Sunday Standard: 2004 Article about the new Kenyan Born Senator

I just post this stuff to see what people say, it really does entertain. I think it is funny stuff...

Most of it I get from a local radio dude who believes Barack was born in Hawaii but continues to believe he is "hiding something"... yet continues to have Corsi on and all the famous birther people.

I know you do, and I'm a n00b. :)

Retiring Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.); had this to say yesterday on what's wrong with America today:

"Society has changed. The public is to blame as well. I think the people have gotten dumber. I don't know that I would've said that out loud pre-my announcement that I was going to be leaving. But I think that's true."'s like there's dumb infused in that tea.
I have a question?

Why does Obama spend so much money covering his background?

It's a simple question.

I'm not a birther, he's not a muslim, he's an American .. and he damn sure ain't (eb) no socialist. :0)

That being said, why does Obama spend so much money covering his background .. and if he's an academic genius .. why doesn't he tout his academic records instead of hiding them?

The point is, there is something about Obama that he's hiding.

Yes, he lived as Barry Soetoro while in Indonesia .. and yes, he worked for a CIA front before he entered Harvard.

The reason the questions have life is not just because of his race .. but rather because there is much that is unclear.

Correct. But this one specifically is funny.

He does hide quite a bit about his background, and that is what drives many of these people. However I think the "where he was" question has been answered and find it amusing when I see still another story come out.

It seems incredible to me that some patriot in the CIA or FBI wouldn't have "leaked" the info to the right person at the right paper by now if it were true he was not eligible constitutionally.
Correct. But this one specifically is funny.

He does hide quite a bit about his background, and that is what drives many of these people. However I think the "where he was" question has been answered and find it amusing when I see still another story come out.

It seems incredible to me that some patriot in the CIA or FBI wouldn't have "leaked" the info to the right person at the right paper by now if it were true he was not eligible constitutionally.

I agree. I don't challenge the constitutionality of his presidency.

However, I also believe that some of the nonsense the birthers spread may have come from the Obamaites themselves. How long did it take them to produce his birth certificate .. which they could have done the moment he stepped through the White House door?

Keep dumb people talking about dumb things .. so fewer are looking at the real issues.

The really sad truth .. undeniable truth .. is that Americans are easy to control and manipulate. Make that EASY.
The name change was his mother's doing to get him in Indonesian schools. I'm not blaming Obama for that. I just think that he should be upfront and transparent about that truth.

I do believe that his CIA connections are behind why he hides in the dark. When I came upon this in his past before the '08 elections .. and his unwillingness to talk about it .. coupled with everything else I discovered about him .. the picture of who and what Obama is became clear. AND, virtually everything he's done since being elected has confirmed my suspicions.

OMG! You guys have your very own conspiracy theorist too! Love it! Here's more from the conspiracy God Alex Jones:


They're sooooo cuddly!

(Obama worked for this company as a minor editor for a year. It's old news, and was in his biography. :))

Take a listen to this ..

Now to me, the CIA front is far more intriguing then the birther issue. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, had not heard of this before.

I never did either, but what does that prove? I worked for a company that filed for bankruptcy due to corporate mismanagement, etc. yet I had nothing to do with their financial problems.
Take a listen to this ..

i hate U tubes, hard to quote; some salient points:
1.worked for Business International(consulting house) which was active as a CIA front ( provided cover), and infiltrated unions(Australia) Obama won't confirm what he did there (occupation)
2.While senator voted for the Wars
3. Continued and escaltaed AfPak
4.supportes Pentagon expansion (NSA activities) that the left hated under Bush - silent under Obama ( so much for the left's integrity).
5. Refued to support Spay as senator
6. more corporate backing the McCain.
7. opposed habeus corpus.
8, reinforced unprecndented powers by the Pentagon, kept Gates
9, Increased military budget
10 building a military base in Columbia - which is consistent with our meddling in Latin America
11.Claimed America went to Iraq to "bring freedom to that country."
12. drones routinely used, even when other options are available - negating any INTEL - since Gitmo is still open

A short list BAC -no mention of Libya, and the ruination we did to that country.
What this shows is the Unitary presidency is supported by Obama,and by extension "Democrats".

The partisians all claim Obama is different (really! just give him another 4 years!), offers something better' to me he's incompetent, can't lead a parade, and is a warmonger.

I don't even consider him the "lessor of 2 evils anymore" little difference from Bush and President Cheney.
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OMG! You guys have your very own conspiracy theorist too! Love it! Here's more from the conspiracy God Alex Jones:


They're sooooo cuddly!

(Obama worked for this company as a minor editor for a year. It's old news, and was in his biography. :))

:0) Cool!!!

I LOVE people who reach for "conspiracy theory" as if that's supposed to be a negative.

NEWSFLASH: ALL investigations begin as a conspiracy theory.

What I love about posts like yours is there is never a point .. just a frantic search for cover.

