taking a break from JPP

Keep lying, Jack-off. Oh, and don't forget to keep writing those lovely little porno scenarios you are so fond of. You know, the ones that feature pee, gags, spankings, etc.

What's really amusing about your snowflake whining about being reported by me, and how I supposedly got 100s of ppl banned at Amazon, is this: The majority of the ppl on Amazon who got the ban hammer were -- wait for this! -- lefties. Leonard, 3LK, JGC, Joe Hill, Justin G., that other Justin, Zapatos, electronics guy, etc. Now wouldn't it be slightly ridiculous, if I was intent on getting ppl removed, that I would report the ones I liked? Oops.

^ And thus concludes another duel of wits with an unarmed "man".


the right leaning people don't understand fairness
Owl isn't reporting people here, he's referring to the poster banned. Reporting would gain nothing, unless it's 12b, porn, or personal info you are reporting anyway.

No, I'm not reporting. If I was, I'm sure I'd have the same fate as Centerleft who just got a 24-hour time out for reporting posts. But it makes a great narrative for Jack-off, to try to deflect attention from the real culprit.
And the winner is....everyone in this thread...but Fowl....

<attention whore crumbs(tm)>Wow, it's just like Beetlejuice! Make an allusion to the stalker narc, and there she is! Have a lovely day, Toxic, and don't forget to report early and often.</attention whore crumbs(tm)>
<attention whore crumbs(tm)>Wow, it's just like Beetlejuice! Make an allusion to the stalker narc, and there she is! Have a lovely day, Toxic, and don't forget to report early and often.</attention whore crumbs(tm)>

Crying...Fowl :cry:
I volunteer as Guest Mod in Grinds absence

I am uniquely qualified on the following grounds

1) I am imminently fair
2) I know JPP rules backwards and forwards
3) I have never been banned from JPP (see #2)
4) I am 1000% committed to free speech. I have often defended JPP lefties against bogus accusations
5) I am not swayed by mob rule and can see through bullshit accusations like when Cawacko accused Desh of threatening his daughter (she never did)

So let it be written, so let it be done

No, I'm not reporting. If I was, I'm sure I'd have the same fate as Centerleft who just got a 24-hour time out for reporting posts. But it makes a great narrative for Jack-off, to try to deflect attention from the real culprit.

It wasn't just reporting posts and you're being both disingenuous and utterly blind if you claim otherwise.
busy with shit, don't have much time, or the inclination to mod here for a bit

I might log in from time to time, (doubtful) but anyone that pm's me for help should direct their issues to other mods for the time being. Also use the report feature, it is your friend. I'll be back maybe around mid august. Unless I change my mind.

Best of luck. Now that you got your Hanson cover band back together, you'll be too busy with bitches and hoes for us anyway. I hear you guys were very famous in Japan.

Keep lying, Jack-off. Oh, and don't forget to keep writing those lovely little porno scenarios you are so fond of. You know, the ones that feature pee, gags, spankings, etc.

What's really amusing about your snowflake whining about being reported by me, and how I supposedly got 100s of ppl banned at Amazon, is this: The majority of the ppl on Amazon who got the ban hammer were -- wait for this! -- lefties. Leonard, 3LK, JGC, Joe Hill, Justin G., that other Justin, Zapatos, electronics guy, etc. Now wouldn't it be slightly ridiculous, if I was intent on getting ppl removed, that I would report the ones I liked? Oops.

^ And thus concludes another duel of wits with an unarmed "man".


Pumpkin. I DO NOT want to rehash old history ... but,

The Amazon Forum was much like this place, people with different backgrounds and experiences giving their opinions on politics and current events. Then, ... YOU began Reporting people, over and over and over and over and over, and ... it was like your Signature Achievement. YOU thought it was a 'brilliant' tactic, YOU thought you were a 'genius', ... until it backfired! YOU Reporting others, only induced others to Report YOU. Then, the Forum began a slow but steady downward spiral into a 'Reporting Match' ... initiated by YOU.

Thank God for Captain Billy and the wise JPP Mods for seeing YOU as an existential threat to the ENTIRE Forum with your IDIOTIC 'Reporting' fetish!