Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?

and onceler runs away from the facts again and snipes from the comfort of his peanut gallery

you should change your name to "snipinghack"

why don't you prove how bush alone ruined the economy onceler. why don't prove his tax cuts did not create jobs. grow up and prove your claims for once.

I've told you a gazillion times, but you're too blinded with infatuation to listen.

Bush was absent on the economy - a negligent President, a la Coolidge. His admin believed that deficit spending didn't matter; he dragged the country into an 8+ year conflict that cost a fortune; he never met a pork-laden energy or transportation bill that he didn't sign enthusiastically. He completely abandoned the balanced budget efforts of the '90's. He was the most fiscally irresponsible President in my lifetime.

Do you need more? You don't have a leg to stand on, because you just started paying attention to politics 3-4 years ago, and have very little understanding of economics. Bush was an economic disaster, Yurt.
I've told you a gazillion times, but you're too blinded with infatuation to listen.

Bush was absent on the economy - a negligent President, a la Coolidge. His admin believed that deficit spending didn't matter; he dragged the country into an 8+ year conflict that cost a fortune; he never met a pork-laden energy or transportation bill that he didn't sign enthusiastically. He completely abandoned the balanced budget efforts of the '90's. He was the most fiscally irresponsible President in my lifetime.

Do you need more? You don't have a leg to stand on, because you just started paying attention to politics 3-4 years ago, and have very little understanding of economics. Bush was an economic disaster, Yurt.

while bush was not the strongest economic president, to say (for the sake of argument) that his absence ALONE caused the economy to collapse shows you are wholly ignorant to the basic fundamentals of the US economy. you want to bitch about deficit spending...odd...i don't hear you whining about obama deficits. has obama not signed a pork energy or transportation bill? did clinton not sign one? the reason i ask, is, you are using this as an example of how bush ruined the economy, yet, you don't hold other presidents to the same standard. that shows how narrow minded and hackish you are. how has obama been any more fiscally responsible?

yes, i asked you for more and you still can't provide it. let me repeat it again because it is clear you have a huge reading comprehension problem.


please don't make me repeat that again. thank you.
I've told you a gazillion times, but you're too blinded with infatuation to listen.

Bush was absent on the economy - a negligent President, a la Coolidge. His admin believed that deficit spending didn't matter; he dragged the country into an 8+ year conflict that cost a fortune; he never met a pork-laden energy or transportation bill that he didn't sign enthusiastically. He completely abandoned the balanced budget efforts of the '90's. He was the most fiscally irresponsible President in my lifetime.

...Are you not counting Obama in your lifetime?

Because Obama doesn't believe deficit spending matters, we're still in the same wars, they still cost a fortune, he's spent over $3 trillion on pork-laden 'shovel ready projects' that didn't exist, and he has yet to send a budget to Congress that even his own party can vote for. His fiscal irresponsibility surpasses the fiscal irresponsibility of Bush and all other previous presidents combined.
while bush was not the strongest economic president, to say (for the sake of argument) that his absence ALONE caused the economy to collapse shows you are wholly ignorant to the basic fundamentals of the US economy. you want to bitch about deficit spending...odd...i don't hear you whining about obama deficits. has obama not signed a pork energy or transportation bill? did clinton not sign one? the reason i ask, is, you are using this as an example of how bush ruined the economy, yet, you don't hold other presidents to the same standard. that shows how narrow minded and hackish you are. how has obama been any more fiscally responsible?

yes, i asked you for more and you still can't provide it. let me repeat it again because it is clear you have a huge reading comprehension problem.


please don't make me repeat that again. thank you.

So, you are saying that like a box of fruitloops, the jobs disappear eventually?
They're at mcdonalds, wendys, kfc you lazy occupy hippy obammy commie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have been living with the Bush Tax Cuts for a while now, job losses since have been bad...

I thought tax cuts were designed to create jobs, what gives?

Stimulus has been spent, where are the jobs? I thought the shovel ready jobs were going to rain from the sky and we'd never have unemployment over 8%...

Why was so much of our "stimulus" spent outside the US? What gives?
Stimulus has been spent, where are the jobs? I thought the shovel ready jobs were going to rain from the sky and we'd never have unemployment over 8%...

Why was so much of our "stimulus" spent outside the US? What gives?

our govt is run by corporatists and it benefitted corporations.
It benefited a whole crapload of foreign corporations. Then they joked about how "shovel-ready" the "stimulus" wasn't. Boy that was funny and stuff.

