Sunday Standard: 2004 Article about the new Kenyan Born Senator

Thats apologized and make excuses for Obama even when there is nothing to apologized or excuse....
If thats not the epitome of a liberal/Democrat hack, nothing is...
Thanks for the snicker.....

No, I'm just trying to follow your chain of logic

Here, study this: [h=1]Correlation does not imply causation[/h]What's really hilarious is all the times I've written about my disappointment with Obama, and that it's looking unlikely I'll vote for him a second time, yet you pull this drivel out of thin air.
Oh yeah .. LIBYA.

A CIA war that used CIA trained surrogates .. AL QUEDA .. to topple a peaceful nation that threatened no one and where its citizens enjoyed the highest standard of living in Africa .. and higher than Brazilians and the Russians.

Obama is conducting the greatest CIA war in history and he's droning plant earth.

Of course, for the confused, any inquiry into Obama's past and his connections to the CIA should be dismissed as a "conspiracy theory." :0)

This from the Nobel Prize winner for "peace."

It seems the Nobel Committee didn't do their homework either.
If you don't think i'm still mad as a hornet that the lieing piece of excrement "peace prize winner" destroyed Libya, you know i will never forgive him for that horrid atrocirty. Start with melting babies in Misrata and go from there to assassinating Gaddafi ( US plane hit the convoy, before the wolves tore him apart).

I hate him, no other words for it -i hate a warmongering POTUS just as much as I did Nixon. Obama is crap - CIA Ops or not.
He's the main reason I left the Democratic party -that and the absurdity of partisan politics combined.

I think I'm going for Gary Johnson -a decent honorable man, who has worked ward with NORML ( instead of warring on medical marijuana) , and was a good Gov. of NM.
Yes i'll "waste my vote" on a man of honor and good character.
, Dr. Manning, being a longtime resident of the Columbia University area, the school that Obama allegedly attended, began an intense investigation into Obama's educational background and discovered some profound discrepancies.

According to Dr. Manning, Obama (born in 1961) enrolled at the very pricey Occidental College in Los Angeles, California in 1979 and was recruited there in 1980 by the CIA which has made it a practice since its inception to recruit college students.
He was, by his own admission, a "C" student, a dope smoker and a member of the Marxist Club at Occidental, a co-educational liberal arts college. In 1981, Obama allegedly transferred from Occidental to Columbia University.
It is atypical for a student to begin their education in one four-year school and then transfer to another school. Columbia University requires that incoming students pass certain academic requirements which Obama apparently lacked. However, Columbia had a foreign student program and the CIA has major connections and influence with Columbia and the nation's other educational facilities.

The CIA needed Muslims or others who were fluent in Farsi and who could easily blend into the Muslim environment in the Middle East. The CIA persuaded Columbia University to extend their foreign student program to Obama, now a Columbia student, so that he might travel to Pakistan and enroll in the universities around Karachi in addition to the Patrice Lumumba School in Moscow. [1] T
he school, one of Russia's most prestigious universities was founded on February 5, 1960 as The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). It was renamed the Patrice Lumumba School on February 22, 1961. On February 5, 1992 the university re-adopted its former name. According to their web site, "The main aim was to give young people from Asia, Africa and Latin America, especially from poor families, an opportunity to get University education and to become highly qualified specialists. The students were admitted through non-governmental organizations, governmental establishments, and the USSR embassies and consulates." [2]

Obama, as an undercover agent, was the lead agent in the arms and money supply for the CIA-trained Taliban Army against the Soviet Army war machine. His actions were integral to the Taliban's success in their opposition to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Obama, it is publicly acknowledged, went to Pakistan in 1981.
There is no way of knowing how often Obama traveled between Pakistan and Russia. According to Dr. Manning, Obama was an interpreter for the CIA during the war in Afghanistan.
When Obama completed his CIA operations in the mid 1980s and returned to the U.S. he persuaded the State Department to maneuver his entrance into Harvard Law School; since the CIA, the U.S. president's personal agency for black operations throughout the world, also has connections to federal and state politicians, they managed to arrange Obama's entrance to yet another elite school in 1988.
Despite a five-year absence from the rigors of college activity he was accepted at Harvard where he excelled and on February 5, 1990, was elected president of the venerable celebrated Harvard Law Review, the highest student position at Harvard Law School, a term that lasts for one year. [3]
After graduation he could have worked in any leading law firm except that he lacked the proper citizenship qualifications which would have come to light during the interview and normal background checks pursued by major law firms.
Moreover, his academic deficiencies at Occidental College would have disqualified him from the top law firms. Furthermore, he was a CIA operative in the Middle East during the time that he was supposed to be attending Columbia University.
So despite his Harvard achievements, Obama became a Saul Alinsky-style community organizer in South Chicago which alleviated the necessity of providing a legitimate background check. [4]

