Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?

Exactly.....JFK cut taxes in the 60's......where the hell are the jobs...obviously tax cuts don't create jobs....
I love liberal thinking, it makes me feel so superior...

JFK initated 'TRICKLE DOWN' economics? Really? Got proof of this or did one of your drinking buddies sell you this?

Either put up some valid, documented proof of what you assert or just stfu and get back to the barstool, bunky....because no one wants to read yet another collection of 'out-of-your-ass' speculations. Where are the jobs that the Bush tax cuts promised? Still waiting for a straight answer.

Are you hallucinating Clarabell ? Huffing some bad shit ?

Did you actually read "TRICKLE DOWN" economics written in my post somewhere ?

You becoming more of a fool by the second....

The President (JFK) went on television once again. He illustrated how the bill would reduce th taxes of a typical family, and how their tax savings would be used to create more jobs. Ten thousand new jobs had to be created every day; recessions have occurred on the average every 44 months since World War I. "We need a tax cut to keep this present drive from running out of gas." The speech was a success and so was the bill. The Kennedy tax bill, enacted with the help of his successor, and the unparalleled period of expansion stand as a monument to his economic wisdom and political tenacity.

(Yes its true, Democrats did in the past show economic wisdom)
Source: "Kennedy" by Ted Sorensen, p. 433 , Jan 1, 1965

The principal tax cut was the investment tax credit. However, business spending did not begin to pick up until 1964. That is when major cuts in personal tax rates kicked in from legislation passed in 1963. Here is a link to quotations from Kennedy on tax matters:

Of course JFK was killed so the tax cuts were enacted by his successor......

Incidently, GW's unemployment averaged about 5.2% for his 8 years in office......BUSH tax cuts ended in DECEMBER, 2008 along with his presidency....they had done the job they were meant to do.

Now why don't you just STFU until you learn something.
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Originally Posted by bravo
Exactly.....JFK cut taxes in the 60's......where the hell are the jobs...obviously tax cuts don't create jobs....
I love liberal thinking, it makes me feel so superior...
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
JFK initated 'TRICKLE DOWN' economics? Really? Got proof of this or did one of your drinking buddies sell you this
Either put up some valid, documented proof of what you assert or just stfu and get back to the barstool, bunky....because no one wants to read yet another collection of 'out-of-your-ass' speculations. Where are the jobs that the Bush tax cuts promised? Still waiting for a straight answer.

Are you hallucinating Clarabell ?

Did you actually read "TRICKLE DOWN" economics written in my post somewhere ?

You becoming more of a fool by the second....

The President (JFK) went on television once again. He illustrated how the bill would reduce th taxes of a typical family, and how their tax savings would be used to create more jobs. Ten thousand new jobs had to be created every day; recessions have occurred on the average every 44 months since World War I. "We need a tax cut to keep this present drive from running out of gas." The speech was a success and so was the bill. The Kennedy tax bill, enacted with the help of his successor, and the unparalleled period of expansion stand as a monument to his economic wisdom and political tenacity.

(Yes its true, Democrats did in the past show economic wisdom)
Source: "Kennedy" by Ted Sorensen, p. 433 , Jan 1, 1965

The principal tax cut was the investment tax credit. However, business spending did not begin to pick up until 1964. That is when major cuts in personal tax rates kicked in from legislation passed in 1963. Here is a link to quotations from Kennedy on tax matters:

Of course JFK was killed so the tax cuts were enacted by his successor......

Incidently, GW's unemployment averaged about 5.2% for his 8 years in office......BUSH tax cuts ended in DECEMBER, 2008 along with his presidency....they had done the job they were meant to do.

Now why don't you just STFU until you learn something.

Obama EXTENED the Bush tax cuts as a consession to the GOP blockade, you stupe! He did that when they were scheduled to sunset, or wehre you on a bender when the press was covering that?

As for the Kennedy tax cuts,

There's a final problem with portraying Kennedy as the ideological kin of Reagan and Bush on tax policy. Kennedy, it turns out, initially wanted to use government spending, not tax cuts, as the means to put dollars in people's hands. But that idea ran aground in 1962 because conservatives in Congress opposed it, while the president's aides feared that the bond market might respond to additional spending with higher rates that could offset their gains. Still, even as Kennedy accepted tax reduction as the first step along the route to growth, he never gave up his spending idea. "First, we'll have your tax cut," he told Heller; "then we'll have my expenditures program."

