Talking points: A critique of Bill Cosby on his criticism of today's youth

The old “victimhood” thing again. Fact is way too many black Americans struggle to be free of poverty and jail because their race has too many icons like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other race baiters like them offering excuses for the race in general by keeping them convinced that because of their skin color they’re automatically ”victims” of every other race on the planet.

Nearly every race and culture that found itself in America suffered discrimination but managed to quickly overcome it by proving they were the equals of every other race and or culture through self-determination, individual ambition and embracing personal responsibility. They didn’t accept the “victim” label. They went out and proved otherwise.

Too many black Americans still struggle with inequality because they enjoy victimhood. It’s an easy excuse so they even dress the unequal part to hang on to being excused for because they’re a victim. They have never overcome slavery because they enjoy the excuse of being enslaved/victimized.


well obviously you're not black....

Racism still exists whether you believe it or not and judging by your response, you either skimmed the first post, just simply witholding your bias oe completely ignored it.
The man is a cunt, pure and simple. Don't like it then tough. I don't like being called a rapist but you don't seem to have any problems with that, so spare me your poutrage. Anyway in a previous existence I seem to recall you saying that it was only a word, so what's your problem?

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And I don't like your fucking unsubstantiated innuendo and all the shit you have spread around about me here and in your fucking PMs Mother Fucker so go fuck yourself. You don't like being called a rapist stop defending rape and rapists you ignorant fuck!

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And I don't like your fucking unsubstantiated innuendo and all the shit you have spread around about me here and in your fucking PMs Mother Fucker so go fuck yourself. You don't like being called a rapist stop defending rape and rapists you ignorant fuck!

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Yet you don't hear many blacks denouncing them all the same. Sharpton especially is like a black Batman waiting for the bat signal to go off so that he can be first on the scene to yet another photo opportunity. Did you know that he is banned from entry into the UK?

You just did that; because you guys were afraid that if he visited, we wouldn't let him return and you'd be stuck with him. :p
I wonder who let the cat out of the bag? :D
That has to be the dumbest idea...That is like some racist hillybilly sending a letter to deate Obama in a forest.

You apparently have failed to even attempt it, so all your proclamations against it are moot.
Get up off of your dead ass and become proactive. :)
First and foremost I have the utmost respect for Mr. Cosby despite my sociopolitical difference regarding people within the urban community. I recently became aware of Mr. Dyson's critcism of Cosby's diatribe on the black community. I really think after reading some of his excerpts in his response to Cosby, Dyson raises some compelling arguments in response. The following are just brief excerpts of Mr. Dyson's response to Mr. Cosby

Cosby: "People with their hat on backwards, pants down around the crack. Isn't that a sign of something, or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up (laughter and clapping)."

Dyson: "Baggy clothes express identity among black youth, and not just beginning with hip-hop culture. Moreover, young black entrepreneurs like Sean 'P. Diddy' Colms and Russell Simmons have made millions from their clothing lines."

Saggy pants, horrible. I see that here with both black and white teens, it's just gross. Baggy clothing, what's the big deal, doesn't anyone remember Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad? :) I see it on black and white teens also.

Cosby: "Those people are not Africans, they don't know a damned thing about Africa. With names like Shaniqua, Shaligua, Mohammed and all that crap and all of them are in jail."

Dyson: "Names like Shaniqua and Taliqua are meaningful cultural expressions of self-determination.I think that it does have something to do with African roots of black identity, and perhaps with Cosby's ignorance and discomfort with those roots.Cosby's ornery, ill-informed diatribe against black-naming is a snapshot of his assault on poor black identity." And "Given the vicious way blacks have been targeted for incarceration, Cosby's comments about poor blacks who end up in jail are dangerously naïve and empirically wrong."

I don't like made-up names either but IMO that's not particular to any culture. For every Shaniqua and Shaliqua there's a Neveah or Makayla, bad spelling and all. What's wrong with nice classy English names like Diana or Sybil? :)

Cosby: "The city and all these people have to pick up the tab on them [poor African Americans] because they don't want to accept that they have to study to get an education."

Dyson: "If the rigidly segregated education system continues to fail poor blacks by failing to prepare their children for the world of work, then admonitions to 'stay in school' may ring hollow.In suburban neighborhoods, there are $60-million schools with state-of-the-art technology, while inner city schools desperately fight for funding for their students."

Absolutely no argument about staying in school. But let's not pretend inner-city schools have the same advantages for students as those in middle- or upper-class areas.

Cosby:"I'm talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit. Where were you when he was two? (clapping) Where were you when he was twelve? (clapping) Where were you when he was eighteen, and how come you don't know he had a pistol? (clapping)"

Dyson: "And then there are the problems of the working poor: folk who rise up early every day and often work more than forty hours a week, and yet barely, if ever, make it above the poverty level. We must acknowledge the plight of both poor black (single) mothers and poor black fathers, and the lack of social support they confront. Hence, it is incredibly difficult to spend as much time with children as poor black parents might like, especially since they will be demonized if they fail to provide for their children's basic needs."

See Reference:

Cosby apparently is unaware of two working-parent households. Poor people do it because they have to, middle- and upper do it because they want to. The DOL says 60% of women are in the labor force. Husbands are the sole worker in fewer than one-quarter of married-couple families.[SUP]5[/SUP] This is a cultural change, not a racial one.
Another hilarious washerwoman meltdown. I have seen Tom, pee wee herman ain't got nothing on him in wimps! I would LMAO if he sent his friend to beat me up, no less you. What a drunken moron.

I bet he wishes he could get this thread closed as well! Or better yet just deleted! He won't get over this trifecta edit very soon!
Speaking of "pants down around the crack," I saw an overweight and 50ish white man who dropped something and bent over to pick it up and you could see almost all of his. I wonder why no one here is talking about plumbers and such? They are way worse than any of the hip hoppers I have seen they generally wear some underwear, I didn't see any under wear on this white guy and after he picked up whatever he dropped he made a big deal about pulling his pants up, but then he realized that some of whatever he dropped remained on the floor so he bent over again. It was damn gross, and I will have that image with me for years. When I told, Darla, about it, she wanted to know if I had gotten a picture. She thought I could put it in my new book, DOWN AND was terrible. But like I said he was an older overweight white man, and there isn't a movement of any sort to try and kill off his kind, and no one is talking about the damage that image did to my mental state, and the others who were unwilling viewers of this man's horrendously gross crack, except by the fast food industry. And as we know that is a long slow process and doesn't come close to eradicating men like him before the age of 60 or more. Meanwhile ALEC is getting these kill a thug laws passed everywhere they can!
When your new book, "Down and Out" comes to Barns and Nobles, post it to me on here and I will buy a copy. I bought a book written by Sweet Shrue, the teacher, on the old Board if anyone still remembers.
You apparently have failed to even attempt it, so all your proclamations against it are moot.
Get up off of your dead ass and become proactive. :)

Whosays I'm not proactive? The fact that I get up everyday and go to work is a testament of my productivity as an American citizen, and the fact I make an attempt to further my education exceeds the societal stereotype of being a young black man. The very fact that I'm not involved in a criminal enterprise is self-evident which alone demonstrates just how much proactive I am.