Take Back Barack

red states rule

New member
Looks like the kook left that actually bought all of Obama's bumper sticker slogans are getting upset their messiah is not living up to all his liberal talking points

Now they have their own site where pissed off Obama voters can go to vent


December 20, 2008
Catching up and thinking about tolerance
I've been catching up on the blogosphere and reading Andrew Sullivan's commentaries on Obama's choice of conservative evangelical pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation on Inauguration Day. Sullivan and others appear to have struggled mightily and come to terms with the selection, saying it appeared abominable at first but is perhaps a new and giant symbol of Obama's "post-partisan" politics.

While I commend their intellectual effort and attempt at compassion, I have to caution liberals and progressives about being too inclusive. Remember, we got to the Bush administration by being inclusive, patient, tolerant, and easygoing. We got to the Dems' takeover of the Congress in 2006 - and their utter failure to do anything good about Iraq, warrantless wiretapping, or holding Bushies accountable - by being accepting, and by believing that "this is a process" in which "things take time."

That viewpoint has been proven false, a failure, a senseless tragedy. Certainly, wrong-thinking people need to be shown the error of their ways. But that presumes they are willing or able to do so. Some are, to be sure - others aren't.

And this is where Take Back Barack begins. We need to be clear about what our expectations are. I very much believe that progressive ideas can withstand the test of public debate. But does every single perspective have to be taking into account in every single debate? Conservatives and centrists have thrown out progressive ideas without a second thought for decades. I am not saying we need to do the same, but we should certainly not waste our time on failed policies or ideas that have proven themselves useless or damaging.

It is, if you'll pardon a one-sentence digressive analogy, ridiculous to be in a position where your mother-in-law and your lawyer are drowning, you can only save one, and you ask: Should I go to a movie, or have lunch? (H/T The Book of Stupid Questions.) It is similarly ridiculous to be in a position where human rights and dignity are being eroded left and right and ask "Should we consider doing more of those things?" We have no time to waste on pro forma consideration of old, tired ideas that have no future.

I don't see a lot of Obama bumper stickers surviving to maturity either. Certainly not as prolific as the Kerry/Edwards ones after 2004. And their Messiah hasn't even stepped onto the throne yet. :cof1:
I don't see a lot of Obama bumper stickers surviving to maturity either. Certainly not as prolific as the Kerry/Edwards ones after 2004. And their Messiah hasn't even stepped onto the throne yet. :cof1:

When Chris Matthews is upset, you know the messiah is not living up to the lefts expectations
However, what this demonstrates is that some on the left are smart enough to recognize they've been fooled and will not stand by and simply watch Obama do whatever he wants without dissent.

Too bad republicans weren't as smart or honest about Bush. They simply goosestepped to the party line and not only shut the fuck up .. they also continued to attack anyone who spoke the truth about their hero.

Can't see how this is a reason for Gopers to gloat.
However, what this demonstrates is that some on the left are smart enough to recognize they've been fooled and will not stand by and simply watch Obama do whatever he wants without dissent.

Too bad republicans weren't as smart or honest about Bush. They simply goosestepped to the party line and not only shut the fuck up .. they also continued to attack anyone who spoke the truth about their hero.

Can't see how this is a reason for Gopers to gloat.

Typical generalizing and strawman-ing. Have you any idea how many conservatives hate Bush? His approval rating would imply "a lot".

"But that man!" you say, "He is truly made of straw, and not a man at all!"
Typical generalizing and strawman-ing. Have you any idea how many conservatives hate Bush? His approval rating would imply "a lot".

"But that man!" you say, "He is truly made of straw, and not a man at all!"

I recognize you're new here .. so as a tip .. save the bullshit for someone else.

I'm not talking about how many conservatives supposedly hate Bush now .. when he was crashing and burning his way through American influence, respect, and power, republicans barely made a peep .. and, just as I said, attacked any and everyone who spoke against his insane policies.

There is a very good reason why republicans are dwindling and they virtually had no chance of winning the White House or controlling congress.
BTW all of you , Obama still has a great approval rating.

