Sunday Standard: 2004 Article about the new Kenyan Born Senator

I guess it was the avatar...

Obama was vetted thoroughly. Completely. Plenty was known about him before he was elected President. I recall watching his speech at the 2004 Democatic National Convention and thinking..."This guy is going far..."; much like I feel about Elizabeth Warren today.

What you're looking for isn't proof of Obama's grades, citizenship, who or what he is, you and others who revel in conspiracy theories are only looking for what you want to see - something, anything that can delegitimize the President, true or not.

This has never happened to this extent before. Why? Because for the first time ever, a black man was elected President.

Here is what I know for sure .. Obama being black would have about as much negative impact on Annata as it would have on me.

In other words, none.

You Obama supporters should lay of that race card excuse for his every failure.

AND, the Democratic Party is every bit as corporatist as is Obama. They were led down that path by Bill Clinton.
Where did I say the press did a thorough investigation? I guarantee you the Democratic Party did, though. He would not have been the keynote speaker at the 04 convention if they hadn't. And a hell of a lot better than the Republicans did on Sarah Barracuda!

There are no points made on that idiots rant on YouTube. Just wild dreams....

here's the comment i alluded to.
Obama was vetted thoroughly. Completely. Plenty was known about him before he was elected President
"plenty?" there is more missing bio info then known info, but i dont wanna rehash this. If you had simply <inserted> "by the Democratic Party", i would agree - i'm not sure what that means in the sense of vetting - he was already Senator, but all candidates have to be vetted (disclosures)

a small point HOWEY, i'll let it go. You're a smart person having done your reasearch, on Dr. Manning - sorry about the groan then.
I tend to read literally, but i understand your thought now. PS. the black thing means nothing to me either way. - only to the racists.
here's the comment i alluded to. "plenty?" there is more missing bio info then known info, but i dont wanna rehash this. If you had simply <inserted> "by the Democratic Party", i would agree - i'm not sure what that means in the sense of vetting - he was already Senator, but all candidates have to be vetted (disclosures)

a small point HOWEY, i'll let it go. You're a smart person having done your reasearch, on Dr. Manning - sorry about the groan then.
I tend to read literally, but i understand your thought now. PS. the black thing means nothing to me either way. - only to the racists.

Apology accepted. For most people - particularly the right wing - the black thing applies. With you and BAC, I understand. The two of you are more Libertarian in thought and word which makes a big difference.
How was he vetted? what about all the points raised in the UTube? He's the President who's identity barely exists. You ACTUALLY BELIEVE THE PRESS did a thorough investigation??.
Oh Yeah it's Because he's a black man -that may have contributed to his election ( first black president!!), but has absolutely NOTHING to do with the issues raised.

I gotta groan you for playing the race card. Congrats. my fist groan. enjoy.

Annata, here's a list referring to Mitt Romney and his background. I filled in the only info I found on him. Can you help me with the rest? :)

This list correlates to the Obama list posted previously.

Romney parents (no records released)
G.W. Romney/Lenore LaFount marriage license
G. W. Romney passport records
Lenore LaFount Romney passport records
Parents' air travel records

Mitt Romney (see highlights for information found, otherwise no records released)
Original vault copy birth certificate
Certification of live birth
Certificate of life birth -- released (It's also entertaining that this document is a "certificate of live birth." Remember when birther websites questioned Hawaiian documentation of Obama's birth there because it was a "certification of live birth" and not a birth certificate?)
Baptism certificate
Romney kindergarten records
Passport records
K-6 school records
Cranbrook records
Elaborate prank at Cranbrook records -- sealed
Stanford records
Selective Service registration
Five draft deferment records
Social security number
Financial aid records
Mormon missionary records
1968 auto accident records
Brigham Young University records
Harvard records
Harvard thesis
Boston Consulting Group records
Counselor to the president of the Boston Stake records
1994 senate campaign records
Points of Light records
2002 gubernatorial campaign records
Annata, here's a list referring to Mitt Romney and his background. I filled in the only info I found on him. Can you help me with the rest? :)

This list correlates to the Obama list posted previously.

Romney parents (no records released)
G.W. Romney/Lenore LaFount marriage license
G. W. Romney passport records
Lenore LaFount Romney passport records
Parents' air travel records

Mitt Romney (see highlights for information found, otherwise no records released)
Original vault copy birth certificate
Certification of live birth
Certificate of life birth -- released (It's also entertaining that this document is a "certificate of live birth." Remember when birther websites questioned Hawaiian documentation of Obama's birth there because it was a "certification of live birth" and not a birth certificate?)
Baptism certificate
Romney kindergarten records
Passport records
K-6 school records
Cranbrook records
Elaborate prank at Cranbrook records -- sealed
Stanford records
Selective Service registration
Five draft deferment records

Social security number
Financial aid records
Mormon missionary records
1968 auto accident records
Brigham Young University records
Harvard records
Harvard thesis
Boston Consulting Group records
Counselor to the president of the Boston Stake records
1994 senate campaign records
Points of Light records
2002 gubernatorial campaign records
Selective Service registration /Five draft deferment records when he went bicycling in France, while supporting Vietnam. There is missing info here, why was he so hypocritical, to the point of being a chicken hawk.

Nothing wrong with trying to stay non - conscripted, i was only eligble for a year (lottery), but i spent much effort ( for my age) at 2 anti-war demonstrations.
Course, since i opposed the damn war, i wasn't hypocritical ( like Romney) for not enterig ssrvice in a non combat role.

Romney's honesty, and cconscious is MIA - al the way to Bain and back to France
Apology accepted. For most people - particularly the right wing - the black thing applies. With you and BAC, I understand. The two of you are more Libertarian in thought and word which makes a big difference.

With respect my brother .. Annata is the libertarian .. I'm a socialist. :0)
With respect my brother .. Annata is the libertarian .. I'm a socialist. :0)
I can be ANYTHING -libertarianism is not satisfactory, I'd prefer socialism, but it simply would be rejected in the US, as "communism"( such is the stupidity of Americans.)

I'm going with Gary Johson; BAC-not so much for his party as the man himself. He's the only can didate that seems to "get it" on 'perpetual war'.
( he's using that phrase now). I'd be more then happy to support the Greens -but I know of no candidate, on Florida's ballot.
I can be ANYTHING -libertarianism is not satisfactory, I'd prefer socialism, but it simply would be rejected in the US, as "communism"( such is the stupidity of Americans.)

I'm going with Gary Johson; BAC-not so much for his party as the man himself. He's the only can didate that seems to "get it" on 'perpetual war'.
( he's using that phrase now). I'd be more then happy to support the Greens -but I know of no candidate, on Florida's ballot.

:0) He stole "perpetual war" from me. :0)

Seriously though, I may have to give Johnson a look. The Greens look to nominate Jill Stein .. who appears to be the AIPAC candidate.
:0) He stole "perpetual war" from me. :0)

Seriously though, I may have to give Johnson a look. The Greens look to nominate Jill Stein .. who appears to be the AIPAC candidate.
LOL. I claim" Perpetual war" !!! ( at DCJ) , Srsly. We were discussing drones. or Libya, or one of Obama's abominations - we'll co-claim it.

Actually I'm seeing the term used more and more . So here's MY new one. Crusades 3.0 ( I think there were 2 series of Crusades - though more then 2 total)
Anyways; great minds think alike:rolleyes: ROFL.

Ya. too bad the Greens can't get it together, but Gary would be a vast improvement on the Mainstream War Partys. (MWP??)