Suggestion concerning legion

I did, and it worked fine. As a good libertarian, he knows I am entitled to my opinion, whether he agrees or not.

And as a good libertarian, he'll continue to "offend" your delicate little eyes with Mega Milk the titty monster....LOL.
I am offended by it. It is gross. How can you, a man, presume to judge how thick a woman's skin should be? I generally respect, even admire your positions, but here we part ways.

What exactly is offensive? That the cartoon girl has tits? That the cartoon girl is holding her tits? How is any of that offensive?

Perhaps thin-skinned was the wrong phrase. Perhaps it is jealousy or about looking for something about which to be offended. Millions of women love to show off their cleavage and present their breasts for maximum exposure (covered or uncovered). If you are so uptight about it that a pair of cartoon tits bothers you, then the issue is yours.
Someone needs to fill him in on what is socially approriate and clearly, that someone is not you.

What is socially acceptable?? Anorexic models are socially acceptable and have been sending girls on a path of starvation for decades. That is really great, huh?

How about Barbi? Teach another generation of girls that the perfect body is one they cannot attain? Teach them that the important thing in life is a good wardrobe and an ability to accessorize? Yeah, that is socially acceptable. And has done more damage than Billy's silly pair of anime' tits.

Perhaps if Americans were not so puritanical concerning our bodies and sex, we wouldn't have the high numbers of half-starved young girls trying to emulate the models we wave in front of them? Wouldn't THAT be offensive.
What exactly is offensive? That the cartoon girl has tits? That the cartoon girl is holding her tits? How is any of that offensive?

Perhaps thin-skinned was the wrong phrase. Perhaps it is jealousy or about looking for something about which to be offended. Millions of women love to show off their cleavage and present their breasts for maximum exposure (covered or uncovered). If you are so uptight about it that a pair of cartoon tits bothers you, then the issue is yours.

Your lack of empathy is not my problem. I told you I respect your views in general, but part here. That will not change regardless of your protestations and again I ask how you, a man, can judge women. You honestly can't , so the discussion ends here, at least for me. You may continue if you like,
His avatar is crude, rude, and vulgar. I doubt any of the women here want to see it. But crude and rude and vulgar describe Billy who has always been open about how he views women - tits and ass, the bigger the better. Complete objectification. He fetishes non-Caucasian women and probably believes it's a compliment to them.

Fucking period.
I am offended by it. It is gross. How can you, a man, presume to judge how thick a woman's skin should be? I generally respect, even admire your positions, but here we part ways.

I agree. I was offended. And I ad-blocked it immediately.
What exactly is offensive? That the cartoon girl has tits? That the cartoon girl is holding her tits? How is any of that offensive?


What Darla said.
His avatar is crude, rude, and vulgar.

That you see nothing wrong in a man having an avatar of a buxom cartoon woman is your prerogative.

Telling women that we shouldn't be offended - that's where you went wrong.
LOL, feminists are all for gender equality but reserve the right to self-determine standards when they choose...

Tough shit, sugar tits.