Suggestion concerning legion

I assume she is real, wouldn't the mods know if she was just another sock? But why is she only in this thread? Seems shallow and targeted.
I assume she is real, wouldn't the mods know if she was just another sock? But why is she only in this thread? Seems shallow and targeted.

Also, her comments don't seem quite like a normal newbie's comments. But if there really is a fresh voice on the forum, that would be good. Just something doesn't seem right. I hope I'm being overly suspicious.
I am not suprised; this is the kind of response most misogynists give when they are caught objectifying women. The fact is you posted this avatar to intimidate a woman who you obviously fear is your intellectual superior and you have not denied a thing I have said about you or your cheering section of forlorn and fulminating troglodytes.





I am not suprised; this is the kind of response most misogynists give when they are caught objectifying women. The fact is you posted this avatar to intimidate a woman who you obviously fear is your intellectual superior and you have not denied a thing I have said about you or your cheering section of forlorn and fulminating troglodytes.

I changed my name before I found out I was debating Darla if that's what you mean. Again, I think you're reading too much into it.
I changed my name before I found out I was debating Darla if that's what you mean. Again, I think you're reading too much into it.

While I disliked your avatar, and I certainly don't think you're a feminist by any means, I don't think you posted the avatar to intimidate anyone (and besides which - the women on this board would not be so easily intimidated). But RVC doesn't know you very well yet so has only the posts they have reviewed to judge you by.
While I disliked your avatar, and I certainly don't think you're a feminist by any means, I don't think you posted the avatar to intimidate anyone (and besides which - the women on this board would not be so easily intimidated). But RVC doesn't know you very well yet so has only the posts they have reviewed to judge you by.

You'd be surprised by how 'feminist' I am.
As with the rest of the idiiots here you can't get by the body parts and address the substance of my comment. As I noted in the body of my comment that you chose to ignore, your bahavior is typical of males with masculinity issues who do most, if not all their thinking with their small heads! It's too bad you're another mindless goon. Come back when you have something worthwhile to say or can address the multiple claims made in my comment.

LOL Awesome.
Also, her comments don't seem quite like a normal newbie's comments. But if there really is a fresh voice on the forum, that would be good. Just something doesn't seem right. I hope I'm being overly suspicious.

yeah it's a bit forced. something is off.

I could be wrong though, but it's not standard fare
yeah it's a bit forced. something is off.

I could be wrong though, but it's not standard fare

Well I guarantee you it's not me. Three of my JPP buds asked me about that believe it or not. I really can't think of anyone posting here who write like that, but I haven't seen enough to know for sure. We do seem to be getting a lot of new posters, and I mean other than the gruesome twosome trying to sneak back on, hoping no doubt, to be lost in the crowd. I hope it's for real and she comes back, because I'd like to read more and I am always thrilled to have a new woman posting here. I loved when tekychic joined and I say the more smart women the better! It could only raise the level of debate and writing here because I don't know if you've noticed but one or 25 of the men here are morons with nothing to say but boy do they insist on repeating themselves!
What is socially acceptable?? Anorexic models are socially acceptable and have been sending girls on a path of starvation for decades. That is really great, huh?

How about Barbi? Teach another generation of girls that the perfect body is one they cannot attain? Teach them that the important thing in life is a good wardrobe and an ability to accessorize? Yeah, that is socially acceptable. And has done more damage than Billy's silly pair of anime' tits.

Perhaps if Americans were not so puritanical concerning our bodies and sex, we wouldn't have the high numbers of half-starved young girls trying to emulate the models we wave in front of them? Wouldn't THAT be offensive.

Americans are puritanical, although I'm not sure they should go as far as Germans who will shed their clothes at the drop of a hat.