SUGGESTION: Let's try one "clean" day

To me, it's like someone enrolling in the U of A and then spending all their time trying to change the team moniker from Crimson Tide to Pink Pussies.

To me its like going to a political debate site and having it filled with childish insults, baiting idiots, and flame wars.

That indicates to me that certain parties don't want bilateral verbal disarmament...they just want to tilt the playing field in their favor by changing the rules...

How many whining threads demanding the banning of people who have not broken any rules have clogged up the whole board lately?

And they seem to be from the 'we should b able to dish it out but we shouldn't have to take it' crowd.

Exactly. How many times have I asked them to join me on APP where both parties have to leave their guns at the door?

Everyone balks. Why? Because they want to reserve the right to call you a tea Bagger and such but don't want to be called names

It freaks them out that their own antics get thrown in their faces.
you COULD, if you all stopped pouncing on every thread like a cat on a mouse, or if for just ONCE, you (not you in particular) thought about keeping ON TOPIC, and OUT OF THE GUTTER on most of the threads.

We have Above Plain Politics and a War Zone.

Learn them, love them, be them.
I see it as freedom of expression.

Don't break the rules, and it's all good.
go play in the street, that's about what you are accomplishing here, there is nothing good about it, when most of the posters don't even bother anymore.

I have the patience of Job, and the tolerance level for people that would test Jesus, yet the denseness of your stupid posting, is just wearing me down to the point we're just going to let you have this clusterfuck all to your self.

Post away, I really do not care.
Anyone up for this? Let's make Monday, 10/21, whatever time zone that is for you a "clean" day.

By that I mean - post on the issues or, if off-topic like the Tom Petty thread, make it as fun as that thread, don't make it a flame/war zone type thread

No gratuitous insults

No references to other members sexual organs or sexual habits or whatever.

Watch the language - no problem with fuck/shit/bs, but avoid the loaded words - and yes, we all know what they are

No complaining about the other members except privately to the moderators

Stay on topic - don't take a thread way off-topic (i.e. diverting a rape thread to an anti-abortion thread or a whatever thread to a thread about racism)

Let's see what this forum COULD be, if we all respect each other and stay focused on issues.

Anyone game?

your efforts to help the board are appreciated tekky.

I think it's a good idea

I don't know if it will work though.
in good time, no need to worry your pointed little head about it.

Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Are you gone yet?
Isn't it awesome what a completely evil and horrible person that IHA is? He's basically a cartoon villain, because of how blatantly repulsive he is. There is zero ambiguity or gray area with him that allows for consideration that he might be misunderstood, victimized, or some other quaint excuse -- he's just plain FUCKING EVIL, and it cracks me up!