Taichiliberal rides again!

Would you like me to out the friend? I doubt very much he would care, but I will ask.

It matters not if you believe it or not, snookums. We have the proof. Here's laughing at you, kid. Oh what a web we weave...................................

ROTFL! We have proof? Are you Michael Smith waving around the board equivalent of the Downing Street memos?

By all means "out" the person. I'd love to see the how the information was fixed around the facts that were openly stated on the WOT so many months ago. :rolleyes:
ROTFL! We have proof? Are you Michael Smith waving around the board equivalent of the Downing Street memos?

By all means "out" the person. I'd love to see the how the information was fixed around the facts that were openly stated on the WOT so many months ago. :rolleyes:

Be very careful for what you wish, lady.

ROTFL. Get back to us with an updated photo after you've had the full-body wax, ugbets.


(Note to self: ask husband to grow beard.) :D

I've asked you to stop posting those photos you took of timmie.
You're going to get into trouble.
Somebody complained that it was a variant of a RL name. If such is not the case I need to hear it from her and I'll put it all back and walk away.


WTF are you talking about? Are you telling me that ChrispieFlan's name is Mare... As in "whinny", "neigh", as in "Mr. Ed's Main Squeeze"????

Do you ride her hard and put her away wet????

WTF are you talking about? Are you telling me that ChrispieFlan's name is Mare... As in "whinny", "neigh", as in "Mr. Ed's Main Squeeze"????

Do you ride her hard and put her away wet????


LOL. You're such a manly man, ugs. We can almost hear your cojones clanging when you sign on to post. :D

It was a nice try but you already failed at this on the WOT, when you faked that email from AOL. What made you think it would work a second time?

Now you and the Foul One just wipe up your dirty little fingerprints and slink away, 'k ugbets? ;)