrumental in being about its demise.
Arguably the Fed was much stronger in the 80’s when we stood up to the USSR and were instrumental in being about its demise.

My guess is that the US was more united in those days. After the Cold War ended is when Americans began attacking each other.
BLM/ANTIFA rioted all summer for their political reasons.
we storm the Peoples House - and LW goes nuts, while accepting ANTIFA/BLM
riots as needed for WTF reasons

our institutions are ossified, corrupt and non-responsive.
Court refuse to hear for standing or because not "dispositive"
Secretary of State usurp Constitutional authority,backed by partisan state supreme courts

They've had enough, and this is popular redress because they have no other recourse.
I certainly understand the frustration of not being heard - well they hear it now

Sedition charges are being brought to bear by law enforcement, and a Trump loving Jan 6 criminal plead guilty to sedition yesterday
The January 6th committee has made it crystal clear that their intent is to send a criminal referral to DOJ for Dear Leader. Good luck in prison.
BLM/ANTIFA rioted all summer for their political reasons.
we storm the Peoples House - and LW goes nuts, while accepting ANTIFA/BLM
riots as needed for WTF reasons

our institutions are ossified, corrupt and non-responsive.
Court refuse to hear for standing or because not "dispositive"
Secretary of State usurp Constitutional authority,backed by partisan state supreme courts

They've had enough, and this is popular redress because they have no other recourse.
I certainly understand the frustration of not being heard - well they hear it now

Your daily reminder that Anatta equated smearing human shit on the walls of the Capitol and calling for the execution of the House Speaker and Vice President with the French storming the Bastille.
BLM/ANTIFA rioted all summer for their political reasons.
we storm the Peoples House - and LW goes nuts, while accepting ANTIFA/BLM
riots as needed for WTF reasons

our institutions are ossified, corrupt and non-responsive.
Court refuse to hear for standing or because not "dispositive"
Secretary of State usurp Constitutional authority,backed by partisan state supreme courts

They've had enough, and this is popular redress because they have no other recourse.
I certainly understand the frustration of not being heard - well they hear it now

Never forget that at 5:55PM on 1/6/21, when the terrorists took over the House and Senate floor, Anatta was coming up with a post to provide them cover.

For Anatta, smearing his shit on the walls of the Capitol while waving a swastika and wearing a "Camp Auschwitz" sweatshirt is the equivalent to the French storming the Bastille.