Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?

Why do you think the CRA was necessary?

Banks were taking deposits from minorities/poor, but refusing them loans. Thus the term redlining. BOA considered CRA paper to be a fantastic investment at one time.

actually, there may have been a good reason to not give a poor person a mortgage.....

Annapolis blacks face discrimination in loans

May 12, 1993|By Monica Norton | Monica Norton,Staff Writer

Blacks in Annapolis are more than three times as likely as whites to be turned down for a housing loan in Annapolis and are refused loans at a rate higher than other blacks throughout Anne Arundel County and Baltimore City, according to a study by an economist.

Joseph E. Cater III, an economist for the Office of Policy Development and Research at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, issued the 23-page report May 1.

And Asians are three times more likely than whites to be approved... are they favoring Asian people?
That was not liberals running those banks back in the 90s.

things have not changed much at the banks as far as loaning to people of color
Discrimination exsists to this day.

running arround saying it doesnt and backing that with nothing but lies makes you a racist
Discrimination exsists to this day.

running arround saying it doesnt and backing that with nothing but lies makes you a racist

Let's be clear, you discriminate when you pick out a thong to wear. People are discriminated against all the time, every day, by everybody. RACIAL discrimination, in matters of business, employment, pay, school, loans, etc... is not happening. (If it is, you have a major six-figure lawsuit just waiting!)

To run around falsely claiming it is, makes YOU the racist, not me.
dixie running arround saying you dont have kidney failure when you do have kidney failure and all the tests show you have kidney failure is about as smart as what you are doing now

Study finds home loan rates differ for blacks, whites

Published: Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 3:30 a.m.

Last Modified: Saturday, May 9, 2009 at 10:42 p.m.

Black homeowners in Tuscaloosa County are much more likely to pay higher interest rates than whites regardless of income and amount borrowed, a University of Alabama analysis of federal data shows.

Black homebuyers were 3.2 times more likely than whites to receive mortgages with interest rates at least 3 percentage points above the typical rate at the time the loan was issued, according to the analysis of Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data from 2004 to 2007.

Even tougher for minorities to get mortgages
Housing bust means it's even harder for blacks and Hispanics to get loans, new federal data shows.

NEW YORK ( -- It's even tougher for blacks and Hispanics to get mortgages nowadays, according to a new government report.

While credit has tightened for everyone amid the housing market collapse, blacks and Hispanics are being denied loans at higher rates than whites, according to new federal data. And the gap is widening.

Lending to black and Hispanic borrowers also fell more quickly than average between 2006 and 2008, according to the 2008 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data, released Wednesday by Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. The council consists of the five U.S. bank regulators.
Desh you are taking all of this information out of context in order to FIND racism that isn't there. Stereotypes aside, black people generally have lower credit scores and ratings than white people. Asians have better credit scores and ratings than white people. There are all kinds of factors and reasons for this, but it's pretty much a fact of life, this is the case. Because of that, blacks are less likely to get loans than whites, and Asians are more likely. It's not because the bank is racist and likes Asian people better than whites or blacks. It has nothing to do with race.

Now is this ALWAYS the case? Do you have a link to show some bank is ONLY making loans to white people? Do they have some policy to not loan to blacks? If you have that, please let me know! I will be the first to condemn it, and recommend plenty of legal counsel who will take the case pro-bono. The fact is, you don't have that... because many black people have outstanding credit and never have a problem getting a loan. This is about credit ratings, not race.

Let me ask you something? Do you believe in Dr. King's Dream? If so, how are we to ever get there when you take things out of perspective deliberately to FIND racism, where it doesn't exist? When you continue over and over to do this with everything, turning everything into race and racism? Do you think we can ever get to the place Dr. King dreamed of? You're not helping anything here by behaving like this. If you have legitimate racism, point it out, I will stand with you to protest it, but don't try to pass off things that have absolutely NOTHING to do with racial discrimination, because you think you have that right.
when you deny a problem exsists you insure it gets worse.

I dont know why they right wants this problem to just get worse.

What is in your plan that makes you want to see racism live for ever in this country?

How does it serve your party?
when you deny a problem exsists you insure it gets worse.

I dont know why they right wants this problem to just get worse.

What is in your plan that makes you want to see racism live for ever in this country?

How does it serve your party?

It doesn't serve me or my party. We're not the one raising the issue of race, you are.

Can you not answer my question about Dr. King's Dream? Are you a believer in that?
Once again for the cheap seats: In other words, banks were for the longest time making sensible loans to white folk of low income, but "red-lining" minorities OF THE SAME FINANCIAL STANDING
Once again for the ignorant racist... If you have any proof of this, there are about 3,500 civil rights lawyers who'd love to speak with you!

Ahh, I come back and nothing has changed...our Dixie Dunce is STILL proudly squawking his willful ignorance on a plethora of subjects.

Although I quite tire of doing the homework for these confederate flag defending freaks, I do derive a guilty pleasure in embarassing them. So for Dixie's education:

Herer's a primer on what "red-lining" is and the laws established to combat it

And here are just two examples:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Where are the jobs after 30 years of Reagan's "trickle down" economics? Seems the neocon/teabagger cabal have no straight answer.
Exactly.....JFK cut taxes in the 60's......where the hell are the jobs...obviously tax cuts don't create jobs....
I love liberal thinking, it makes me feel so superior...

JFK initated 'TRICKLE DOWN' economics? Really? Got proof of this or did one of your drinking buddies sell you this?

Either put up some valid, documented proof of what you assert or just stfu and get back to the barstool, bunky....because no one wants to read yet another collection of 'out-of-your-ass' speculations. Where are the jobs that the Bush tax cuts promised? Still waiting for a straight answer.
JFK initated 'TRICKLE DOWN' economics? Really? Got proof of this or did one of your drinking buddies sell you this?

Either put up some valid, documented proof of what you assert or just stfu and get back to the barstool, bunky....because no one wants to read yet another collection of 'out-of-your-ass' speculations. Where are the jobs that the Bush tax cuts promised? Still waiting for a straight answer.

You need to hang out here more often. ;)