Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?


Well-known member
We have been living with the Bush Tax Cuts for a while now, job losses since have been bad...

I thought tax cuts were designed to create jobs, what gives?
Excellent question. One I'd love someone to ask Romney that, every time he references Obama's proposed tax hikes as being job killers. Romney loves to talk about the job creators.

How about we give them a tax break, as soon as they create jobs?
Excellent question. One I'd love someone to ask Romney that, every time he references Obama's proposed tax hikes as being job killers. Romney loves to talk about the job creators.

How about we give them a tax break, as soon as they create jobs?

That sounds like a much better plan.
Thats the same question somone should ask Obama, it spouted off all these green jobs were going to be available, yet nothing appeared even close to the number he promised.
Republicans aren't interested in jobs. They're only interested in ensuring the black guy is a one term president.
We have been living with the Bush Tax Cuts for a while now, job losses since have been bad...

I thought tax cuts were designed to create jobs, what gives?

Every day I drive to work I see help wanted signs. Plenty of jobs here. we are still blaming bush

by the way...can you cite anyone who said: tax cuts alone, nothing else in the economy matters, will create jobs.

thanks. we are still blaming bush

by the way...can you cite anyone who said: tax cuts alone, nothing else in the economy matters, will create jobs.


Bush will always be responsible for the big crash; no amount of apologism or deflection will change that.

And Bush himself said his tax cuts would create jobs; reality never came close to what he & his admin promised.
We have been living with the Bush Tax Cuts for a while now, job losses since have been bad...

I thought tax cuts were designed to create jobs, what gives?

Get a clue pinheads.....

Bush tax policy ENDED, 12/31/2010......

Thats the law Bush signed, thats the law Bush enacted, and thats the law Bush supported....

Any tax law that went into effect after that date is Obama tax policy, Obama tax law....supported by the President and Congress in power after that date.
Bush will always be responsible for the big crash; no amount of apologism or deflection will change that.

And Bush himself said his tax cuts would create jobs; reality never came close to what he & his admin promised.

LOL...that is such hackery. largely, but for the real estate bubble, things would have been ok and his tax cuts did in fact work.

you are such an apologist for obama. his promises regarding his stimulus did not all come true, but to this day you still run around proclaiming they did and the stimulus worked. you can pretend that the tax cuts harmed the economy, but that would be to ignore truth and reality. something you are quite good at. obama is never to blame for the economy in your eyes. but with bush, he gets all and sole blame.

BDS hackery to the extreme.
Oh here we go...Can't defend what a failure Obama has been so they have to wheel out Bush for another round of lying liars who lie...Everybody's favorite game show.
Oh here we go...Can't defend what a failure Obama has been so they have to wheel out Bush for another round of lying liars who lie...Everybody's favorite game show.

onceler is the king of this. he will defend obama at all costs and blame everything on bush. we are literally months away from the election and he and others like jarod are still blaming it all on bush.

bush must be laughing his ass off at the stupidity.
the last I heard the tax cuts created 1.4 million private sector jobs this year alone......

Obama's just taking credit for it because he's the guy who extended the tax cuts another year......
LOL...that is such hackery. largely, but for the real estate bubble, things would have been ok and his tax cuts did in fact work.

you are such an apologist for obama. his promises regarding his stimulus did not all come true, but to this day you still run around proclaiming they did and the stimulus worked. you can pretend that the tax cuts harmed the economy, but that would be to ignore truth and reality. something you are quite good at. obama is never to blame for the economy in your eyes. but with bush, he gets all and sole blame.

BDS hackery to the extreme.

I love how much you love Bush.

It's rare to see such adoration for a politician. And a bad one, to boot...
and onceler runs away from the facts again and snipes from the comfort of his peanut gallery

you should change your name to "snipinghack"

why don't you prove how bush alone ruined the economy onceler. why don't prove his tax cuts did not create jobs. grow up and prove your claims for once.
We have been living with the Bush Tax Cuts for a while now, job losses since have been bad...

I thought tax cuts were designed to create jobs, what gives?

The Bush Tax Cuts were in 2001 and 2003. That is close to a decade ago. Yet, you somehow think the effects are supposed to be realized today?

From 2003-2006, millions and millions of jobs WERE created as the result of the Bush Tax Cuts.

Now.... The best example I can give that you might be able to wrap your mind around, it this... Let's say you have no Fruit Loops, and you whine to Mommy that you NEED your Fruit Loops, so she goes to the store and buys you a big box! Now, you are very happy for this, and you start eating your Fruit Loops, you pour bowl after bowl, and eventually.... you go to get a bowl, and the box is empty! Oh my... How can this be? Your Mommy DID buy the Fruit Loops, shouldn't there be some in the box? Is this some terrible trick Mommy has played? Did Mommy lie to you? If she went and spent money on the Fruit Loops, shouldn't there be some?

This is equivalent to the question you are now stupidly asking.