In 1990, Obama accepted a job with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a law firm which represented civil rights cases but also represented Rezmar Corp. owned by Chicago slumlord, Tony Rezko. The law firm helped Rezmar Corp. get more than $43 million in government funding. As early as 1995, Rezko started contributing to Obama for his political aspirations. In 2003, Rezko was a fundraiser for Obama's Senatorial campaign as part of a group that raised over $14 million. In 2006, Rezko was found guilty of sixteen out of twenty-four charges filed against him. (more)

There are many sites, most are discredited, but that doesn't make them wrong. It is amazing how Obama gives one speech, and catapultes to POTUS. But the saying goes "timing is everything in politics", and he saw the opening. Any real questions about his background were usually deflected as "racist", and some had that motive, but not all, yet no-one really cared to dig.
The press had it's "Slobbering Love Affair", and that was enough for them Everytime his background is brought up, it' gets cloudy.
Not enough to call him a "Manchurian Candiadte ( or CIA Candidate), but intriguing enough to make me wonder about him.
He's occluded, and wants it that way -odd, because most POTUS trump their background. He is an amazing story.
His deference to the Pentagon, and his turning out to be more or the same hawk as Hillary is anothr surprise.

I find it interesting -if his ID has been scrubbed, this is all we;ll ever know about him - much speculation -little in the way of documentation.
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If you don't think i'm still mad as a hornet that the lieing piece of excrement "peace prize winner" destroyed Libya, you know i will never forgive him for that horrid atrocirty. Start with melting babies in Misrata and go from there to assassinating Gaddafi ( US plane hit the convoy, before the wolves tore him apart).

I hate him, no other words for it -i hate a warmongering POTUS just as much as I did Nixon. Obama is crap - CIA Ops or not.
He's the main reason I left the Democratic party -that and the absurdity of partisan politics combined.

I think I'm going for Gary Johnson -a decent honorable man, who has worked ward with NORML ( instead of warring on medical marijuana) , and was a good Gov. of NM.
Yes i'll "waste my vote" on a man of honor and good character.

You and I both know the truth of Libya good brother .. because we sought the truth. From my perspective, those who don't seek truth don't deserve it.

The Obama-NATO-led atrocities in Libya were among the worst that humankind has ever witnessed .. and so-called "progressives" turned a blind-eye to the horrors. For ever person who dare call themselves progressive, yet turned a blind-eye to what Obama did in Libya .. I want to strap 'em to a chair and "Clockwork Orange" style force their eyes open and make them watch that nightmare.

I too hate the absolute absudidity of partisan politics .. as if either corporate-owned party gives a damn about the American people.

Wake up people. Your enemy is not a democrat or republican. That just makes you stupid.

Your enemy is corporate control of your government.
You dare question Obama ?
Pretty aggravating aint' it BAC ? These people are masters of this tactic.....the only thing they won't and can't play on you is the "race card".....

I dare question everybody brother and I don't care about the race card no matter who plays it.
If people can't see the difference between BAC and poet... I just can't understand people. This is more evidence that poet was a troll, IMO.

BAC is definitely a person I disagree with but enjoy the company of regardless. Disagreement does not necessitate enmity, he embodies this well.
If people can't see the difference between BAC and poet... I just can't understand people. This is more evidence that poet was a troll, IMO.

BAC is definitely a person I disagree with but enjoy the company of regardless. Disagreement does not necessitate enmity, he embodies this well.

Thank you brother.

"Disagreement does not necessitate enmity."

I could not agree with that more.
You and I both know the truth of Libya good brother .. because we sought the truth. From my perspective, those who don't seek truth don't deserve it.

The Obama-NATO-led atrocities in Libya were among the worst that humankind has ever witnessed .. and so-called "progressives" turned a blind-eye to the horrors. For ever person who dare call themselves progressive, yet turned a blind-eye to what Obama did in Libya .. I want to strap 'em to a chair and "Clockwork Orange" style force their eyes open and make them watch that nightmare.

