Take Back Barack

Dont let the facts get in the way of your oppinion now guys.
You see the Bush DOJ is not going to be able to keep these lawsuits from happening anymore.
Dont let the facts get in the way of your oppinion now guys.
You see the Bush DOJ is not going to be able to keep these lawsuits from happening anymore.

Nixon won 49 states, Reagan won two elections by majority including 49 states in one, Bush Sr. won a majority and the Republicans dominated the '94 Congressional elections. They didn't cheat to win those.

Let's see the lawsuits come out and say something different about W.
they won't stay home if the alternative is as unpalatable as the republican party has been putting forth lately.

and when you get in office, your "constituents" are more than just the members of "your" party.

Sure, ignore history.

The Republican Party today is no more or less "unpalatable" as they were when Newt was running the ship. In fact, there are few things more deplorable then Newt Ginghich and the contract on America.

.. and if you believe that elected politicians should pay more attention to those who didn't vote for them than those who did .. then you must be a democrat .. and you reflect why they aren't very good at national politics.
Sure, ignore history.

The Republican Party today is no more or less "unpalatable" as they were when Newt was running the ship. In fact, there are few things more deplorable then Newt Ginghich and the contract on America.

.. and if you believe that elected politicians should pay more attention to those who didn't vote for them than those who did .. then you must be a democrat .. and you reflect why they aren't very good at national politics.

According to YOU the GOP is no more or less "unpalatable". I disagee.

I believe that elected politicians should not ignore one half of their constituencies...and if the democrats are so bad at national politics, perhaps you could explain the fact that they solidified their majorities in both chambers of congress AND won the white house last month.
I recognize you're new here .. so as a tip .. save the bullshit for someone else.

I'm not talking about how many conservatives supposedly hate Bush now .. when he was crashing and burning his way through American influence, respect, and power, republicans barely made a peep .. and, just as I said, attacked any and everyone who spoke against his insane policies.

There is a very good reason why republicans are dwindling and they virtually had no chance of winning the White House or controlling congress.

Republicans are dwindling because their party is unpopular due to the bad decisions that politicians within the party have made. This makes sense, yes?

You act as though every Republican didn't speak out against Bush from the beginning, when many have been unhappy with him since before the '04 election. In fact, if Kerry had run a semi competant election campaign, he would have won.

But you generalized Republicans as 'goose-stepping' mindless zombies. You've done likewise in your description of Democrats in other posts, though in this one you seemed to have afforded them some modicum of respect.

What are you basing these 'attacking' Republicans on? The pundits? People you meet online? What is it, because the majority of what makes up both parties are just ordinary citizens and I hardly believe that they banded together to support Bush when he has been so unpopular for so long.

But you are a partisan person. You've set yourself up as the Pretentious Socialist who laments at the miserable state of American politics and how stupid its people are. Partisanship is not reserved only for those who are Democrats and Republicans. It applies to anyone who has an ideology.

But I'm digressing from my point, which is this: Your assumption that Democrats and Republicans are willing to put up with anything from their own party is a misguided assumption that really only applies to a minority of individuals, and if anything how the American public has reacted to the Bush administration for the last five years (roughly when opinions on the Iraq war started to sour in the US) is proof of this.
According to YOU the GOP is no more or less "unpalatable". I disagee.

I believe that elected politicians should not ignore one half of their constituencies...and if the democrats are so bad at national politics, perhaps you could explain the fact that they solidified their majorities in both chambers of congress AND won the white house last month.

Sure I can sum democratic success up in two words .. George Bush.

Now you look back at 40 years history and tell me how it is that 2 terms of Clinton and one term of Cater in 40 years equals success.
Sure I can sum democratic success up in two words .. George Bush.

Now you look back at 40 years history and tell me how it is that 2 terms of Clinton and one term of Cater in 40 years equals success.

Since you brought Congress into it, you must realize that the Democrats have basically owned Congress for most of the past 50 years, and look to have another big majority for at least a few more election cycles, with a Dem President.

America just isn't a left-wing country. It is compared to what the left-wing represented a few decades ago, but not what it represents today.
Republicans are dwindling because their party is unpopular due to the bad decisions that politicians within the party have made. This makes sense, yes?

