Suggestion concerning legion

I think it shows that Billy like to stay abreast of womens' issues.

Not even slightly.

It's sexist as hell...but since when does a neanderthal like Billy care if some woman is offended by his nonsense?

How is Billy's avatar telling any woman how to think?? Maybe you don't like cartoon tits, but any woman who is offended by that has got some VERY thin skin.

I do not now, nor have I ever, really given a shit about what is 'socially appropriate'. If you're offended I'm sorry to hear that, I'm changing it after I win the next debate round.

As a well-endowed Latina woman from Spanish Harlem with a generous cup myself, I have had plenty of white misognistic bastards up for a Saturday fling pant and slober over me after only a couple of mojitos. As such I have read this thread with disdain and disgust. Most responses here, whether from well-meaning, chivalrous men, or from those encouraging this ignominious behavior by a complete idiot and his cheering section of Neanderthals who seem to believe that women should be seen and not heard, have missed the point.

This seemingly meaningless cartoon seems to me to be about ownership issues and a patriarchal narrative that bestows the right to tell women what to think and how to dress on the white male, who also reserves the right to tell all others who he considers his inferiors what they must do. In short, issues of male ownership are reserved for the white male exclusively. To men like most of those depicted here with few exceptions women are either reified body parts, or expressions of male power or status or both. In short, women are property, a relationship that has been enforced historically through economic inequality. And economically independent women are threatening because they are independent and cannot be controlled in the normal power relations established by the capitalist system, in which family, as an ideological construct, sanctifies one particular form of household organization, treating it as a universal ideal: that form is patriarchal, the nuclear body with a male head. This distasteful and degrading patriarchal narrative underlies most responses here whether against that originally posted or that of the loons, goons and buffoons who responded in agreement.

To pretend as some here have that a rejection of his prehistoric representation is a result of a "thin skin" is to confuse women with the uttertly predictable rehearsals of mindless bromides and glib sophistries that we women have to confront in real life on a daily basis.

What remains to be adequately explained is why the caveman claims he is changing his name after the debates; does this indicate some kind of misogynistic psychological warfare against a woman who dared enter the white male purview of a debate generally reserved for men, and in so doing, challenged this particular white male, who apparently has some still unidentified and unresolved masculinity issues, frightening him into an irrational response?
Soliciting for prostitution?

Shame on you.

As with the rest of the idiiots here you can't get by the body parts and address the substance of my comment. As I noted in the body of my comment that you chose to ignore, your bahavior is typical of males with masculinity issues who do most, if not all their thinking with their small heads! It's too bad you're another mindless goon. Come back when you have something worthwhile to say or can address the multiple claims made in my comment.
As with the rest of the idiiots here you can't get by the body parts and address the substance of my comment. As I noted in the body of my comment that you chose to ignore, your bahavior is typical of males with masculinity issues who do most, if not all their thinking with their small heads! It's too bad you're another mindless goon. Come back when you have something worthwhile to say or can address the multiple claims made in my comment.

So you lied about being "a well-endowed Latina woman from Spanish Harlem with a generous cup".

Thought so.
Vegan, fill this out and email to BM, the site admins, and your local congressman.

BM, when you receive this, please send a copy to Vegan and the site admins. She will forward it her local congressman. The FBI may be in contact if you fail to comply within 10 standard business days.

As a well-endowed Latina woman from Spanish Harlem with a generous cup myself, I have had plenty of white misognistic bastards up for a Saturday fling pant and slober over me after only a couple of mojitos. As such I have read this thread with disdain and disgust. Most responses here, whether from well-meaning, chivalrous men, or from those encouraging this ignominious behavior by a complete idiot and his cheering section of Neanderthals who seem to believe that women should be seen and not heard, have missed the point.

This seemingly meaningless cartoon seems to me to be about ownership issues and a patriarchal narrative that bestows the right to tell women what to think and how to dress on the white male, who also reserves the right to tell all others who he considers his inferiors what they must do. In short, issues of male ownership are reserved for the white male exclusively. To men like most of those depicted here with few exceptions women are either reified body parts, or expressions of male power or status or both. In short, women are property, a relationship that has been enforced historically through economic inequality. And economically independent women are threatening because they are independent and cannot be controlled in the normal power relations established by the capitalist system, in which family, as an ideological construct, sanctifies one particular form of household organization, treating it as a universal ideal: that form is patriarchal, the nuclear body with a male head. This distasteful and degrading patriarchal narrative underlies most responses here whether against that originally posted or that of the loons, goons and buffoons who responded in agreement.

