Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?

They held back for 8 years the very rules that were written into this bill that would have prevented this mess
Brokers had to be lisenced before GLBact.

if they sold things and lied about what was in what they were selling they would have lost their accredidation.

During this laspe in the laws banks could hire whimever they wanted and train them however they wanted.

remember BEFORE this law the banks could NOT sell securities.

now all of the sudden they could and had no rules about who was a broker.

Thata meant the very people now selling securities were bank dupes.

NOT professional brokers as in the past.

Most buyers had NO idea that the broker rules were not allowed to be implimented.

they just trusted their brokers like they had been able to do in the past.

Like in the past when the Broker had a REAL stake in what they sold being good products ( or their lucartive carreers were trashed) or they lost their income and carreer.

The banks made HUGE summs of money off lacing the old securites with the new shit assed sub primes they were now cranking out.

It was great profit for quite a few arround 8 years while the broker rules were held up.

Then guess what?

Boom goes the dynomite and the bottom falls out .

Brokers had to be lisenced before GLBact.

if they sold things and lied about what was in what they were selling they would have lost their accredidation.

During this laspe in the laws banks could hire whimever they wanted and train them however they wanted.

remember BEFORE this law the banks could NOT sell securities.

now all of the sudden they could and had no rules about who was a broker.

Thata meant the very people now selling securities were bank dupes.

NOT professional brokers as in the past.

Most buyers had NO idea that the broker rules were not allowed to be implimented.

they just trusted their brokers like they had been able to do in the past.

Like in the past when the Broker had a REAL stake in what they sold being good products ( or their lucartive carreers were trashed).

The banks made HUGE summs of money off lacing the old securites with the new shit assed sub primes they were now cranking out.

It was great profit for quite a few arround 8 years while the broker rules were held up.

Then guess what?

Boom goes the dynomite and the bottom falls out .


So you are saying licensed brokers is te reason Lehman Brothers went tits up?


Fuck off, Alias. You're a tard. That's why you need it spelled out. You didn't get it the first 30 times it was discussed.

Just curious. Why does this Alias have pictures of you? Lord knows what he could do with them. The fact that you gave pictures to some random person on the Internet doesn't say much about your smarts. Who does that?

a very critical level of the defense of these institutions was put on hold for 8 years under Bush.

they closed the door AFTER the crash

SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers
Eight Years After Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Key Provisions Will Now Be Implemented
Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2007 - Ending eight years of stalled negotiations and impasse, the Commission today voted to adopt, jointly with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), new rules that will finally implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Board will consider these final rules at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. The Commission and the Board consulted with and sought the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Thrift Supervision.


they really thought they could dump this mess on the next guy.

it collapsed too early
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Just curious. Why does this Alias have pictures of you? Lord knows what he could do with them. The fact that you gave pictures to some random person on the Internet doesn't say much about your smarts. Who does that?


Wow, how could you possibly have info like that about me? Gee I wonder?

Post my pic, Alias. Let's see what you've got.