taking a break from modding

i could easily get a med card in mass if i wanted to (they give them out like candy) but if you get a med card, you can't get a gun . . .
You’ve been talking about getting a gun almost the entire time I’ve known you, what’s the holdup?
actually not at all, sadly. right when i was about to re-up, my asshole governor closed down rec shops. i've been dry for two months minus me going into my edible stash

Wow, in CO the shops were considered essential, along with liquor stores.
These products aren't the "healthfood store /market" kind...
more like the MWP your Doc mentions...
Never hurts to try... I make make my own....with MCT or hemp oil....
Glad you're doing well, though...stay clear of the oxy whenever possible...

I don't have the time, right now; but when I get a chance, I'll PM you.
Wow, in CO the shops were considered essential, along with liquor stores.

They are considered "essential" here in PA. The governor opened liquor stores here because people were going out of state to purchase liquor and the state was losing tax money. Apparently liquor stores are "essential"?
They are considered "essential" here in PA. The governor opened liquor stores here because people were going out of state to purchase liquor and the state was losing tax money. Apparently liquor stores are "essential"?

If one is going to abuse the citizens supplying drugs certainly helps to keep them docile.

I read a claim today that drinking is up 250%.
They are considered "essential" here in PA. The governor opened liquor stores here because people were going out of state to purchase liquor and the state was losing tax money. Apparently liquor stores are "essential"?

Alcohol: "The cause and solution to all of man's problems".

The only thing more dangerous than an armed drunken mob is a completely sober armed mob. Good call on opening the liquor stores. Trump could garner a lot of support by legalizing pot across the land.
actually not at all, sadly. right when i was about to re-up, my asshole governor closed down rec shops. i've been dry for two months minus me going into my edible stash
Why the hell would anyone go to a pot shop? You don't know anyone with guerilla weed? Hell...we don't have pot shops here, but there's a ton of dispensary weed on the streets.
Genesis 3:22 "What if the man ate of the Tree of Life and lived forever"

Ezekiel 23:20 Yet she multiplied her promiscuity, remembering the days of her youth, when she had prostituted herself in the land of Egypt and lusted after their lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of stallions