Supreme Court upholds Photo-ID law for Indiana voters

At first look I don't see a problem with this law other than it doesn't seem to address the potential for illegal voting by mail in ballots (ie. early or absentee voting). Not knowing what is required to receive an absentee ballot I am not the one to judge wheter this is a potential problem or not but as an outsider looking in it seems it could be.
At first look I don't see a problem with this law other than it doesn't seem to address the potential for illegal voting by mail in ballots (ie. early or absentee voting). Not knowing what is required to receive an absentee ballot I am not the one to judge wheter this is a potential problem or not but as an outsider looking in it seems it could be.
Yeah, I agree with that.

I think absentee ballots are far too easily obtained to begin with everywhere.
At first look I don't see a problem with this law other than it doesn't seem to address the potential for illegal voting by mail in ballots (ie. early or absentee voting). Not knowing what is required to receive an absentee ballot I am not the one to judge wheter this is a potential problem or not but as an outsider looking in it seems it could be.

Where the Supreme Court cites to one single voter in a gubernatorial election in Washington as the only evidence of voter impersonation actually happening should tell you quite a bit about whether this is an actual problem or not.
If it is truly "no big deal" because there never is any fraud in this direction, then this simply gets one point of contention out of the way so we don't have to waste energy and cash fighting for or against this.

So long as it doesn't keep the poor from voting and there is a way to vote then provide it later (there is) I'd be fine with this so we could start speaking on other fraud, focus on things like those inane paperless machines....
This opinion is insane. The court comes up with one single instance of in-person vote fraud occurring in the United States in recent years (that's one person, a measly single vote) and none in the history of Indiana, yet upholds the law anyway?

It's laughable.

Was the one person Ann Coulter?
Obviously Damo is unaware of this.

The fraud of electronic paperless, auditless voting represents are FAR more credible threat to outcomes than this bullshit .. yet the SC ignores that threat to democracy.

I think it’s to distract from actual election fraud. And all the lemmings fall for it. But only because they want to, I believe.
The entire issue about voter-id is about the potential for voter fraud .. which ignores the greater potential for massive voter fraud that could impact outcomes on a much greater scale.

It is not inconsistent within the argument about voter fraud to actually talk about real voter fraud.

Your agrument was that democrats are the problem, when in fact it has been the democrats and activist who have addressed the problem of REAL voter fraud.

1) Again, this thread was started with regards to one specific (however minor) issue within the voter fraud debate. I addressed that.

2) I did not state it was inconsistent within the voter fraud debate to talk about machines. I stated the reason that I did not address the broader issues was due to this thread being started on the particular issue of voter IDs.

3) My argument was most certainly NOT that Dems are the problem with voter fraud. It is that they are fighting an issue that is friggin minor. It can be easily resolved. They are wasting their time, money and energy fighting something that needs not be fought.

4) As for the issue with electronic machines, I addressed that above as to what I would do there. The dems have not "addressed" that issue at all. How many states still use the voter machines with no paper trail. Thus far, the Dems are a bunch of talk. They have done little to actually DO anything. This is NOT to say the Reps have done anything... they haven't either. Talking about an issue is most certainly NOT addressing the issue. It is simply talk until action is taken.
4) As for the issue with electronic machines, I addressed that above as to what I would do there. The dems have not "addressed" that issue at all. How many states still use the voter machines with no paper trail. Thus far, the Dems are a bunch of talk. They have done little to actually DO anything. This is NOT to say the Reps have done anything... they haven't either. Talking about an issue is most certainly NOT addressing the issue. It is simply talk until action is taken.

And it appears that most of those places are controlled by Dems...

Why do they still have the crap machines? It isn't because Rs want to commit fraud.... That just stands to reason.
Next we will have to show a pictured id at the grocery store, to get food, then while standing on the corner if approached by authorities...

yeah, I love having the thought of showing my "papers" to the gestapo every move I make, while all starting by requiring a government pictured id at the voting booth that never had a problem in the first place with voter identification theft or fraud at the polls....

makes ALOT of sense to me.... NOT!

It stops no fraud at the WHY INSIST ON IT? Who do you think you will stop from voting?

Why do it? Why add another level of bureaucracy to our government if it doesn't produce anything?

To stop voter fraud of immigrants, we would be better off doing voter registration reform, requiring a birth certificate when stop illegals.