I can appreciate that it's not as hilarious for you as pollution & things that are toxic to the environment...
while bush was not the strongest economic president, to say (for the sake of argument) that his absence ALONE caused the economy to collapse shows you are wholly ignorant to the basic fundamentals of the US economy. you want to bitch about deficit spending...odd...i don't hear you whining about obama deficits. has obama not signed a pork energy or transportation bill? did clinton not sign one? the reason i ask, is, you are using this as an example of how bush ruined the economy, yet, you don't hold other presidents to the same standard. that shows how narrow minded and hackish you are. how has obama been any more fiscally responsible?

yes, i asked you for more and you still can't provide it. let me repeat it again because it is clear you have a huge reading comprehension problem.


please don't make me repeat that again. thank you.

Why would I have to do that?

I never said his tax cuts didn't create jobs. As for harming the economy, they were fiscally irresponsible at the time. But the fiscal irresponsibility & negligence of his entire admin is a much bigger issue.
I can appreciate that it's not as hilarious for you as pollution & things that are toxic to the environment...

What do you mean? I said it was funny and stuff, a regular gutbusting performance. It was funny on two levels, first that some people believed him when he said there'd be "shovel ready" jobs that "couldn't be outsourced", then when he shoved that there weren't any right in our faces with a chuckle to go along with it... frickin' genius! That was tear-jerking funny. He should get a job as a comedian.

We didn't know it then but we'd get a third laugh later when we found out that literally billions went outside the US creating jobs in other nations... We borrowed money and then gave it to companies in the nation we borrowed the money from! Brilliant!
What do you mean? I said it was funny and stuff, a regular gutbusting performance. It was funny on two levels, first that some people believed him when he said there'd be "shovel ready" jobs that "couldn't be outsourced", then when he shoved that there weren't any right in our faces with a chuckle to go along with it... frickin' genius! That was tear-jerking funny. He should get a job as a comedian.

Jobs are scarce, and he will be looking for one in January... :)
What do you mean? I said it was funny and stuff, a regular gutbusting performance. It was funny on two levels, first that some people believed him when he said there'd be "shovel ready" jobs that "couldn't be outsourced", then when he shoved that there weren't any right in our faces with a chuckle to go along with it... frickin' genius! That was tear-jerking funny. He should get a job as a comedian.

We didn't know it then but we'd get a third laugh later when we found out that literally billions went outside the US creating jobs in other nations... We borrowed money and then gave it to companies in the nation we borrowed the money from! Brilliant!

You still bummed that the stimulus created & saved over 3 million jobs, and that you were wrong about the bailouts, too?

Yeah - you're bummed....
What do you mean? I said it was funny and stuff, a regular gutbusting performance. It was funny on two levels, first that some people believed him when he said there'd be "shovel ready" jobs that "couldn't be outsourced", then when he shoved that there weren't any right in our faces with a chuckle to go along with it... frickin' genius! That was tear-jerking funny. He should get a job as a comedian.

We didn't know it then but we'd get a third laugh later when we found out that literally billions went outside the US creating jobs in other nations... We borrowed money and then gave it to companies in the nation we borrowed the money from! Brilliant!

There were loads of shovel-ready stimulus jobs listed on the FedBizOpps site every single day, being bid on by hundreds of contractors - HUNDREDS. Not enough work for all the companies who needed it. There needed to be more opportunities. That's what is meant by those claiming that the stimulus wasn't big enough.
Bush will always be responsible for the big crash; no amount of apologism or deflection will change that.

And Bush himself said his tax cuts would create jobs; reality never came close to what he & his admin promised.

this is yet another example of why onceler thinks others can't read. fact is, onceler can't communicate effectively.

you said: bush himself said his tax cuts would create jobs; (NOTE you don't give an amount, you just say jobs) then you say...reality never came close what he and his admin promised (and you just said the first part of the sentence, "would create jobs"

next time, please be more clear so others can try and understand you.
You still bummed that the stimulus created & saved over 3 million jobs, and that you were wrong about the bailouts, too?

Yeah - you're bummed.... now it is "and" instead of "or"

could you be a bigger apologist hack...even obama says it is "or"

this is yet another example of why onceler thinks others can't read. fact is, onceler can't communicate effectively.

you said: bush himself said his tax cuts would create jobs; (NOTE you don't give an amount, you just say jobs) then you say...reality never came close what he and his admin promised (and you just said the first part of the sentence, "would create jobs"

next time, please be more clear so others can try and understand you.

LOL - 'tis you that can't read, once again.

You asked who said it, I told you. I never argued that it didn't create any jobs. But, his promises for job growth were much grander than what transpired.

You're really an idiot. No offense or anything.