Suggestion concerning legion

How's this?



You look much better than you used to BM
His wife likes it.

Good for her.

Hard as it is to imagine, I bet there's still a small minority of women in this country who enjoy being told what to think by a big, strong man.

It's obvious his wife knew what kind of knuckle-dragging troglodyte she was getting for a mate when she first "settled" for Billy.
Good for her. Hard as it is to imagine, I bet there's still a small minority of women in this country who enjoy being told what to think by a big, strong man.

Good point, Zaps.

I agree that Darla, Christiefan, Tekkygal, Desh, and the other Sob Sisters seem to need O-BOMB-YA to tell them what to do/say, and they need a M A N to defend them when someone gives them a taste of their own medicine.

Too bad all they can get is weak specimens like you.
Good for her.

Hard as it is to imagine, I bet there's still a small minority of women in this country who enjoy being told what to think by a big, strong man.

It's obvious his wife knew what kind of knuckle-dragging troglodyte she was getting for a mate when she first "settled" for Billy.

How is Billy's avatar telling any woman how to think?? Maybe you don't like cartoon tits, but any woman who is offended by that has got some VERY thin skin.
You had to make me look it up, didn't you?
"Tiny Boobs Giant Tits History"? Japs are weird. And we're weirder for buying this crap.
How is Billy's avatar telling any woman how to think?? Maybe you don't like cartoon tits, but any woman who is offended by that has got some VERY thin skin.

I am offended by it. It is gross. How can you, a man, presume to judge how thick a woman's skin should be? I generally respect, even admire your positions, but here we part ways.