Right now, illegals have driver's licences and can easily register to vote with such and also would have the PROPER voter gvt picture id at the won't stop the illegal from voting, SOOOOOO WHY ARE YOU all that accept this measure, accepting it as though it is something that will do us good, in society?

Yet is really a "set up" to get us more and more comfoprtable to "show our Papers" to the Gestapo when asked or required.

This IS NOT the land of the free imo and I would urge all of you to ask yourself why, you accept this measure, when it does NOTHING to prevent the true voter fraud that is taking place? Why???


1) your grocery store comparison is funny Care. A big difference between voting and buying some bread. Not to mention that if you use anything other than cash at the grocery store, they can track your purchases.

2) By your analysis, why have drivers licenses at all? Why not just let anyone who wants to drive.... drive? Just continue pulling people over that break the law. Avoid the bureacratic crap of having to get the drivers license.

3) If it is easy enough for illegals to get drivers licenses.... why is it such a big issue for natural born citizens to do so?
Additionally, this law still leaves the backdoor of absentee voting wide open which would seem more prone to voting fraud. But of course they would leave that door open because it's used by republican far mpre than anyone else.
With the exception of rare circumstances, absentee voting needs to go away.
1) your grocery store comparison is funny Care. A big difference between voting and buying some bread. Not to mention that if you use anything other than cash at the grocery store, they can track your purchases.

To stop illegals from buying food here Super....gotta think ahead to where things are going....sadly! :(
2) By your analysis, why have drivers licenses at all? Why not just let anyone who wants to drive.... drive? Just continue pulling people over that break the law. Avoid the bureacratic crap of having to get the drivers license.

There is NO TEST to vote in this country, you only need be a citizen and is not a priviledge imho, but a right.
3) If it is easy enough for illegals to get drivers licenses.... why is it such a big issue for natural born citizens to do so?

MOST natural born citizens in any big city in the USA do not need to get a driver's licence, why would you want them to get one?

Illegals go out of their way, and get their driver's licences to drive and to try to make themselves seem like a legal citizen in this country...they would break their backs to get a driver's licence, why should the born american have to do this FOR NO VALID REASON AT ALL?

Do you believe in big gvt FOR NO REASON Super? ;)

Also, these voter id laws are a ruse.... to make people think they are doing something to stop illegal alens from voting when it does NOTHING of the sort, because by the time the illegals are at the voting booth, THEY ARE ALREADY registered to vote....illegally....but registered voters and will be on the voter rolls and will have an id to show at the polls...

While, as others have mentioned the true voter fraud, which takes place via absentee ballot of DEAD PEOPLE, will still be going on, because they fail to legislate that once a death certificate is issued the person dead, should be taken off the State's valid voter rolls.

There is no way to tell or even approximate the amount of voter fraud taking place where IDs are not required. There are no records available to verify the sign-in sheets at a polling place are accurate. The fact that only one proven instance may be more an indicator of how difficult it is to prove instances of in-person veter fraud than it is an indication of the lack of in-person voter fraud. Claiming that because there is only one proven case indicates in-person fraud is unlikely is making a HUGE assumption when the methods available to catch in-person fraud are analyzed.

I disagree that absentee ballots are less likely to be caught. With absentee ballots there is more of a paper trail left during the request process. With in-person fraud, all there is to go on is the visual memory of the volunteers running a polling place. there are three ways to detect in-person voter fraud (without picture ID requirements) One, the fraudulent voter would have to pick a name of someone who comes in later to vote - highly unlikely because a fraudulent voter is likely to do their homework before hand. Two, someone at the polling place would have to know the voter whose voter ID is being impersonated - unlikely in the extreme. OR, someone going over the sign-in sheets would have to personally know that so-and-so did not vote that day, and notice a signature by the name. Again, that is unlikely in the extreme. Detection of in-person fraud is far more difficult than people seem to think, so going by the number of proven cases is making a false assumption.

As for use of IDs, we do it every day in our society without a second thought. We buy something with a check, debit or credit card, we are often asked for an ID. We go to the bank to withdraw money, we are likely to be asked for an ID. I do not understand the strenuous objection democrats have to voter ID. Is it not in our best interest to assure the person voting is the person they claim to be?