You act as though every Republican didn't speak out against Bush from the beginning, when many have been unhappy with him since before the '04 election. In fact, if Kerry had run a semi competant election campaign, he would have won.

But you generalized Republicans as 'goose-stepping' mindless zombies. You've done likewise in your description of Democrats in other posts, though in this one you seemed to have afforded them some modicum of respect.

What are you basing these 'attacking' Republicans on? The pundits? People you meet online? What is it, because the majority of what makes up both parties are just ordinary citizens and I hardly believe that they banded together to support Bush when he has been so unpopular for so long.

But you are a partisan person. You've set yourself up as the Pretentious Socialist who laments at the miserable state of American politics and how stupid its people are. Partisanship is not reserved only for those who are Democrats and Republicans. It applies to anyone who has an ideology.

But I'm digressing from my point, which is this: Your assumption that Democrats and Republicans are willing to put up with anything from their own party is a misguided assumption that really only applies to a minority of individuals, and if anything how the American public has reacted to the Bush administration for the last five years (roughly when opinions on the Iraq war started to sour in the US) is proof of this.


I can see you're going to be fun.

If opinions on Bush started to sour 5 years ago .. how did he serve two terms?

Republicans are dwindling because of their failed ideology.. which is geared towards white men only .. thus, they are doomed to shrink. They had so much power they got drunk with it .. and democrats stood as weak hapless spineless opposition at best.

The fraud of Iraq was well known before 2004, yet he won .. and hear you are telling me that only a "few republicans" attacked those who knew better.

Does that make sense to you? It doesn't to me.

What I've "set myself up as" is blackascoal, someone who does not share the opinions of a great many Americans and someone who is unimpressed with lemming-thought .. and I believe there's not a dman bit of difference between democrats and republicans. However you define me .. I don't really give a damn .. SERIOUSLY, I don't.

I welcome any challenge you may have to what I think .. that is why we're here, is it not.

But you'll have to come sharper than claiming only a few republicans attacked anyone who challenged Bush.

"Unpatriotic", "unamerican", "the loony left" .. ring any bells?
Since you brought Congress into it, you must realize that the Democrats have basically owned Congress for most of the past 50 years, and look to have another big majority for at least a few more election cycles, with a Dem President.

America just isn't a left-wing country. It is compared to what the left-wing represented a few decades ago, but not what it represents today.

America isn't a left-wing country at all .. never claimed it was.

You are correct about democratic control of congress .. until the last dem president took office and set out on a course to the right. He validated the right .. just as the Mindfuck Master is doing now.

We'll see if Obama maintains dem control of congress .. I'm betting he does not.
"the last dem president took office and set out on a course to the right"


Clinton's 1st 2 years are remembered for gays in the military, and universal healthcare. That's why Republicans won Congress in '94. There is no one intelligent who argues otherwise.
"the last dem president took office and set out on a course to the right"


Clinton's 1st 2 years are remembered for gays in the military, and universal healthcare. That's why Republicans won Congress in '94. There is no one intelligent who argues otherwise.

Oh sure, and the DLC, the republican wing of the Democratic Party .. created by Clinton .. is just a figment of my imagination
Sure I can sum democratic success up in two words .. George Bush.

Now you look back at 40 years history and tell me how it is that 2 terms of Clinton and one term of Cater in 40 years equals success.

I can sum up republican success in two words: Ron Reagan. One charismatic actor. Without him, 12 of your republican years are gone.

George Bush was certainly the lightning rod for America's disgust over republican "I got mine, so fuck you" domestic policy and the PNAC/Neocon boneheaded foreign policy, but the republican party picked him to lead them.... twice. They can blame it on Dubya all they want, and I hope they do...because that will further delay them doing the hard self-analysis and redefinition they need to do to capture the hearts of Americans again.
The reason Bush won a second term was not because so many people liked him.

It was because the only thing the Dems offered was "I am not George Bush".
The reason Bush won a second term was not because so many people liked him.

It was because the only thing the Dems offered was "I am not George Bush".

they did that this time and won...obama and the rest kept ranting how mccain is nother 4 years of bush...