Storm the Bastille

I'm pro US/Russian relations improvement.
Maybe if we had paid attention and take Red lines as a real thing we wouldn't be looking at war with Russia by NATO

we keep our meetings secret. Usually dress up in Disney costumes

Suck that Putin cock
I picked a weird time to get suspended, so, I just want to add a few things. As I indicated over the summer and fall, I am not a fan of riots. It therefore disappointed me that capitol police didn't open fire and kill a lot more retards than just the one bitch who poorly represented my service branch.

Now just imagine that I have been posting that line of inflammatory rhetoric for the past week and that it has worn on you a bit (or you like it, and wish to have a beer with me).


*As always, I mean all of the above 100% and am not trolling

What you said days after J/6
it doesnt matter. I dont know anymore then you do.
Putin is in charge of Russia, Xi in charge of China..everything else is their internal matters

The only problems come when Biden runs down the nation like he did with systemic racism
that China throws it back in our face, such as Anchorage

Suck that foreign cock asshole
But India goes back and forth with China. China is India's largest trading partner and India is only interested
( or capable of) challenging China in the Indian Ocean - not the South China Sea where they are threatening to invade (re-unify) with Taiwan and glom up all the mineral rights of the other littoral states with their 9-dash line.

Russia has a much more powerful military and is partnering with China in the Arctic for extractions
and looking for more Asian trade via the Great Northern Route.
In fact letting Russia have Syria is really in our interests as well, since they kill ISIS remnants.
Maybe we can finally pull out our forces?? *of course not*

And then Russia attacked Ukraine huh asshole
LMAO. you have 0 understanding of realpolitik
Putin doesn't even care about "destabilizing the US" that's our BS intelligence.

Putin cares about Nato expansion as any nation would with hostile powers on it's border
Putin cares about improving his economy from a "glorified gas station"

Sine the west has sanctioned him for everything -that forces him to go where?? To China
we fuck up our own selves interests with stoopid shit like sanctions

01-31-2022, 02:33 PM

And then Russia attacked Ukraine shit face
it's called "triangulation"and it worked for decades with Nixon's China card.
It doesn't anymore because we are so hostile to Russia even in the Black Sea they can't live with NATO expansionism and warships running up on Crimean restricted waters

we shot ourselves in the foot. I dont even know at this point if we de-tangle US Russian relations
but if we cant the beneficiary is China -not us

Suck that Putin cock
You are a psychopath . You want members of the Republican party dead, and you want boomers dead
You cant stand being around children. You applaud doxing to violently provoke confrontations/beatings
You never understood anything about COVID microbiology. or even basic stuff like natural immunity
because all you hear is Fauci screaming VAXX

Your insane lies didn’t fly huh asshole

Covid was real
Russia is not a fading power because it's getting economic ties to China. It has the Great Northern Route opening up -that means much more trade with Asia and China
It's becoming an Asian Superpower even as it wanes in the west. and we largely did it because of stupid stuff. Putin's military is every but as good as NATO, and now it's is partnering with China with a unified military command structure. Putin and Xi have said their common enemy is the west.
We have managed to shove Putin completely into the Sino Orbit -undoing the Nixon China card.

Democracies have nothing to do with power projection.
China is the largest army and will soon be close to our naval power while militarizing space.

India has no interest in the Pacific -but we do. at best we can isolate India from the "One Belt one road"
connection, and use them as a check on China's influence in central Asia -not the Pacific at all
Yes they are important, and Trump worked to court Modi, but they aren't globally important outside of Asia

Then Putin attacked Ukraine on a sack of lies
that makes no sense whatsoever + our feds are "stronger" ( more powers) then ever in our history already.

The political climate is much more important. Americans are sick of war but the foreign policy establishment is not and still thinks in terms of "boxing in Russia" by NATO expansion.
That right there is threatening to Russian security, and they react back by massing troops

when we send advance weapons like JAVELIN by the case they add more armor

The worst is Biden ginning up the war drums -to the point Zelensky had to tell him to tone it down

Then Russia attacked Ukraine on a sack of lies
a partnership with Russia is impossible. But we can tone it down and advance mutual interests, like cheap nat gas to Europe and getting Russia to stop steaming ships thru the Japanese islands
we could offer recognition of Crimea as Russian territory in return for Russia pulling back from the border

The point is we always take the road of sanctions and confrontation - what do you expect Russia to do but react?
It'sto the point birdbrains like Cruz and Menendez want to preemptively sanction Russia for massing troops within it's own border

I do agree India has a place and the Quad needs to be more active. Trump visited India.
Biden had 1 phone call to Quad members and that was that.

India isn't part of the "Belt and Road" either -although with the loss of Afghan China can just extend it thru central Asia bypassing India

India is most important in trade.
we can get our pharmaceuticals from there -still cheap -but not from a Chinese supply chain
and if we can get India to join with the US to patrol the Indian Ocean...there are paths for a partnership

But whatever we can or cant do with India it makes 100% sense to ratchet down tensions with Russia and try to open up our markets.. afterall we did detente' even during the Cold War.

Suck that putin cock
Russia is not a fading power because it's getting economic ties to China.

Putin's military is every bit as good as NATO

Putin's military is not even close to NATO standards of weaponry, organization, leadership. And China isn't lifting a finger to give Putin any real tangible military aid or military assistance, even as Putin has bogged down in a major European war.
I wasnt there -the whole fiasco was a Trumpian exercise in futility.
Trump cant handle "you're fired" -and the election had plenty of shenanigans to put it mildly

I dont think we are at the point where the FBI comes a knocking over a nuanced post on a small messgeboard - not yet anyhow - especially since i dont advocate the violence.

06-17-2022, 05:19 AM

For a second you admitted trump did it
no evidence I had prior knowledge. I was watching tv like the rest of us, or maybe it was the net.

You'd do better going after the Russian spy ring you fantasize about here

The FBI said it was real idiot

It indicted people you lying russian fuck hole