Storm the Bastille

No the real reason is political speech is essential to a democracy. nobody has to "instruct me" on that.
It's the bedrock of the Bill of Rights
I dont listen to the shit show on Capitol Hill. The FBI said no conspiracy. until that changes I'm not taking the words of goobers like Liz Cheney on a illegitimate Select Committee where Pelosi appointed all the members

FBI finds no evidence Capitol riot was coordinated

Friday 20 August 2021 16:50

That report didn’t have all the evidence then
No the real reason is political speech is essential to a democracy. nobody has to "instruct me" on that.
It's the bedrock of the Bill of Rights
I dont listen to the shit show on Capitol Hill. The FBI said no conspiracy. until that changes I'm not taking the words of goobers like Liz Cheney on a illegitimate Select Committee where Pelosi appointed all the members

FBI finds no evidence Capitol riot was coordinated

You posted this year old report after the FBI KNEW much more NEARLY A FULL YEAR LATER

lie much Russo cock hole
1. BLM/ANTIFA rioted all summer for their political reasons.
2.we storm the Peoples House - and LW goes nuts, while accepting ANTIFA/BLM
riots as needed for WTF reasons

3.our institutions are ossified, corrupt and non-responsive.
4.Court refuse to hear for standing or because not "dispositive"
5.Secretary of State usurp Constitutional authority,backed by partisan state supreme courts


^still no rebuttals

A year later you just accepted the lies you were told about everything huh
well then when it gets past THE COMMITTEE and I find a valid source, other then miscreants and misfits like Cheney and Kinzinger and bloviating Dems anxious for the limelight -i'll re-evaluate

Mostly I dont care. it's a dead horse until I see criminal referrals.

there are elections to win to try to save the country from 3rd world status
Progs gotta go, and then you can play in the 1/6 sandbox forever for all I care

How did those elections go ass face?
These idiots sit around in their bunkers jerking off and talking about the evil socialist Jewish cabal that has taken over Congress. Where they went wrong is believing that most Americans agree with their delusions.

Notice how many of the nutjobs whined they were sorry before being sentenced to years in prison for their crimes.

And ratted trump out as the cause of it all
BLM/ANTIFA rioted all summer for their political reasons.
we storm the Peoples House - and LW goes nuts, while accepting ANTIFA/BLM
riots as needed for WTF reasons

our institutions are ossified, corrupt and non-responsive.
Court refuse to hear for standing or because not "dispositive"
Secretary of State usurp Constitutional authority,backed by partisan state supreme courts

They've had enough, and this is popular redress because they have no other recourse.
I certainly understand the frustration of not being heard - well they hear it now

Do you really not able to see the obvious differences? BLM was doing legal demonstrations until the police attacked them. Then all hell broke loose and people with no political slant saw a chance to loot. In the capitol, Trump insurrection, the rightys attacked the police and the nation's capitol. They injured over 140 capitol police and were trying to kill politicians. The idea was to end American democracy and install Trump as dictator. That is fundamental, not incidental. They were trying to end America as we know it.

Putin's military is not even close to NATO standards of weaponry, organization, leadership. And China isn't lifting a finger to give Putin any real tangible military aid or military assistance, even as Putin has bogged down in a major European war.

He wrote that crap shortly before Russia attackedUkraine unprovoked

Russia then showed the world that their military might was old rusted out unmaintained trash
Do you really not able to see the obvious differences? BLM was doing legal demonstrations until the police attacked them. Then all hell broke loose and people with no political slant saw a chance to loot. In the capitol, Trump insurrection, the rightys attacked the police and the nation's capitol. They injured over 140 capitol police and were trying to kill politicians. The idea was to end American democracy and install Trump as dictator. That is fundamental, not incidental. They were trying to end America as we know it.

You left out the part where after hours of the actual days protest racists groups who then attended the J/6 came in and instigated violence

That was what the FBI found
He wrote that crap shortly before Russia attackedUkraine unprovoked

Russia then showed the world that their military might was old rusted out unmaintained trash

The Ukraine war was tragically a real time test of whether my theory or Dukkha's theory was correct.

I said well before their Ukranian disaster, that Russia was a fading global military and economic power,

Dukkha promoted the Russian military and thought they were easily on par with NATO, and we should be begging Vlad to be our friend against the Chinese.
And the right here who still make excuses for Putin can be recognized for being Russo bot holes

Lots of them here
Look at how many lives Trump ruined w/ his lies. All of those loyalists - people are in jail, people have lost careers, reputations have been destroyed. And not dozens of people - hundreds.

All because a man-baby who can't stand losing and who lies constantly told them there was "fraud." Historians will marvel at the mass psychosis.
Second anniversary of this violent seditious insurrection.

And it's worth remembering how many MAGA posters screamed for two months about stolen elections, but then stayed at home typing on their keyboards rather than reporting for duty on J6 to Stop the Steal.

MAGA isn't a poster. The elections WERE stolen. They faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.