Get the WHOLE story, ya neocon/teabagger bar fly!
Obama EXTENED the Bush tax cuts as a consession to the GOP blockade, you stupe! He did that when they were scheduled to sunset, or wehre you on a bender when the press was covering that?

As for the Kennedy tax cuts,

There's a final problem with portraying Kennedy as the ideological kin of Reagan and Bush on tax policy. Kennedy, it turns out, initially wanted to use government spending, not tax cuts, as the means to put dollars in people's hands. But that idea ran aground in 1962 because conservatives in Congress opposed it, while the president's aides feared that the bond market might respond to additional spending with higher rates that could offset their gains. Still, even as Kennedy accepted tax reduction as the first step along the route to growth, he never gave up his spending idea. "First, we'll have your tax cut," he told Heller; "then we'll have my expenditures program."

Get the WHOLE story, ya neocon/teabagger bar fly!

You say Kennedy wanted to use "government spending, not tax cuts to put money in people's hands"

Curious, where does gobblement get its money from?
JFK initated 'TRICKLE DOWN' economics? Really? Got proof of this or did one of your drinking buddies sell you this?

Either put up some valid, documented proof of what you assert or just stfu and get back to the barstool, bunky....because no one wants to read yet another collection of 'out-of-your-ass' speculations. Where are the jobs that the Bush tax cuts promised? Still waiting for a straight answer.

"A rising tide floats all boats." ~JFK

Now, STFU!
Obama EXTENED the Bush tax cuts as a consession to the GOP blockade, you stupe! He did that when they were scheduled to sunset, or wehre you on a bender when the press was covering that?

“I have no doubt that everyone will find something in this compromise that they don’t like,” Obama said, outlining the pitch to his angry Democratic base. “It’s not perfect, but this compromise is an essential step on the road to recovery. It will stop middle-class taxes from going up. It will spur our private sector to create millions of new jobs and add momentum that our economy badly needs.

Read more:

"This bipartisan effort was prompted by the fact that tax rates for every American were poised to automatically increase on January 1st. If that had come to pass, the average middle-class family would have had to pay an extra $3,000 in taxes next year. That wouldn’t have just been a blow to them -- it would have been a blow to our economy just as we’re climbing out of a devastating recession.

I refused to let that happen. And because we acted, it’s not going to."

...essential step on the road to recovery.
...will stop middle-class taxes from going up.
...will spur our private sector
...create millions of new jobs
...add momentum that our economy badly needs
...would have been a blow to our economy

Obama's words, not mine or the GOPs.
Let's be clear, you discriminate when you pick out a thong to wear. People are discriminated against all the time, every day, by everybody. RACIAL discrimination, in matters of business, employment, pay, school, loans, etc... is not happening. (If it is, you have a major six-figure lawsuit just waiting!)

To run around falsely claiming it is, makes YOU the racist, not me.

The Pee wee defense against your partys racism isnt very convincing

You've not shown anything to defend against. Sorry.

First... banks are not run by the GOP!

Second... banks don't look at race when deciding on loans.

Third... Blacks historically have lower credit ratings as a group than whites, and Asians historically have higher credit ratings.

Fourth... You can't even bring yourself to tell me that you believe in the Dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. because you are so ashamed of your behavior.

I need not go further, you are a waste of my time.
here is all you need to understand your lie about which party is the racist party.

My partys highest offical is a black man.

My party consistantly gets about 90% of the black vote.

You party cant attract black voters becuase your party has no respect for black people in this country
here is all you need to understand your lie about which party is the racist party.

My partys highest offical is a black man.

My party consistantly gets about 90% of the black vote.

You party cant attract black voters becuase your party has no respect for black people in this country

Correction: Your party's highest elected official is half black and half not black.

Your party gets more of the black vote because they cater to people on the basis of skin color. The GOP doesn't, they treat all people equally.

I'll pose the question to you that BAC ignored... Just how long do you figure we have to cater to blacks before they are equal to whites?