I too hate the absolute absudidity of partisan politics .. as if either corporate-owned party gives a damn about the American people.

Wake up people. Your enemy is not a democrat or republican. That just makes you stupid.

Your enemy is corporate control of your government.
Lot's of stupidity abounds, Obama actually crows about Libya as an "accomplishment", and since the press doesn't actually report, but just pass on US releases as "Newz", it takes a seeker of truth. Which means actually following the event through non MS sources.

We landed on the moon and brought back rocks, today "dumb as a rock" would be a god description of the average American/partisian mind.
Or as Jethro Tull famously said: "I may make you feel but I can't make you think"
lol...scraping the barrel on credibility, huh?

Damn. Another one I thought was a chick.
I'd answer you, but it's not worth it, i did mention the need to find alternative sites, i tried to stay away from the obvious. The guy who wrote that actually did reasearch. Now if you have a particular bone to pick with it, be sure to pipe up.

Or just groan.
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I'd answer you, but it's not worth it, i did mention the need to find alternative sites, i tried to stay away from the obvious. The guy who wrote that actually did reasearch.

The obvious? You should have stayed away from the "obvious" when you read the only qualifications this guy had was that he was "a longtime resident of the Columbia University area, the school that Obama allegedly attended".

Now if you have a particular bone to pick with it, be sure to pipe up.

Or just groan.

Oh...I'll be sure to. See, I knew who this Dr. Manning is. I wrote a blog about him a few years ago, pointing out his insanity.

Dr. James David Manning is a convicted felon and thief who's also the Pastor of the ATLAH World Missionary Church in Harlem. He's put himself out as an "expert" on Barack Obama because he's a black man. He's criticized Obama's mother as being "white trash" and called him a crook and "long legged mack daddy".

He's also a virulent birther and buddy with Orly Taitz.

Here's more from the nutcase. In this one he praises Gingrich because he's black (and other craziness)

Seriously! Manning also infamously "tried" Obama in Harlem two years ago.

Finally, Manning reveals why we’re not trying Obama for treason. He told “some Tea Party people” a while back that they should go after Obama’s citizenship instead of his policies. Becaue if they convicted him of treason, they would get to execute him! This didn’t go over well. Manning claims the CIA visited his church. So he wants to make it clear: he will not attempt to execute Obama at the conclusion of the trial. (He does still think Obama should be hanged, though.)

I'd like everyone to read the linked article and post their favorite quote.
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The obvious? You should have stayed away from the "obvious" when you read the only qualifications this guy had was that he was "a longtime resident of the Columbia University area, the school that Obama allegedly attended".

Oh...I'll be sure to. See, I knew who this Dr. Manning is. I wrote a blog about him a few years ago, pointing out his insanity.

Dr. James David Manning is a convicted felon and thief who's also the Pastor of the ATLAH World Missionary Church in Harlem. He's put himself out as an "expert" on Barack Obama because he's a black man. He's criticized Obama's mother as being "white trash" and called him a crook and "long legged mack daddy".

He's also a virulent birther and buddy with Orly Taitz.

Here's more from the nutcase. In this one he praises Gingrich because he's black (and other craziness)

Seriously! Manning also infamously "tried" Obama in Harlem two years ago.

Finally, Manning reveals why we’re not trying Obama for treason. He told “some Tea Party people” a while back that they should go after Obama’s citizenship instead of his policies. Becaue if they convicted him of treason, they would get to execute him! This didn’t go over well. Manning claims the CIA visited his church. So he wants to make it clear: he will not attempt to execute Obama at the conclusion of the trial. (He does still think Obama should be hanged, though.)

I'd like everyone to read the linked article and post their favorite quote.

OK. I'll buy that, you got a beter knowledge of the guy then I do, i was just searching sites, it's really hard to find anything that isn't biased.
I still wonder some of BAC's is odd we know nothing about Obama,,and he has obscured his origions.

But obviously this guy is not credible. Since YOU did research on Manning - i'll go with discrediting what he said.

I'm not so sure about Obama, but the point is moot anyways, he's alreasy POTUS,,and no-one really can investigate him.

Good post. I don't mind being corrected as long as it factual.
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Lot's of stupidity abounds, Obama actually crows about Libya as an "accomplishment", and since the press doesn't actually report, but just pass on US releases as "Newz", it takes a seeker of truth. Which means actually following the event through non MS sources.