Business International was a CIA front. Stop me when I tell a lie. Obama worked for a CIA front for over a year. What he supposedly did there is not the point either. Are you unaware of how the CIA operates?

Many people didn't and still don't know that. Whether that is important to you is not the point either.

Where oh where is the "conspiracy theory?????????????"

What did I say that was conspiratoral .. or a lie?

And by the way, Alex Jones was not in this conversation until YOU introduced him.

Partisans are sooooo trained. :0) Like puppies. :0)

Puppy cute. :0)
i hate U tubes, hard to quote; some salient points:
1.worked for Business International(consulting house) which was active as a CIA front ( provided cover), and infiltrated unions(Australia) Obama won't confirm what he did there (occupation)
2.While senator voted for the Wars
3. Continued and escaltaed AfPak
4.supportes Pentagon expansion (NSA activities) that the left hated under Bush - silent under Obama ( so much for the left's integrity).
5. Refued to support Spay as senator
6. more corporate backing the McCain.
7. opposed habeus corpus.
8, reinforced unprecndented powers by the Pentagon, kept Gates
9, Increased military budget
10 building a military base in Columbia - which is consistent with our meddling in Latin America
11.Claimed America went to Iraq to "bring freedom to that country."
12. drones routinely used, even when other options are available - negating any INTEL - since Gitmo is still open

A short list BAC -no mention of Libya, and the ruination we did to that country.
What this shows is the Unitary presidency is supported by Obama,and by extension "Democrats".

The partisians all claim Obama is different (really! just give him another 4 years!), offers something better' to me he's incompetent, can't lead a parade, and is a warmonger.

I don't even consider him the "lessor of 2 evils anymore" little difference from Bush and President Cheney.

Oh yeah .. LIBYA.

A CIA war that used CIA trained surrogates .. AL QUEDA .. to topple a peaceful nation that threatened no one and where its citizens enjoyed the highest standard of living in Africa .. and higher than Brazilians and the Russians.

Obama is conducting the greatest CIA war in history and he's droning plant earth.

Of course, for the confused, any inquiry into Obama's past and his connections to the CIA should be dismissed as a "conspiracy theory." :0)

This from the Nobel Prize winner for "peace."

It seems the Nobel Committee didn't do their homework either.
Business International was a CIA front. Stop me when I tell a lie. Obama worked for a CIA front for over a year.

I knew it. I'm sure lots of others knew it. After all, it was in his book, read by millions. Of course, Mittens didn't know it either because he claimed last week that Obama didn't have any experience in the private sector.

Implying Obama was a CIA agent (which is what you and the conspiracy theorists are doing) because he had a low-level position as an Editor in a company that provided CIA operative cover three times in it's entire existence is like implying the guy who gassed up Dario Franchitti's car won the Indy 500.
I knew it. I'm sure lots of others knew it. After all, it was in his book, read by millions. Of course, Mittens didn't know it either because he claimed last week that Obama didn't have any experience in the private sector.

Implying Obama was a CIA agent (which is what you and the conspiracy theorists are doing) because he had a low-level position as an Editor in a company that provided CIA operative cover three times in it's entire existence is like implying the guy who gassed up Dario Franchitti's car won the Indy 500.



Are you going to debate what I've said .. or what you've said?

Are you going to stick to the conversation, or do you just intend to introduce your own characters so you can have a debate with yourself?

Unknown to you, several people here who had no knowledge of any of this .. and even if there weren't, what would be the problem with posting truth at any time?

Additionally, because it was a CIA front, you have no idea, no clue, how many times they were used or how they were used.

In his book .. did Obama say that Business International was a CIA front? Doubt it .. thus your point makes no sense unless he told the full story.

Still waiting for you to point out any lie that I've told.
I have a question?

Why does Obama spend so much money covering his background?

It's a simple question.

I'm not a birther, he's not a muslim, he's an American .. and he damn sure ain't (eb) no socialist. :0)

That being said, why does Obama spend so much money covering his background .. and if he's an academic genius .. why doesn't he tout his academic records instead of hiding them?

The point is, there is something about Obama that he's hiding.

Yes, he lived as Barry Soetoro while in Indonesia .. and yes, he worked for a CIA front before he entered Harvard.

The reason the questions have life is not just because of his race .. but rather because there is much that is unclear.

Well said BAC.... the mystery continues and we can't figure out why....

You're not a 'birther' but you can bet your ass, you'll be accused of being one....

Occidental College records — Not released
Financial Aid Records — Not released
Passport — Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama’s terrorism and intelligence adviser
Columbia College records — Not released
Columbia thesis — “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament” — Not released
Harvard College records — Not released
Harvard Law Review articles — None
Illinois Bar Records — Not released
Baptism certificate — None
Medical records — Not released
Illinois State Senate records — None
Illinois State Senate schedule — Lost
Law practice client list — Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles — None

What really funny is, we have Occidental college, Univ. of Chicago, Columbia and Harvard, yet bearly a handfull of people have come forward to say they knew Obama....roomed with him, dated him, had classes with him, had a beer with him, etc......Its like he was invisible unless he could make political points with something....

