Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris

MAGAts care.
True. He also lacks couth, class, morals, ethics, intelligence, kindness, compassion, honor, principles.
Imagine Michael Jackson had endorsed Reagan. I am sure he would be grateful, and politely accept the endorsement, but it would not have been that important to him. Now, imagine Jackson had endorsed Mondale. I am sure Reagan would have been just as polite, and would have cared as little. What Reagan would not have done is create a fake Jackson endorsement, because with all his faults, Reagan had some class.

I honestly do not remember if Jackson endorsed Reagan. He did spend a lot of time hanging out with Nancy Reagan. The two were apparently close.
There is no other presidential candidate would care so much about the endorsement of a pop singer as to make up a fake endorsement. trump truly lacks gravitas.
So you ASSUME Trump made those AI deep fakes. And you KNOW this wasn't a Harris fan trolling him? Walt you are a hoot. :rofl2:

Walt did you know that Harris' team was telling everyone Beyonce was going to perform the night of Harris' acceptance speech. Likely to help boost the ratings . Of course it was just a lie.
Equally stupid. Some celebrities are brilliant people but they generally are smart enough to stay out of politics. The idiots tend to be the ones that foist their opinions on the public.
Yep Dolly Parton will not say who she wants. She does not want to offend half of her fans.
I don't mind that Kid Rock and others endorse Trump - he even played at his convention.

I disagree w/ them, but so what? Everyone is entitled to their opinions. It's okay to disagree w/ people and still listen to their music if you like it.

People get too weird on this stuff.
So you ASSUME Trump made those AI deep fakes.
No, I know trump distributed those fakes. Reagan would never have spread fakes of him being endorsed by Jackson.

Speaking of Reagan, trump also distributed a story that Reagan felt trump was more presidential than Reagan. Reagan did not. It is bizarre that trump would spread such a weird lie.

Clinton once shook hands with JFK. When asked, Clinton says it was great to meet JFK even for a moment. He does not claim that JFK thought that the teenage Clinton was going to be a great President.

trump spreads these lies because he is weird. It is beyond just being a liar; he is a weird liar.

There have always been weird liars out there, but trump is unusually highly placed to be a weird liar. It shows a lack of class, gravitas, etc.