We landed on the moon and brought back rocks, today "dumb as a rock" would be a god description of the average American/partisian mind.
Or as Jethro Tull famously said: "I may make you feel but I can't make you think"


We exist in the Matrix good brother.

Most of us would rather stay asleep and connected to the illusion than to be awake and aware of the reality.

We exist in the Matrix good brother.

Most of us would rather stay asleep and connected to the illusion than to be awake and aware of the reality.

I believe it, there are 2 main reasons, the Partisian mind, which clings to the fallacy "my side is always correct", even wheni t's evident it might not be.
The MS coverage. How much was vetted on Obama? NOTHING -the press wasn't interested, instead they became and ADVOCATE for Obama.

Why I tried to find SOMETHING, but there is literally NOTHING out there about his back ground. So i'm forced to go to a site,and read thru it.

HOWEY indeed showed the bias of the site - but there are a bunch of them. Why would a president not trumpet his background?
Why the secrecy? there has got to be a reason...we don't know because no-one really wants to know. We don't demand to know, so we get nothing.

same as Libya, same as "we got bin Laden" talking points. <snippets> no real interst in the complex relationship of worldwide states interaction.
How many know what SCO is? (Shanghi Cooperation Org), if they did, they might understand "war for oil", but that takes an interest, not just passive acceptence.
When you DO question anything -it's coved by..Nat;l Security. This is not the way the US was set up ( nevermind the crap "transparency) Obomber promised.
When Congress can't even get info -we essentially have a Unitary POTUS, unchecked, and powers constantly expanding.

Meanwhile the population looks at polls to see the horserace. They never examine the horse, just the race, and when it's over they lose interest until the next race.
Just like a race track, everyone focuses on the winner, disgards their losing slips, and chatters on about nothing.
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You thought blackascoal is a chick? Wut?

I guess it was the avatar...

The MS coverage. How much was vetted on Obama? NOTHING -the press wasn't interested, instead they became and ADVOCATE for Obama.

Why I tried to find SOMETHING, but there is literally NOTHING out there about his back ground. So i'm forced to go to a site,and read thru it.

HOWEY indeed showed the bias of the site - but there are a bunch of them. Why would a president not trumpet his background?
Why the secrecy? there has got to be a reason...we don't know because no-one really wants to know. We don't demand to know, so we get nothing.

Obama was vetted thoroughly. Completely. Plenty was known about him before he was elected President. I recall watching his speech at the 2004 Democatic National Convention and thinking..."This guy is going far..."; much like I feel about Elizabeth Warren today.

What you're looking for isn't proof of Obama's grades, citizenship, who or what he is, you and others who revel in conspiracy theories are only looking for what you want to see - something, anything that can delegitimize the President, true or not.

This has never happened to this extent before. Why? Because for the first time ever, a black man was elected President.
I guess it was the avatar...

Obama was vetted thoroughly. Completely. Plenty was known about him before he was elected President. I recall watching his speech at the 2004 Democatic National Convention and thinking..."This guy is going far..."; much like I feel about Elizabeth Warren today.

What you're looking for isn't proof of Obama's grades, citizenship, who or what he is, you and others who revel in conspiracy theories are only looking for what you want to see - something, anything that can delegitimize the President, true or not.

This has never happened to this extent before. Why? Because for the first time ever, a black man was elected President.
How was he vetted? what about all the points raised in the UTube? He's the President who's identity barely exists. You ACTUALLY BELIEVE THE PRESS did a thorough investigation??.
Oh Yeah it's Because he's a black man -that may have contributed to his election ( first black president!!), but has absolutely NOTHING to do with the issues raised.

I gotta groan you for playing the race card. Congrats. my fist groan. enjoy.
How was he vetted? what about all the points raised in the UTube? He's the President who's identity barely exists. You ACTUALLY BELIEVE THE PRESS did a thorough investigation??.
Oh Yeah it's Because he's a black man -that may have contributed to his election ( first black president!!), but has absolutely NOTHING to do with the issues raised.

I gotta groan you for playing the race card. Congrats. my fist groan. enjoy.

Where did I say the press did a thorough investigation? I guarantee you the Democratic Party did, though. He would not have been the keynote speaker at the 04 convention if they hadn't. And a hell of a lot better than the Republicans did on Sarah Barracuda!

There are no points made on that idiots rant on YouTube. Just wild dreams....