Why the secrecy ?
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I never did either, but what does that prove? I worked for a company that filed for bankruptcy due to corporate mismanagement, etc. yet I had nothing to do with their financial problems.

Thats apologized and make excuses for Obama even when there is nothing to apologized or excuse....
If thats not the epitome of a liberal/Democrat hack, nothing is...
Thanks for the snicker.....


Are you going to debate what I've said .. or what you've said?

Are you going to stick to the conversation, or do you just intend to introduce your own characters so you can have a debate with yourself?

Damn....Its something to see BAC the lefty socialist get the same treatment that we on the right have to contend with on a daily basis from these clowns....
Claim you said what you didn't say....claim you mean what you clearly don't mean.....come to stupid comclusions and then claim the conclusions are yours.....
Unknown to you, several people here who had no knowledge of any of this .. and even if there weren't, what would be the problem with posting truth at any time?

Additionally, because it was a CIA front, you have no idea, no clue, how many times they were used or how they were used.

In his book .. did Obama say that Business International was a CIA front? Doubt it .. thus your point makes no sense unless he told the full story.

Still waiting for you to point out any lie that I've told.

You dare question Obama ?
Pretty aggravating aint' it BAC ? These people are masters of this tactic.....the only thing they won't and can't play on you is the "race card".....
Well said BAC.... the mystery continues and we can't figure out why....

You're not a 'birther' but you can bet your ass, you'll be accused of being one....

Occidental College records — Not released
Financial Aid Records — Not released
Passport — Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama’s terrorism and intelligence adviser
Columbia College records — Not released
Columbia thesis — “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament” — Not released
Harvard College records — Not released
Harvard Law Review articles — None
Illinois Bar Records — Not released
Baptism certificate — None
Medical records — Not released
Illinois State Senate records — None
Illinois State Senate schedule — Lost
Law practice client list — Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles — None

What really funny is, we have Occidental college, Univ. of Chicago, Columbia and Harvard, yet bearly a handfull of people have come forward to say they knew Obama....roomed with him, dated him, had classes with him, had a beer with him, etc......Its like he was invisible unless he could make political points with something....

Why the secrecy ?

Ha, I see you've been poking around JihadChat and other anti-Obama sites to find these accusations. You forgot a few, like Obama's KINDERGARTEN records, 3rd GRADE records, ADOPTION records, OMG. Did you deliberately leave them off or weren't you ready to face up to the scorn you'll receive about the stupidity of this kind of BS? Also, are you looking for the same info from Romney and if not, why not?

You are the living definition of the word "hack".

Obama/Dunham marriage license -- Not released (if one exists)
Original, vault copy birth certificate -- Not released (lawyers' fees greater than $3,000,000 -- a REAL birth certificate is $15)
Certification of Live Birth (short form) -- Released -- Counterfeit
Certificate of Live Birth (long form) -- Released -- Counterfeit
Amended Certification of Live Birth -- Released --
INS air travel records August 1-7, 1961 -- Missing Obama/Dunham divorce -- Released but incomplete (by independent investigators)
Obama Sr. INS file -- Released -- both U. Hawaii and Harvard wanted him expelled for "womanizing"

Barry Dunham/Obama Kindergarten records -- Records lost (this is a big one -- read two frames)
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license -- Not released

Anna Soetoro/Dunham passport records -- Released, but key years are missing
Barry Dunham/Obama/Soetoro passport records -- Missing
Soetoro adoption records -- Not released
Fransiskus Assisi School School application -- Released (by independent investigators)
Besuki School record -- Released (by independent investigators)
Punahou School application -- Missing
Punahou School records -- Not released
Noelani 3rd Grade records -- Not released

Soetoro/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent investigators)
Selective Service Registration -- Released (by independent investigators) -- Under suspicion
Social Security Numbers -- Released (by independent investigators) -- Under suspicion
Occidental College records -- Not released
Financial Aid Records -- Not released
Passport Records -- Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama's terrorism and intelligence adviser
Columbia College records -- Not released
Columbia thesis -- "Soviet Nuclear Disarmament" -- Not released
Harvard College records -- Not released
Harvard Law Review articles -- None
Illinois Bar Records -- Not released
Baptism certificate -- None (never baptized)
Medical records -- Not released -- nor is the source of this nasty scar
Illinois State Senate records -- None
Illinois State Senate schedule -- Lost -- really!
Law practice client list -- Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None
Rashid Khalidi video -- Hidden by the L.A. Times
White House Visitors list -- Incomplete to the point of worthless
The Blagojevich Interview -- judge denies access to the FBI report
The Osama bin Laden photos -- sealed by Obama

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