SUGGESTION: Let's try one "clean" day

Look around the forum and see how many of the discussions have become useless collections of insults and profanities. Is that the sort of forum you want?

It's not only the kind of forum they want it is the only kind of forum they want no matter what they say other wise they want to just keep stressing how great rape is! That is all they want to talk about especially getting raped in the ass--that appears to be their particular gritty obsession!
your efforts to help the board are appreciated tekky.

I think it's a good idea

I don't know if it will work though.

How can it when you have people with minds of 2 year olds who are obsessively playing in their feces!

I PMed you about some more of it!
If everyone would ignore BM, ILA, and USF, we might have a chance.

But I'll be good today.

But how could Winterborn get banned?
If everyone would ignore BM, ILA, and USF, we might have a chance. But I'll be good today. But how could Winterborn get banned?

Same way your High Priestess breaking the rules.

That's how & why it happens, despite your incessant whining to make it otherwise.
go play in the street, that's about what you are accomplishing here, there is nothing good about it, when most of the posters don't even bother anymore.

I have the patience of Job, and the tolerance level for people that would test Jesus, yet the denseness of your stupid posting, is just wearing me down to the point we're just going to let you have this clusterfuck all to your self.

Post away, I really do not care.

Big Money is just another manifestation of Legion Troll, he will be a liberal next time.
Big Money is just another manifestation of Legion Troll, he will be a liberal next time.

I don't really care, personally. I'm not on the boards to play games; I'm on the boards for some amusing distraction, for some political talk, to hear about things I might not otherwise hear about. So I don't care what they were before; I don't care what they will be; I care what they are posting now.
I don't really care, personally. I'm not on the boards to play games; I'm on the boards for some amusing distraction, for some political talk, to hear about things I might not otherwise hear about. So I don't care what they were before; I don't care what they will be; I care what they are posting now.

I don't believe that I was actually talking to you unless annata is an alias of yours.
That's what I figured. When a couple posters wouldn't agree to tone it down for even one day, guess he got fed up.

I logged off before it happened though.

Why don't we do this? If you are having a bad day, just blame me or Big Money.

Dog die? Blame ILA

Computer crash? Blame ILA

Can't log into Obamacare? Blame ILA

Erectile dysfunction? Blame ILA
Except maybe for making potential rule 12 comments.

Boo Hoo Hoo.

So the trolls are allowed free reign to start thread after thread discussing raping women but I'm not allowed to discuss my many travels across this great nation of ours and the incredible sights I've seen...all because you've got your panties in a knot regarding the word "tourist".