Stubborn Old Narcissist Ambles Toward Disaster

It's a bit like the leftists here on JPP are a bit behind the news cycle somehow when it comes to Brandon... They hear Brandon tell them to stop talking about his immanent departure and they grab a sippy cup, dip it into his bath, and start talking about how much they are shutting up and how nobody is saying he should leave even while folks are still saying he should leave. (Yes, even after that "big boy" News Conference where he misgendered Trump and made him VP).

Seriously, even if he was perfect during the presser, sane folks are well aware that he simply will not make it 4 months without Dementiaman™ making a return appearance at just the wrong moment. And now that the Press has been shown to be hacks they will cover it unlike the past 4 years where they were complicit in the coverup.
Not all of us are behind the news cycle - some of us feel betrayed by those close to Biden, including his family hiding his health issues from us and putting the country in this predicament.

Also, we're not giving the trumptard cult a pass for their worship of a total dumpster fire of a human.
At least the Democrats who think Joe Biden is the wrong person to be running for the office are actually questioning his run...and doing what they can to end it.

The Republicans who KNOW that Trump is he wrong person to be running for the office...are keeping their tails tucked tightly between their legs. They do not have the balls to question Dear Leader at all.
So true! It's sickening how the trumptard cult falls in line with such an evil, ignorant creature!
Do you? The Democrats had a coronation, not a primary. About three people in each state got out and voted for Brandon, and in one state he wasn't even on the ballot...
Yeah, and the Republicans ran a primary where everyone except for Christie refused to go after Trump. The reason: Christie was running for a TV anchor job and everyone else was running for president in 2028. It's sickening how Republicans genuflect to a clown-faced creature.

When CNN fact checks Biden, AKA the turnip, and finds six (6) lies, it's time to hang them up.

It's news when CNN ever fact checks Biden at his news conferences.

It's telling that now that the MSM has been caught covering up Biden's dementia and colluding to fool the voters, they now are turning on the very person that they were protecting.
You're a walking paradox - and by that, I mean you're both a pussy and a dick!

Never underestimate the destructive power of a stubborn old narcissist with something to prove.

Ideally no one gets hurt along the way: Maybe grandpop refuses to give up his license, drives into an oak tree, and only the car gets totaled. But sometimes there are casualties: Maybe a pedestrian gets hit.

President Joe Biden, 81, is acting like one of history’s most negligent and pigheaded leaders at a crucial moment, and right now, we are all pedestrians.

Since his debate debacle nearly two weeks ago, much of America has been locked into the classic “Will he or won’t he?” cliffhanger. Will Biden step aside and not run for reelection, as massive majorities of voters have for years said they want him to do? Or will he persist in pursuing one of the most ill-fated and ill-advised presidential campaigns ever carried out?


All of this has been thoroughly dispiriting to the majority of Americans who are eager to vote for someone besides Trump. It could easily get worse, too: Imagine what the September debate could look like for Biden if it bears any resemblance to the Accident in Atlanta. Imagine Election Night, or whatever unfolds after, while Biden licks his wounds and ice-cream cones back in Rehoboth Beach and staggers into his forced and disgraced retirement. His legacy-scorers will not be kind. Historians will be brutal. And Biden will deserve his own special place in the pantheon of Great Leaders Who Refused to Go Gracefully, to Tragic Effect.

More at link...

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The irony in calling Joe Biden a narcissist while he's running against tRump is absolutely EPIC!!
Exactly my point. At least Dems are questioning their choice now - Republicans never will.
The dems tried to cover brandons declining health and now they are acting like this is something that suddenly happened. The Republicans made their choice months ago.