The claim it will disenfranchise voters is a boogy. Official picture IDs are available for free in every state, and are much easier to get than a driver license. I do not for a moment believe the democratic party's objection is due to a desire to commit voter fraud. But I DO believe the objection has far more to do with the fact that republicans support it than any stand on principle.
The only thing laughable is the Dems constant whining about voter verification via photo IDs. Get everyone an ID and require people to present it when voting. If the Dems took the time and money they spend fighting this issue and get IDs for the supposed disenfranchised voters without IDs, the damn issue would be resolved.
And this is what needs to happen. Every state should have a law that says if a photo ID is required for voting then the state will provide it free of charge and there will be no wants or warrants check when the person presents themself for the ID. Give them the ID and thank them very much and send them on their way. Voting is a right conditioned on the meeting of certain criteria. Age, living in the district in which the person votes etc. I am going to call the League of Women Voters and start a drive to get all the homeless an ID and registered to vote.

Does ANYONE recall when the Republicans were opposed to Motor Voter? NOW they want everyone to go get an ID.
To stop illegals from buying food here Super....gotta think ahead to where things are going....sadly! :(

There is NO TEST to vote in this country, you only need be a citizen and is not a priviledge imho, but a right.

MOST natural born citizens in any big city in the USA do not need to get a driver's licence, why would you want them to get one?

Illegals go out of their way, and get their driver's licences to drive and to try to make themselves seem like a legal citizen in this country...they would break their backs to get a driver's licence, why should the born american have to do this FOR NO VALID REASON AT ALL?

Do you believe in big gvt FOR NO REASON Super? ;)

Also, these voter id laws are a ruse.... to make people think they are doing something to stop illegal alens from voting when it does NOTHING of the sort, because by the time the illegals are at the voting booth, THEY ARE ALREADY registered to vote....illegally....but registered voters and will be on the voter rolls and will have an id to show at the polls...

While, as others have mentioned the true voter fraud, which takes place via absentee ballot of DEAD PEOPLE, will still be going on, because they fail to legislate that once a death certificate is issued the person dead, should be taken off the State's valid voter rolls.



1) You have to have a photo ID to fly or to go in and out of the country

2) you have to have a photo ID to write a check

3) Most places card anyone who looks like they could be under 30 for alcohol

4) I am not talking specifically getting a drivers license.... I am talking about a state issued ID.

5) I do not think this is restricted to simply stopping illegals from voting.

6) Yes, there are other issues of voter fraud. I have mentioned that as well.

7) I agree absentee ballots pose a problem. Solved again by a valid state ID. A copy must accompany the ballot. Done.

8) Electronic machines. Again, I would go with the scantronic machines. Fill out paper, feed paper into machine, it says... "you are voting for person A" If person A is who you are voting for... you hit ok... you get a paper receipt of your vote. done. Next???
Speaking of ID's New Mexico joins the ranks of REAL ID come June 1. I can hardly wait. I understand they are teaching the police to say Ausweiss Bitte with perfect clairity. And joy of joys our ID will come with an RFID chip just to make them extra special safe. I feel so much better now that my state has complied with Big Brother's ID scheme. Next up, Chip Your Children for a Brighter Tomorrow!
Care I would like to agree with you, but this battle was lost on the day that the government started deciding who could vote and who couldn't.

Once felons can't vote, next it's those without IDs, and then anyone else they want to silence.
Speaking of ID's New Mexico joins the ranks of REAL ID come June 1. I can hardly wait. I understand they are teaching the police to say Ausweiss Bitte with perfect clairity. And joy of joys our ID will come with an RFID chip just to make them extra special safe. I feel so much better now that my state has complied with Big Brother's ID scheme. Next up, Chip Your Children for a Brighter Tomorrow!
Come to Montana. Our government not only is not complying, but flat refused to request an extension. Governor Schweitzer told them specifically we will not seek an extension. Somehow the feds gave us an extension anyway. (ie: they know they'll lose when it comes to push and shove in the courts.)
LOL Go Montana!

Has anybody told you that we plan on retiring there? Don't be inviting any more people!
Speaking of ID's New Mexico joins the ranks of REAL ID come June 1. I can hardly wait. I understand they are teaching the police to say Ausweiss Bitte with perfect clairity. And joy of joys our ID will come with an RFID chip just to make them extra special safe. I feel so much better now that my state has complied with Big Brother's ID scheme. Next up, Chip Your Children for a Brighter Tomorrow!

That's impossible. Nobody wants to do that. Big brother doesn't exist. Children don't exist. Chips don't exist. Stop being disingenuous and projecting your fear into a world where something like that is impossible, because of what a loser you are.