To pretend as some here have that a rejection of his prehistoric representation is a result of a "thin skin" is to confuse women with the uttertly predictable rehearsals of mindless bromides and glib sophistries that we women have to confront in real life on a daily basis.

What remains to be adequately explained is why the caveman claims he is changing his name after the debates; does this indicate some kind of misogynistic psychological warfare against a woman who dared enter the white male purview of a debate generally reserved for men, and in so doing, challenged this particular white male, who apparently has some still unidentified and unresolved masculinity issues, frightening him into an irrational response?

I think you're reading a bit much into it. It's a joke a have with my wife (my current name that is). And I change my name every debate round as a joke towards Tekkychic, who commented that I change it often (which is true). As for why I normally change my name, it's again, because I find it funny. But in any case welcome.
I think you're reading a bit much into it. It's a joke a have with my wife (my current name that is). And I change my name every debate round as a joke towards Tekkychic, who commented that I change it often (which is true). As for why I normally change my name, it's again, because I find it funny. But in any case welcome.

Damn, it's my fault you change your name so often?

once again, it proves that being dictator of the universe just ain't as fun as it could be.....
Damn, it's my fault you change your name so often?

once again, it proves that being dictator of the universe just ain't as fun as it could be.....

Well, it's your fault I'm changing it every round. After the tournament I'm probably going back to one of my old names.
As a well-endowed Latina woman from Spanish Harlem with a generous cup myself, I have had plenty of white misognistic bastards up for a Saturday fling pant and slober over me after only a couple of mojitos. As such I have read this thread with disdain and disgust. Most responses here, whether from well-meaning, chivalrous men, or from those encouraging this ignominious behavior by a complete idiot and his cheering section of Neanderthals who seem to believe that women should be seen and not heard, have missed the point.

This seemingly meaningless cartoon seems to me to be about ownership issues and a patriarchal narrative that bestows the right to tell women what to think and how to dress on the white male, who also reserves the right to tell all others who he considers his inferiors what they must do. In short, issues of male ownership are reserved for the white male exclusively. To men like most of those depicted here with few exceptions women are either reified body parts, or expressions of male power or status or both. In short, women are property, a relationship that has been enforced historically through economic inequality. And economically independent women are threatening because they are independent and cannot be controlled in the normal power relations established by the capitalist system, in which family, as an ideological construct, sanctifies one particular form of household organization, treating it as a universal ideal: that form is patriarchal, the nuclear body with a male head. This distasteful and degrading patriarchal narrative underlies most responses here whether against that originally posted or that of the loons, goons and buffoons who responded in agreement.

To pretend as some here have that a rejection of his prehistoric representation is a result of a "thin skin" is to confuse women with the uttertly predictable rehearsals of mindless bromides and glib sophistries that we women have to confront in real life on a daily basis.

What remains to be adequately explained is why the caveman claims he is changing his name after the debates; does this indicate some kind of misogynistic psychological warfare against a woman who dared enter the white male purview of a debate generally reserved for men, and in so doing, challenged this particular white male, who apparently has some still unidentified and unresolved masculinity issues, frightening him into an irrational response?

Welcome to the funny farm cupcake. If you find this thread offensive you will have a multitude of surprises. Billy (Mega) is actually genteel in comparison.
There are several misogynists, a couple racists,one rape appologist, quite a few closet homosexuals who try to hide their homoseuallity with homophobic commentary,
and of course Legion (Big Money) who suffers multiple personality disorder AND changes his name often for purposes of malintent. Fortunately we have an ignore feature and most of thje worst offenders are on mine.
I think you're reading a bit much into it. It's a joke a have with my wife (my current name that is). And I change my name every debate round as a joke towards Tekkychic, who commented that I change it often (which is true). As for why I normally change my name, it's again, because I find it funny. But in any case welcome.

I am not suprised; this is the kind of response most misogynists give when they are caught objectifying women. The fact is you posted this avatar to intimidate a woman who you obviously fear is your intellectual superior and you have not denied a thing I have said about you or your cheering section of forlorn and fulminating troglodytes.