He is trying to bring this country together and all you people can do is nit pick and piss your pants about it.

His demise is greatly exagerated by all of you.
BTW all of you , Obama still has a great approval rating.

He is trying to bring this country together and all you people can do is nit pick and piss your pants about it.

His demise is greatly exagerated by all of you.

Bush had great approval ratings at one time as well.

Doesn't mean shit.

Obama "trying to bring this country together" is the shit you've swallowed .. don't expect everyone to be as infatuated with his bullshit as you are.

I've seen this movie before.

72% approval ratings does mean shit when you are in a crisis of faith in our country.

Lets see a little appreciation for bringing this sadly divided country together.

You see you are a socialist and are not in the main stream. Nothing wrong with that but it isnt exactly a path to bringing this coutnry together again. Please stop and realize he did not promise to give you a socialist agenda.

72% approval ratings does mean shit when you are in a crisis of faith in our country.

Lets see a little appreciation for bringing this sadly divided country together.

You see you are a socialist and are not in the main stream. Nothing wrong with that but it isnt exactly a path to bringing this coutnry together again. Please stop and realize he did not promise to give you a socialist agenda.

well said, desh!

72% approval ratings does mean shit when you are in a crisis of faith in our country.

Lets see a little appreciation for bringing this sadly divided country together.

You see you are a socialist and are not in the main stream. Nothing wrong with that but it isnt exactly a path to bringing this coutnry together again. Please stop and realize he did not promise to give you a socialist agenda.

Two things ..

1. I don't need a socialist agenda, nor a socialist president. Society comes to socialism, no one has to be convinced.

2. I respect your decision to support the Mindfuck Master, but there are very good and logical reasons why I did not and do not.

"Appreciation" for what? What has he done that deserves "appreciation?"

I should appreciate that he's picked a pro-war cabinet and administration?

I should appreciate that he has NO .. as in ZERO progressives around him?

I should appreciate that he's going to pursue the exact same foreign policy agenda as Bush?

I should appreciate that he was a driving force behind giving away a trillion dollars to people whu are already rich .. as they spread around US taxpayer dollars in bonuses?

What I appreciate is that I wasn't desperate enough to vote for this fraud.

I imagine that in the coming days and months, you will see what you're now missing. I can almost guarantee it.
You may be right Bac. My point is your complaints have not yet produced what you claim they will produce. There is more than just one way to view the choices.
BTW all of you , Obama still has a great approval rating.

He is trying to bring this country together and all you people can do is nit pick and piss your pants about it.

His demise is greatly exagerated by all of you.

Yes. He's trying to bring the country together under one totalitarian fascist policy. Unity isn't all it's cracked up to be.
You may be right Bac. My point is your complaints have not yet produced what you claim they will produce. There is more than just one way to view the choices.

I beg to differ my wise friend.

What Obama has produced is exactly what I expected he would.

Question: if he wants to hear both sides as he claims .. why aren't there any antiwar people around him? He's not antiwar. How is it "bringing people together" when he obviously has a litmus test of no antiwar allowed?

He's got his head up Israel's ass .. why no muslims around him? If he wants to hear both sides as he claimed, why doesn't he want to hear the muslims side of the story .. in fact, he doesn't even want to be photographed with muslims.

How should one view the choice of Larry Summers, who believes that non-white life is less valuable and women are inately stupid?

How intelligent people like you keep ignoring the obvious is beyond me. Seriously.

I chalk it up to desperation. Many are so desperate to rid America of the stench of Bush that they'll accept almost anything from Obama .. including him being Bush.
Unity is fine as long as its helps us improve this country.

Do you seriously believe the right-wing is looking for unity?

They are going to slice his ass up every chance they get ... and he's so arrogant, he gave the left the finger as he bent over for the right. Who will be there to defend him .. the middle?
Nothing he ever does will be wrong to Desh, BAC. She's a full-on worshiper and member of the Church of the Democratic Party.